Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students who received awards during the 2018 Senior Awards Ceremony on June 16 at Stetson Chapel. The awards include all academic divisions, prestigious scholarships and special non-departmental awards. Again, congratulations to all graduates and members of the class of 2018.

George Acker Award, awarded annually to a male athlete who in his participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational.
- Jonathan Nord
Alpha Lambda Delta Dr. Helen Clark Graduate Fellowship, given to the Alpha Lambda Delta member graduating with the highest GPA.
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
American Chemical Society Certified Degree in Chemistry
- Maria Elva Fujii
- Sarah Marie Harnish
- Phuong Nguyet Ha Le
- Omar León Ruiz
- Madeleine Grace Roberts
- Caleb Sherwood
- Kathryn Doral Thamann
James Bird Balch Prize in American History, for showing academic excellence in American history.
- Angel Caranna
Lillian Pringle Baldauf Prize in Music, awarded to an outstanding music student
- Lauren Landman
Lewis Batts Prize, awarded to seniors who have done the most to support the activities of the Biology Department and to further the spirit of collegiality among students and faculty.
- Manbir Singh
- Erika Kelly Waalkes
Bruce Baxter Memorial Award, awarded to a senior showing outstanding development in the field of political science.
- Anselm Scheck
Gordon Beaumont Memorial Award, awarded to students who display qualities of selflessness, humanitarian concern and willingness to help others as exemplified in the life of Gordon Beaumont.
- Rumsha Sajid
- Cindy Xiao
Beeler Senior Projects Abroad Fellows
- Lotte Louise Dunnell
- Oluchi Amarachi Ebere
- Alicia Gaitan
- Jasmine Khin
- Connor Webb
Larry Bell Scholar
- Lee Ray Carter
Biology in Liberal Arts Prize
- Rosemarie Nocita
- Kathleen Elizabeth Brannan Russell
Marshall Hallock Brenner Prize, awarded to an outstanding student for excellence in the field of psychology.
- Justin Thad Roop
Henry and Inez Brown Award, awarded in recognition of outstanding participation in the College community.
- Alexandrea Esther Ambs
- Emily Good
- David Vanderkloot
Clara H. Buckley Prize for Excellence in Latin, awarded to an outstanding student of the language of the Romans.
- Clayton James Meldrum
Mary Long Burch Award, for a senior woman who has manifested interest in sports activities and excelled in scholarship.
- Christina Dandar
Robert Bzdyl Prize in Marine Biology, awarded to one or more students with demonstrated interest and ability in marine biology or related fields.
- Claire Eleanor Howland
Annual Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry.
- Clay Wilkey
Annual Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry.
- Madeleine Grace Roberts
Annual Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society and subcommittee for the Division of Physical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student who displays significant aptitude for a career in organic chemistry.
- Joyce Nguyen
Outstanding Chemistry Student from Kalamazoo College, sponsored by the Kalamazoo Section of the American Chemical Society and is given to the graduating senior who has demonstrated leadership in the chemistry department and plans to pursue graduate studies in chemistry.
- Madeleine Grace Roberts
Lilia Chen Award in Art, awarded to students in their junior or senior year who distinguish themselves through their work in ceramics, sculpture, or painting, and who exhibit strong progress in their understanding of art.
- Carlos Enrique Arellano
- Dorothy Carpenter
- Alicia Gaitan
- Kelly Marie Haugland
- Julia Madeline Koreman
- Erin Sidney Reilly
- Amber Sims
Ruth Scott Chenery Award, given to graduating seniors who have excelled academically in theatre and who plan to continue the study of theatre arts following graduation.
- Johanna Keller Flores
- Samuel Meyers
Chinese Outstanding Achievement Award, which recognizes seniors who have excelled in the study of the Chinese language and China-related subjects on campus and abroad in China.
- AJ Convertino
- Sharon Situ
- Lia Williams
Provost Prize in Classics
- Leah Elizabeth Finelli
- Clayton James Meldrum
Provost Prize in Computer Science
- Skyler Norgaard
- Sivhaun Sera
H.P. and Genevieve Connable Scholarship
- Hayley Beltz
C.W. “Opie” Davis Award, awarded to the outstanding senior male athlete
- Ryan Orr
Diebold Scholar Award, given to one or more seniors in recognition of excellence in the oral or poster presentation of the SIP at the Diebold Symposium.
