President’s Student Ambassador Reference Form


Please contact Laurel Palmer
Director, Kalamazoo College Fund
Coordinator, President’s Student Ambassadors program

Important Information

Thank you for supporting the President’s Student Ambassadors program and completing your student candidate’s application!

Deadline for submission: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET.

Preview of questions to complete your reference

Do you prefer to type your answers in a document and then copy and paste the answers here at a later time? Copy the following list of questions to get started.

Contact Information

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Applicant Information

  • Applicant first and last name
  • How long have you known this applicant?
  • In what capacity do you know this applicant?
  • Please describe this applicant’s leadership skills and qualities that you have seen or experienced.
  • In your experience, how well does the applicant engage with new or unfamiliar environments and groups?
  • Please speak to this applicant’s awareness of self and others.
  • What particular strengths does this applicant have to convey positive energy and the spirit of Kalamazoo College?
  • What weaknesses may challenge this applicant in conveying the positive energy and spirit of Kalamazoo College?
  • Optional: Additional comments
  • Would you recommend this applicant?
  • Additional details or specifications in regards to your recommendation
  • Would you like to connect further with the President’s Student Ambassadors program Coordinator
  • Optional: Upload an additional letter of recommendation (.pdf format recommended)
    • Maximum file size: 10 MB


  • Consent agreement

Thank you for your interest in providing a reference for a President’s Student Ambassador candidate. The window for reference submissions are now closed. Please contact Laurel Palmer at or via teams with questions.