Jorge G. Gonzalez
On this page you will find:
- Office Address
- Education
- Honors
- Academic Experiences
- Publications
- Working Papers
- Conferences
- Other Professional Experiences
- Memberships and Offices Held
Office Address
Kalamazoo College
1200 Academy Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
Phone: (269) 337-7220
Michigan State University
Ph.D. in Economics, July 1989.
M.A. in Economics, December 1986.
Fields: International Economics, Political Economy, and Development.
Dissertation title: “Essays in the Theory of International Factor Mobility”
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM), Monterrey, Mexico
Bachelor of Arts, May 1984.
Major: Economics.
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Exchange student. 1982-1983 academic year.
International Trade and Finance Association: President of the Association for 2014.
Trinity University: Elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. May 2009.
American Council on Education: Selected as an ACE Fellow for the 2007-2008 academic year with a placement at Pomona College.
Trinity University: Winner of Trinity University’s most prestigious teaching award, the Dr. and Mrs. Z. T. Scott Faculty Fellowship, May 2003.
Trinity University: Co-recipient of the most outstanding professor of economics award by the Mortar Board Honor Society. October 1996.
Trinity University: Elected to Alpha Kappa Psi Honor Fraternity. November 1991.
Trinity University: R.R. Witt Junior Faculty Fellow (Fall 1989 to Summer 1992).
Michigan State University: “Highest Scholarship Award” (awarded to graduating M.A. in economics with highest G.P.A.). May 1987.
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM): Graduated first in graduating economics class. May 1984.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: Dean’s list (1982-1983).
Academic Experiences
Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo Michigan
President (July 2016 to the present)
Occidental College, Los Angeles, California
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College (August 2010 to June 2016)
Professor of Economics (August 2010 to June 2016)
- Academic Program Strategic Direction: Strategic planning, curriculum development, focus on academic rigor, and promotion of partnerships with local cultural institutions.
- Policy Environment, Decision Making, and Fiscal Responsibility: Policy development, shift to data-driven decision making, and developed multiyear plans to address faculty compensation issues.
- Working with External Constituents: Fundraising, foundation support, enhancing the College’s national profile, community engagement, WASC reaccreditation, and work with Board of Trustees.
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
Special Assistant to the President (August 2008 to July 2010)
Professor of Economics (August 2001 to July 2010)
Acting Director, International Programs (Fall 2006)
Chair, Department of Economics (June 1997 to May 2006)
Associate Professor of Economics (August 1995 to July 2001)
Assistant Professor of Economics (August 1989 to July 1995)
- Special Assistant to the President’s responsibilities: Open Access initiative, sustainability committee, town-gown initiatives, real estate negotiations, crisis management team, and some fundraising.
- Department Chair’s responsibilities: Budget, Outcome assessment reports, performance evaluation of faculty and staff, coordination of faculty and staff searches, coordination of Promotion and Tenure evaluation process, etc.
- Curriculum Development: Organized with a faculty colleague a summer travel program in the European Union (2007, 2008, and 2009). Developed (in cooperation with another faculty member) a summer internship program for Trinity students in Madrid (2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010). Organized with a faculty colleague and with VPSA an intersession travel program in Vietnam (2010). Developed a partnership between the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico) and Trinity University. Contributed in the creation of the “Languages across the Curriculum” program. Developed (in cooperation with other faculty members) Minor in American Intercultural Studies.
- Faculty Development: Developed a faculty exchange program between the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico) and Trinity University. Organized (in cooperation with two faculty members) Faculty Summer Seminar: “Encuentro con Mexico” (Summer 1994). This seminar took 19 professors to Mexico for a 10 day study-tour. Organized (in cooperation with one faculty member) faculty group to attend 1994 Mexican elections as International Observers.
- Classes taught: Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, The World Economy, International Trade, Economic Growth and Development, Economic Development of Mexico, La Economía Mexicana (course taught in Spanish), La Economía Española y la Unión Europea (course taught in Spanish).