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
- Emma Kristal
- Matera Stuart
Marion H. Dunsmore Memorial Prize in Religion, awarded to graduating seniors for excellence in the major.
- Hannah Bernice Berger
- Emily Good
- David Vanderkloot
Provost Prize in Economics
- Thao Duong
- Maria Franco
- Logan Nicole Smith
George Eaton Errington Prize, awarded to outstanding senior art majors.
- Charlotte Mary Gavin
- Tulani Pryor
Alliance Francaise Prize in French, awarded for excellence in French by advanced students.
- Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
- Anselm Scheck
French Government Teaching Assistantships
- Molly Elise Merkel
- Zoe Johannsen
Joe Fugate Senior German Award, awarded to a senior for excellence in German.
- Shelby Marie Hopper
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship
- Katherine Elizabeth Johnson
Departmental Prize in Greek
- Samuel Meyers
Xarifa Greenquist Memorial Psychology Department Award, given in recognition of distinctive service to students and faculty in psychology by a student assistant.
- Ethel Mogilevsky
- Lorenzo Redmond
- Gabrielle Alexis Shimko
Fred and Sarah Greer Endowed Scholarship/Lorinda Kay Sanford Memorial
- Darryl Keyshaun Lewis
- Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
- Austin Vance
- Kierra Verdun
Griffin Prize, awarded to the senior English major who, like Professor Gail Griffin, demonstrates an exceptional ability to bridge his or her analytical and creative work in the English department.
- Rumsha Sajid
Charles C. Hall Scholarship
- Maria Elva Fujii
Ham Civic Engagement Scholar
- Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
W. and Elsie L. Heyl Scholars
- Brice Calco
- Rachel Sujin Chang
- Emily Catherine Fletcher
- Abhay Goel
- Jacob Naranjo
- Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
- Peter Rossi
- Amber Salome
- Anna Michele Roodbergen
The Raymond L. Hightower Award, given to a graduating senior for excellence in and commitment to the disciplines of sociology and anthropology and leadership in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.
- Monet Foster
- Alejandro Antonio Jaramillo
- Savannah Julia Kinchen
- Kiavanne Abelardo Javier Williams
Virginia Hinkelman Memorial Award, awarded to a deserving student who displays a deep concern for the well-being of children, as demonstrated through career goals in the field of child welfare.
- Sarafina Jeanette Milianti
- Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
History Department Award, given for outstanding work in the major
- Franklin Meyer
Hodge Prize in Philosophy, awarded to members of the graduating class who have the highest standing in the field.
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
- Jasmine Khin
- Federico Spalletti
John Wesley Hornbeck Prize, awarded to seniors with the highest achievement for the year’s work in advanced physics toward a major.
- Hayley Beltz
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
Hornet Athletic Association Award, for a graduating senior who has most successfully combined high scholarship with athletic prowess.
- David Vanderkloot
William G. Howard Memorial Prize, awarded to a senior for excellence in academic work in an economics or business major.
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
William G. Howard Memorial Prize in Political Science
- Alex Sitner
Japanese National Honor Society, College Chapter, awarded in recognition of student achievement in their study of the Japanese language and their overall academic excellence.
- Miles McDowall
- Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
- Yilan Qiu
Kurt Kaufman Fellows, given annually to seniors who receive Honors in the Senior Individualized Project (SIP) conducted with faculty in the Chemistry Department.
- Maria Elva Fujii
- Sarah Marie Harnish
- Christina Keramidas
- Madeleine Grace Roberts
Knoechel Family Award, awarded to a member of the swimming team in recognition of demonstrated excellence in both intercollegiate swimming and academic performance.
- Alexandrea Esther Ambs
Irmgard Kowatzki Theatre Award, awarded to the senior who has excelled both in academic areas and in theatrical productions during the four years at the College.
- Lauren Landman
LaPlante Civic Engagement Student Scholars, for outstanding dedication to civic engagement while designing and leading community programs that promote a more just, equitable and sustainable world.
