Chicago Regional Event with President Gonzalez

Chicago Regional Alumni Event

All Kalamazoo College alumni, parents and friends are invited
to join us for the Chicago Regional Alumni Event with President Jorge G. Gonzalez.

Tuesday, April 22
Reception 6:30-8:30 p.m.

American Writers Museum
180 N. Michigan Avenue, Second Floor
Chicago, IL

Please register by Tuesday, April 15 | Questions? Contact or 269.337.7283

Ann Arbor Regional Event with President Gonzalez

Ann Arbor Regional Alumni Event

All Kalamazoo College alumni, parents and friends are invited
to join us for the Ann Arbor Regional Alumni Event with President Jorge G. Gonzalez.

Thursday, April 3
Reception 6:30-8 p.m.

Weber’s Boutique Hotel and Restaurant
3050 Jackson Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI

Please register by Friday, March 28 | Questions? Contact or 269.337.7283