- Committee Membership: Advisory Board for Intercultural and Diversity Issues (August 2008 to May 2010), Search Committee for Vice President for Student Affairs (Spring 2007, Chair), Mexico, the Americas, and Spain (MAS) Initiative of Capital Campaign (Fall 2004 to May 2010, cochair), Trinity University Press Editorial Board (Fall 2002 to Spring 2008), MLK Holiday Committee (Fall 2002 to Fall 2006), Student
- Evaluation of Courses and Faculty (Fall 2000 to Spring 2003), Trinity Marketing Task Force subcommittee (Spring 2001 to Fall 2001), International Programs Steering Committee (Fall 2000 to Spring 2004), Task Force on the Quality of Student Life (Fall 2000 to Spring 2001), Search Committee for Vice President for Academic Affairs (Fall 1999 to Spring 2000), Study Abroad (Fall 1998 to Spring 2005), Intercollegiate Athletics (Fall 1998 to Spring 2001, Fall 2004 to Spring 2007), Hearing Committee (Fall 1998 to Spring 2001), Division Council (Fall 1997 to Spring 2001), Languages across the Curriculum (Fall 1995 to Spring 1997, Fall 2005 to Spring 2007), Faculty Advisory Committee of the American Intercultural Studies Minor (Spring 1994 to Spring 1998), International Studies – World Affairs Concentration (Fall 1990 to Spring
- 1994), Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Women and Minorities (Fall 1990 to Spring 1993; Committee’s chair during 1992-1993 academic year), Common Curriculum (Fall 1990 to Spring 1991), Faculty Development (Fall 1991 to Spring 1994).
- Faculty sponsor of Sigma Theta Tau (Fall 1991 to May 2010), Alpha Kappa Psi (Fall 1992 to May 2010), Alpha Theta Chi (Spring 1997 to Spring 2001), Students for NAFTA (Fall 1993), Mecha (Fall 1991 to Spring 1995), the Economics Society (Fall 1990 to Spring 1995), Omicron Delta Epsilon Honors Society in Economics (Fall 1990 to Spring 1995).
- Mass-Media Appearances: Frequently interviewed by local, national, and international media outlets in TV, Radio, and the Press.
Pomona College, Claremont, California
ACE Fellow (September 2007 to March 2008)
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Instructor in Economics (Fall 1987, Academic year 1988-1989)
Graduate Assistant, Department of Economics (Fall 1984 – Spring 1988)
“Factores determinantes de la estructura temporal de las tasas de interés: el caso mexicano (Determinants of Term Structure of Interest Rates: The Mexican Case),” with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz (Comercio Exterior, April 2006, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 278-287).
“Antidumping and Safeguard Measures in the Political Economy of Liberalization: The Mexican Case” (Antidumping y medidas de salvaguardia en la economía política de liberalización: El caso de México”), with Luz Elena Reyes de la Torre, published three times: (in J.M. Finger and J.J Nogues, Safeguards and Antidumping in Latin American Trade Liberalization: Fighting Fire with Fire, Palgrave Macmillan and the World Bank, Washington, DC, 2006, pp. 205-246), (in J.M. Finger and J.J Nogues, Salvaguardias y Antidumping en la Liberalización Comercial de América Latina: Combatiendo el Fuego con Fuego, Siglo XXI de Argentina Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005, pp. 323-382) and (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3684, August 2005).
“Intra-Industry Trade in the Service Sector: Measurement and Implications,” with Robert Shelburne (in M. Plummer, ed., Empirical Methods in International Trade: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Kreinin, Edward Elgar Press, 2005, pp. 110-128).
“Scholarly Journal Articles about the Asian Tiger Economies: Authors, Journals and Research Fields, 1986-2001,” with Joe Davis (Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, November 2003, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 51-61).
“The Dollar and the Peso: Where is the ‘Peso Problem’?” with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz (Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Spring/Summer 2003, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 48-57).
“A Contemporary Analysis of Mexican Stock Market Volatility,” with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz (Applied Financial Economics, 2003, Vol. 13, pp. 741-745).
“The Journal Literature of International Economics,” with Joe Davis and Debra Patterson (in K. Fatemi and D. Jourdan, eds., Contemporary Developments in International Business, Paris: Editions Eska, 2002, pp. 251-259).
