Day of Gracious Giving

The Day of Gracious Giving is an annual one-day giving campaign in support of K’s Highest Priorities, Financial Aid and Faculty Resources.

Gifts to the Kalamazoo College Fund provide students with the resources they need to develop critical thinking skills through a rigorous liberal arts education.

Day of Gracious Giving

Scholarships and financial aid are crucial in attracting talented students and making their K education possible. On the Day of Gracious Giving, K alumni have an opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of current and future students by making a charitable contribution.

On this page you will find information on:

How did the Day of Gracious Giving Begin?

Since 1974, Kalamazoo College students have celebrated the Day of Gracious Living (DOGL), a surprise day away from the classrooms in the spring term to live graciously. Given the nostalgia around this day, the Kalamazoo College Fund initiated our first iteration of the Day of Gracious Giving in the spring of 2013 with young alumni. Since that time the giving day has grown into a giving opportunity for all alumni, family and friends of K. The Day of Gracious Giving encompasses the traditional spirit of the Day of Gracious Living – a spirit of joy, appreciation and gratitude.

When is the Day of Gracious Giving?

This year, the Day of Gracious Giving is scheduled for May 7, 2025.

The Day of Gracious Giving is an opportunity for K alumni, parents and friends to give graciously in support of increasing accessibility to the College—and every element of the K-Plan. Currently, 98 percent of K students receive scholarships and/or financial aid. Gifts during the Day of Gracious Giving provide access to a Kalamazoo College education which is an investment in the future of our community and the world.

Don’t miss out on the Day of Gracious Giving! Verify whether we have your current email address by contacting or updating your information here.

How is news of the Day of Gracious Giving Shared?

K alumni, parents and friends will receive communication inviting them to participate in the Day of Gracious Giving via email and social media.

Kalamazoo College Social Media Accounts

Supporting the College on the Day of Gracious Giving

How can alumni share the Day of Gracious Giving with their networks?

Alumni advocates connect with their classmates to encourage giving back to K and share why it’s important to give graciously. Find out more on how to support KCF on the day by becoming an advocate.

2024 Day of Gracious Giving Results

$564,430 raised

1,314 donors

Day of Gracious Giving Icons representing Rigorous Academics, Hands-On Learning, Study Abroad and Senior Integrated Project