- Alexandrea Esther Ambs
- Delaney Fordell
- Sarafina Jeanette Milianti
- Khusbu Patel
- David Vanderkloot
Tish Loveless Award, given by the Department of Physical Education to the outstanding senior female athlete.
- Katherine Elizabeth Johnson
- Madeline Woods
Music Department Certificate of Distinction
- Georgetta Booker
- Elan Dantus
- Kelly Marie Haugland
- Christian Kelley
- Kelsey Amanda Matthews
- Matthew Peters
- Sydney Troost
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
Department of Philosophy Prize, awarded for excellence in any year’s work in philosophy.
- Lee Ray Carter
- Emiline Noel Chipman
- Federico Spalletti
William E. Praeger Prize in Biology, established by the faculty in the Biology Department and awarded to the most outstanding senior majors in biology, based on academic achievement in the discipline.
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
- Khusbu Patel
Robert and Karen Rhoa Prize in Business
- Thomas Bryant
- Phuong Nguyen
- Jake Wasko
Robert and Karen Rhoa Prize for Outstanding SIP
- Tuan Do
- Monica Gorgas
- Katherine Elizabeth Johnson
Elwood H. and Elizabeth H. Schneider Prize in English, awarded for outstanding and creative work in English done by a student who is not an English major.
- Rosemarie Nocita
- Tulani Pryor
Senior Leadership Recognition Award, awarded to students who have provided key elements of leadership in their organizations, athletic teams, academic departments, employment, and the wider Kalamazoo community. Students were nominated by faculty and staff members in January. Seniors eligible for this award also had to meet a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average requirement and be in good academic and social standing at the College.
- Alexandrea Esther Ambs
- Hannah Bernice Berger
- Mary Elizabeth Burnett
- Erin Elizabeth Butler
- Elan Dantus
- Leah Elizabeth Finelli
- Emily Good
- Andre Grayson
- Griffin D. Hamel
- Emily Marlies Kozal
- Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
- Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
- Khusbu Patel
- Sean Peterkin
- Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
- Benjamin Rivera
- Rumsha Sajid
- Sivhaun Sera
- Elyse Tuennerman
- David Vanderkloot
- Kiavanne Abelardo Javier Williams
- Lia Williams
- Cindy Xiao
Fan E. Sherwood Memorial Prize
- Jacqueline Mills
Sherwood Prize in Fine Arts, awarded for outstanding progress and ability on the violin, viola, cello or bass.
- Cody Colvin
Catherine A. Smith Prize in Human Rights, awarded to a senior who has been active on campus in promoting human rights, furthering progressive social and cultural change, and combating violence, repression and bigotry.
- Emiline Noel Chipman
Catherine A. Smith Prize in Women’s Athletics, awarded to a woman athlete who in her participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational.
- Danielle Louise Simon
Lemuel F. Smith Award, given to a student majoring in chemistry pursuing the American Chemical Society approved curriculum and having at the end of the junior year the highest average standing in courses taken in chemistry, physics and mathematics.
- Maria Elva Fujii
Senior Spanish Award, given by the Department of Romance Languages for outstanding achievement in Spanish.
- Emily Marlies Kozal
- Claire Schertzing
Mary Clifford Stetson Prize, awarded for excellence in English essay writing by a senior.
David Vanderkloot
Dwight and Leola Stocker Prize, awarded for excellence in English writing, prose or poetry.
- Margaret Doele
- Elise Renée Houcek
- Kate Liska
- Ian Zigterman
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Prize in Women’s Studies
- Angel Caranna
Stowe Scholarship
- Clay Wilkey
David Strauss Prize in American Studies, awarded for the best paper written by a graduating senior in his or her junior or senior year in any field of American Studies.
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
TowerPinkster Sustainability Scholarship
- Emiline Noel Chipman
Babette Trader Campus Citizenship and Leadership Award, awarded to members of the graduating class, who have most successfully combined campus citizenship and leadership with scholarship.
- Emiline Noel Chipman
- Maria Elva Fujii
- Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
Charles Tully Design Award, given annually to a senior who has achieved excellence in some aspect of theatre design.