“Do Not Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor! Determinants of Legislator Voting on Immigration Issues,” with Nipoli Kamdar (Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 2000, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 127-143).
“The Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Mexican Economy,” with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz (Contemporary Economic Policy, July 2000, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 284-294).
“The Information in the Mexican Term Structure of Interest Rates: Capital Market Implications,” with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 1999, Vol. 9, pp. 149-161).
“Artículos acerca de la Economía Mexicana Publicados en Revistas Especializadas (1978-1995) (Scholarly Journals and the Mexican Economy, 1978-1995),” with Joe Davis (El Trimestre Económico, April-June 1998, Vol. LXV(2), No. 258, pp. 315-326).
“An Empirical Analysis of the U.S. Senate Vote on NAFTA and GATT,” with Nipoli Kamdar (International Advances in Economic Research, May 1998, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 105-114).
“Quis, Quid, Ubi, Quibus Auxiliis, Cur, Quo Modo, Quando? The U.S. House of Representatives Votes on NAFTA and GATT,” with Nipoli Kamdar (in K. Fatemi, ed., International Business in the New Millennium, Laredo, TX: Texas A&M International University, May 1997, Vol. II, pp. 435-449).
“Mexico’s External Sector and the 1994-1995 Crisis: Old Wine in New Bottles?,” with Alejandro Velez (in D. Dimon, I. Gutierrez, and S. Nichols, eds., Competitiveness in International Business and Trade, Laredo, TX: Texas A&M International University, May 1996, Vol. I, pp. 57-68).
“Intra-Industry Trade Between the U.S. and the Major Latin American Countries: Measurement and Implications for Free Trade in the Americas,” with Alejandro Velez (The International Trade Journal, Winter 1995, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 519-536).
“Impact of the Maquiladora Program on the Level of Intra-Industry Trade Between Mexico and the United States,” with Alejandro Velez (in The Globalization of Business in the 1990s: Implications for Trade and Investment, Proceedings of the International Trade and Finance Association Conference, Summer 1994, Vol. 5, pp. 1509-1524).
“Illegal Immigration in the Presence of Labor Unions” (International Economic Journal, Summer 1994, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 57-70).
“An Empirical Estimation of the Level of Intra-Industry Trade Between Mexico and the United States,” with Alejandro Velez (in K. Fatemi ed., North American Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges, London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1993, pp. 161-172).
“An Estimation of Mexico’s Import Demand for U.S. Products and its Implications for the North American Free Trade Area,” with Alejandro Velez (Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Fall 1992, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 61-69).
“Economic Theory of Illegal Immigration: A Survey of Literature” (Southwest Business Review, Fall 1992, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 143-151).
“Effects of Direct Foreign Investment in the Presence of Sector-Specific Unemployment” (International Economic Journal, Summer 1988, Vol. 2,
No. 2, pp. 15-27).
Working Papers
“Scholarly Journal Articles about the Portuguese Economy: 1991-2007” with Joe Davis (May 2008).
“Cuba and Scholarly Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes” with Joe Davis (May 2007).
“Poland and Scholarly Journal Articles: 1991-2005,” with Joe Davis (May 2006).
“Islamic Economics in Scholarly Journals, 1991-2004,” with Joe Davis (May 2005).
“Intra-Industry Trade between the U.S. and Five Central American Countries: Measurement, Economic Prospects, and Issues,” with Alejandro Velez (December 2004).
“Scholarly Articles about the Economies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico: Authors, Journals, and Research Fields, 1988-2003,” with Joe Davis (August 2004).
“Political Solutions for an Economic Dilemma: Determinants of Legislator Voting on Textile and Apparel Trade Legislation,” with Jan Hathcote, Nipoli Kamdar, and Kathleen Rees (September 2003).
“Self-interest or Constituents’ Interest? A Tale of Four Votes,” with Erica Clower and Nipoli Kamdar (June 2000).
“The Immigration Paradox. Determinants of Legislator Voting on the Immigration on the National Interest Act,” with Nipoli Kamdar. (November 1999).
Council of Independent Colleges and Universities, Presidents’ Institute, January 2022, Marco Island, FL. Participated in panel discussion titled: “Compelling Evidence Liberal Arts Leaders Need.”
American Academic Leadership Institute / Council of Independent Colleges Senior Leadership Academy, November 2021, Louisville, KY. Keynote address: “Authenticity: The Best You is You.”
American Academic Leadership Institute / Council of Independent Colleges Senior Leadership Academy, November 2020, Virtual Keynote address: “The President’s View of the Cabinet as a Team.”
American Academic Leadership Institute / Council of Independent Colleges Senior Leadership Academy, November 2019, Baltimore, MD. Keynote address: “The President’s View of the Cabinet as a Team.”
NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Presidents and Provosts Summit, May 2019, Washington, DC. Participated in panel discussion about the importance of study abroad programs.
American Conference of Academic Deans, January 2019, Atlanta, GA. Opening Plenary: “Embracing Change: Thriving in Uncertain Times.”
Council of Independent Colleges and Universities, Presidents’ Institute, January 2019, Scottsdale, AZ. Participated in panel discussion titled: “Effective Approaches to Achieve Internationalization.”
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2014, Kayseri, Turkey. Presidential address: “My Life as an Economist.”
College Board Higher Ed Colloquium, January 2014, San Diego, CA. Participated in panel discussion titled: “Operationalizing the Mission: Institutional Leaders Share Their Perspectives.”
American Council on Education, March 2013, Washington, DC. Participated in panel discussion titled: “Pathways to the Presidency.”
Association of Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, March 2013, Cocoa Beach, FL. Gave presentation about the development of global citizenship in undergraduate education.
American Conference of Academic Deans (at AAC&U Conference), January 2013, Atlanta, GA. Participated in panel discussion titled: “Becoming a Chief Academic Officer.”
Pacific Consortium of Small West College Business Officers, December 2012, Indian Wells, CA,. Participated in panel discussion about relationship between Chief Academic and Chief Financial Officers.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, October 2011, San Antonio, TX. Participated in panel discussion titled “Strengthening Institutional Capacity through Executive Leadership Development: The ACE Fellowship.”
American Economic Association, January 2011, Denver, CO. Participated in panel discussion titled: Round Table on Regionalism.”
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, November 2009, Orlando, FL. Participated in panel discussion titled “Beyond the Professoriate: Preparing Hispanic Leadership for Higher Education.”
American Association of Retired People (AARP) Life Festival, May 2009, San Antonio, TX. Participated in panel discussion titled: “The Status of Our Economy and the Importance of Planning for Your Future.”
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2008, Lisbon, Portugal. Presented paper on the journal literature about the Portuguese economy (coauthored with Joe Davis).
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2007, Miami, FL. Presented paper on the journal literature about the Cuban economy (coauthored with Joe Davis).
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2006, Lodz, Poland. Presented paper on the journal literature about the Polish economy (coauthored with Joe Davis).
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2005, Istanbul, Turkey. Presented paper on the journal literature of Islamic economics (co-authored with Joe Davis).
American Economic Association, January 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Presented paper on the terms of trade effect of NAFTA (co-authored with Mordechai Kreinin and Michael Plummer).
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2004, San Antonio, TX. Presented papers on the journal literature of the economies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico (co-authored with Joe Davis) and on the level of intra-industry trade between the U.S. and Central America (co-authored with Alejandro Velez).
Workshop (sponsored by the World Bank) on the use of WTO safeguard mechanisms (e.g., anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, escape clause relief, etc.) by Latin American nations, May 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presented paper, with Luz Elena Reyes de la Torre, on the political economy of safeguard mechanisms in Mexico.
NAFTA 10th Anniversary Conference, May 2004, San Antonio, TX. Presented talk on the Mexican economy.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2003, Vaasa, Finland. Presented papers on the journal literature of the Nordic economies (coauthored with Joe Davis) and on the political economy of textile protection in the U.S. (co-authored with Jan Hathcote, Kathleen Rees, and Nipoli Kamdar).