- Carlos Enrique Arellano
- Stina Taylor
Donald W. VanLiere Prize Psychology in Coursework
- Christina Dandar
- Lia Williams
- Cindy Xiao
Donald W. VanLiere Prize Psychology in Research
- Christina Dandar
- Ethel Mogilevsky
- Gabrielle Alexis Shimko
- Mariam Souweidane
Vibbert Civic Engagement Scholar, students who honor and exemplify the life and spirit of Stephanie Vibbert – scholar, activist, poet, feminist and artist – by leading programs that promote equity and justice through the arts and feminist organizing.
- Rumsha Sajid
Voynovich Competitive Scholarship
- Elise Renée Houcek
Michael Waskowsky Prize, awarded to outstanding junior or senior art majors.
- Zoe Johannsen
- Miranda Petersen
Charles Lewis Williams Jr. Award, awarded for oratory at the English SIP Symposium
- Aunye Scott-Anderson
Clarke Benedict Williams Prize, awarded to that member of the graduating class who has the best record in mathematics and the allied sciences.
- Hayley Beltz
- Abhay Goel
- Jacob Naranjo
- Skyler Norgaard
Maynard Owen Williams Memorial Award, for the best student entry in the form of an essay, poetry, paintings, sketches, photographs or films derived from study abroad.
- Alejandro Alaniz
- Shelby Marie Hopper
- Omar León Ruiz
- Franklin Meyer
- Michelle Orta
- Aunye Scott-Anderson
- Haley Elizabeth Wentz
Honors in the Major Department
Anthropology and Sociology
- Logan Nicole Smith
- Elyse Tuennerman
Art – Studio Art
- Julia Madeline Koreman
- Camille Kay Giacobone
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
- Claire Eleanor Howland
- Khusbu Patel
- Amber Salome
- Connor Webb
- Ryan Andrusz
- Thomas Bryant
- Jonathan Nord
- Jake Wasko
- Maria Elva Fujii
- Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
- Gabriel Page Rice
- Madeleine Grace Roberts
- Julia K. Bartlett
- Clayton James Meldrum
Computer Science
- Emily Catherine Fletcher
- Miles McDowall
- Daniel Clayton Michelin
- Skyler Norgaard
- Sivhaun Sera
- Preston Wang-Stosur-Bassett
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
- Thao Duong
- Logan Nicole Smith
- Margaret Doele
- Elise Renée Houcek
- Jasmine Khin
- Rumsha Sajid
- David Vanderkloot
French and Francophone Studies
- Molly Elise Merkel
- Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
German Studies
- Shelby Marie Hopper
- Franklin Meyer
International and Area Studies
- Yilan Qiu
- Hayley Beltz
- Abhay Goel
- Jacob Naranjo
- Matthew Peters
- Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
- Jasmine Khin
- Federico Spalletti
- Hayley Beltz
- Abhay Goel
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
- Christian Kelley
Political Science
- Anselm Scheck
- Christina Dandar
- Cindy Xiao
- Kalyn Marie Campbell
- Elise Renée Houcek
- Alicia Lauren Madgwick
- David Vanderkloot
Theatre Arts
- Johanna Keller Flores
- Lauren Landman
- Samuel Meyers
- Stina Taylor
Members of Phi Beta Kappa
- Ryan Andrusz
- Hayley Beltz
- Thomas Bryant
- Brice Calco
- Emiline Noel Chipman
- Christina Dandar
- Emily Catherine Fletcher
- Maria Elva Fujii
- Camille Kay Giacobone
- Abhay Goel
- Kelly Marie Haugland
- Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
- Claire Eleanor Howland
- Emily Marlies Kozal
- Miles McDowall
- Samuel Meyers
- Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
- Rosemarie Nocita
- Skyler Norgaard
- Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
- Ty Robert Owens
- Khusbu Patel
- Emma Peters
- Yilan Qiu
- Anna Michele Roodbergen
- Elinor Ruth Rubin-McGregor
- Amber Salome
- Logan Nicole Smith
- David Vanderkloot
- Connor Webb
- Lia Williams
- Madeline Woods