North American Small Business International Trade Educators, April 2003, San Antonio, TX. Presented talk on Mexico’s economy.
XXIV Simposium Internacional de Economía, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, April 2003, Monterrey, Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economy.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Presented paper on the journal literature of the East Asian economies (co-authored with Joe Davis).
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 2001, Tampa, FL. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar and Erica Clower, on the political economy of immigration policy.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 2001, Washington, DC. Presented paper on the measurement of intra-industry trade in the service sector (co-authored with Robert Shelburne).
International Trade and Finance Association, June 2000, Montpellier, France. Presented papers on political economy of immigration (co-authored with Erica Clower and Nipoli Kamdar), on the volatility of the Mexican Stock Market (co-authored with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz), and on the journal literature on international economics (co-authored with Joe Davis and Debra Patterson).
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1999, New Orleans, LA. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar, on the determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on immigration issues.
Texas Association of Regional Councils, September 1999, El Paso, TX. Presented talk on Mexican economy to a group of 300 Texas judges and mayors.
BKR International, American Regional Meeting, June 1999, Palm Beach, FL. Presented talk on the Latin American economy.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 1999, Casablanca, Morocco. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar, on the determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on immigration issues.
ABC Coke, Third Annual U.S. / Mexican Sales Seminar, April 1999, Mexico City, Mexico. Presented talk on the Mexican economy.
IV Congreso de Comercio Internacional, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, March 1999, Monterrey, Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economic crisis.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 1998, Atlantic City, NJ. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar, on the determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on immigration issues.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1997, Atlanta, GA. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar, on the determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on immigration issues.
3rd Annual International Economic Forum, Immigration and the Economy, El Paso Branch – Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, November 1997, El Paso, TX. Presented paper, co-authored with Nipoli Kamdar, on the determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on immigration issues.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 1997, Porto, Portugal. Presented papers on determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on NAFTA and GATT (co-authored Nipoli Kamdar) and on the informational content of the term structure of interest rates in Mexico (coauthored with Roger Spencer and Daniel Walz).
IV Simposium Internacional en Administración, Universidad de Montemorelos, March 1997, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economy.
Southwest Council of Latin American Studies Meetings, February 1997, Austin, TX. Participated in panel discussion about the Mexico – U.S. border.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1996, Washington, DC. Presented paper, co-authored Nipoli Kamdar, on determinants of the U.S. House of Representatives votes on NAFTA and GATT.
Dallas Assembly 1996 Seminar, May 1996, San Antonio, TX. Presented talk on Mexican economic crisis to a group of business and community leaders from Dallas, TX.
III Simposium Internacional en Administración, Universidad de Montemorelos, March 1996, Linares, N.L., Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economic crisis.
Southwest Council of Latin American Studies Meetings, March 1996, Oaxaca, Mexico. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on reaction of Mexico’s external sector to the economic crisis of 1994-1995.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1995, New Orleans, LA. Presented paper, with Nipoli Kamdar, on determinants of the U.S. Senate votes on NAFTA and GATT.
National Feed Ingredient Credit Group of the National Association of Credit Managers, October 1995, San Antonio, TX. Presented talk on the Mexican economic crisis.
Instituto de Contadores Públicos de Nuevo León, A.C., September 1995, Monterrey, Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economic crisis.
Texas Association of Regional Councils, September 1995, San Antonio, TX. Presented talk on Mexican economic crisis to a group of 300 Texas judges and mayors.
International Trade and Finance Association, May 1995, San José, Costa Rica. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on Intra-Industry trade between the U.S. and the major Latin American nations.
Congreso Internacional de Administración de Empresas del ITESM, March 1995, Monterrey, Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economic crisis.
Instituto de Contadores Públicos de Nuevo León, A.C., January 1995, Monterrey, Mexico. Presented talk on Mexico’s economic crisis.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1994, Orlando, FL. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on time-series determinants of IntraIndustry Trade between Mexico and the U.S.
International Trade and Finance Association, July 1994, Reading, England, UK. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on importance of Maquiladora industry in explaining the level of Intra-Industry Trade between Mexico and the United States.
Radio Advertising Bureau’s 1994 Conference, February 1994, Dallas, TX. Presented talk on NAFTA and its possible consequences.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1993, New Orleans, LA. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on determinants of IntraIndustry Trade between Mexico and the U.S.
International Association of Business Forecasting, April 1993, San Antonio, TX. Presented paper on Intra-Industry Trade between Mexico and the United States.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1992, Washington, DC. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on Intra-Industry Trade between the U.S. and the major Latin American countries.
Latin American Studies Association, XVII International Congress, September 1992, Los Angeles, CA. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on Intra-Industry Trade between the U.S. and the major Latin American countries.
Fulbright Regional Enrichment Center, San Antonio Seminar, April 1992, San Antonio, TX. Participated on panel discussion “San Antonio and Mexico: Linking Free Trade in the Global Community.”
Southwestern Economic Association Meetings, March 1992, Austin, TX. Presented paper on Mexico’s import demand for U.S. products.
Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines Meetings, March 1992, San Antonio, TX. Participated on panel discussion of Mexico’s role as a model for economic development for South America.
Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1991, Nashville, TN. Presented paper, with Alejandro Velez, on Intra-Industry Trade between Mexico and the U.S.
“The Free Trade Agreement, Mexican American Perspectives,” A Tomás Rivera Center Seminar, March 1991, San Antonio, TX. Discussed possible effects of FTA on U.S. border region. Excerpts of this discussion appear in the Tomás Rivera Center’s publication The Free Trade Agreement, Mexican American Perspectives.
5th Hispanic Symposium on Business and the Economy, February, 1991, S. Padre Island, TX. Served as discussant for paper dealing with foreign direct investment in Mexico.
Southwestern Economics Association Meetings, March 1990, Fort Worth, TX. Presented paper on Illegal Immigration.
Sloan Foundation Graduate Institute in International Economics, Spring 1988, University of Western Ontario. Participant.
Mid-West International Economics Meetings, Spring 1987, University of Kentucky. Presented paper on Effects of Foreign Investment.
Other Professional Experiences
Coordinated study of Food Marketing in Mexico.
ADEMSA, Monterrey, Mexico, June-August 1987
Assisted in study of Food Marketing in Mexico sponsored by FIDEC (Trust Fund of the Bank of Mexico) and the World Bank.
ADEMSA, Durango, Mexico, June 1986
Coordinated public opinion polls in the State of Durango on behalf of one of the candidates to Governor of that State.
GRUPO GENTOR, S.A., Monterrey, Mexico, January-August 1984
The job in the Strategic Planning Department included conducting several market studies in various cities with the purpose of finding optimum locations for new ASTRA outlets (hypermarkets). Also a study on the U.S.- Mexican border retail trade was conducted.
Memberships and Offices Held
American Economic Association
President: The F.W. and Elsie L. Heyl Science Scholarship Fund (2016 to the present)
Board of Directors: Bronson Healthcare Group (2017 to the present)
Board of Trustees: Kalamazoo Community Foundation (2017 to the present)
Board of Trustees: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (2018 to the present)
Board of Directors: The Annapolis Group of Liberal Arts Colleges (2019 to the present), Treasurer (2022 to the present)
Board of Directors: Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities (2016 to the present), Treasurer (2022 to the present)
Board of Trustees: Michigan Colleges Alliance (2021 to the present)
Board of Directors: Council of Independent Colleges (2018-2021)
Board of Trustees: Flintridge Preparatory School, La Cañada, CA (2011 to 2016)
President: International Trade and Finance Association (2014)
Council of Fellows Executive Board: American Council on Education, (2009 to 2010).
Board of Directors: International Trade and Finance Association (2003-2005, 2006-2008, and 2009 to 2016)
Board of Directors: Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce (2009 to 2010).
Board of Directors: World Affairs Council – San Antonio (August 2007 to July 2010).
Board of Directors: Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos (August 2005-June 2007).
Board of Directors: San Antonio KIPP – Aspire Academy (August 2003-June 2007).