
K Alum and Social Justice Warrior Dies

K Alum and Social Justice Warrior Dies

Chokwe Lumumba ’69, mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, died on February 25, 2014. He was 66. He came to K from Detroit, Michigan, as Edwin Taliaferro. He majored in political science, played football and basketball, and was instrumental in the creation and growth of the College’s Black Student Organization. He was profoundly affected by the assassination […]

Art Professor Honored for Civic Engagement

Art Professor Honored for Civic Engagement

Michigan Campus Compact (MiCC) honored Associate Professor of Art Sarah Lindley with its biennial MiCC Faculty/Staff Community Service-Learning Award, the highest honor that MiCC bestows on faculty and staff in the state of Michigan. Lindley has made outstanding contributions in service-learning, and she has inspired students to become involved in service-learning through modeling, influencing, and […]

Headline and Lead Combine “Data,” “Value,” and Kalamazoo College

Headline and Lead Combine “Data,” “Value,” and Kalamazoo College

A Wall Street Journal article (“College Uses Test Data to Show Value,” by Douglas Belkin, February 20, 2014) describes K’s efforts to measure (and market) the gains its students experience in critical thinking and problem solving skills because of the K undergraduate learning experience. The article notes that K leads a growing trend of colleges […]



Festival Playhouse of Kalamazoo College presents Max Frisch’s The Firebugs on Thursday, February 27, through Sunday, March 2, at the Nelda K. Balch Playhouse. The reprise (the play was originally staged and directed by K theatre arts professor Nelda Balch in 1964) celebrates the 50th anniversary of Festival Playhouse, which was founded by Balch. The […]

Professor Emeritus of Sociology Richard Means Dies

Professor Emeritus of Sociology Richard Means Dies

Richard L. Means ’52, professor emeritus of sociology, died on February 15, 2014. He came to K as an undergraduate student in 1948, when he transferred from the University of Toledo. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. At K he won the Hodge Prize in philosophy and was president of the student body. […]

New Arcus Center at Kalamazoo College Attracting Attention

New Arcus Center at Kalamazoo College Attracting Attention

Wood is used in one way or another on just about every home or building, from frame to trim, from siding to roof, and to finely crafted accents. But chances are you’ve never seen a building with log “bricks” laid with their circular ends showing, not stacked lengthwise, as you’d see on a typical log […]

Award for Japanese Speech a K First

Award for Japanese Speech a K First

Senior Megan Davis and first-year Katherine Ballew participated in the Michigan Japanese Speech Contest (held at Hinoki International School, Livonia, Mich.). The title of Megan’s speech was “A Moment in Which I Made a new Realization About the World.” Katherine’s speech, “Heading Toward a World Without Racism” was awarded an Honorary Mention. It was the […]

Emptying the White Knapsack

Emptying the White Knapsack

“Students of color at colleges across the country have been organizing for years to foreground their experiences of racism – raising a broad range of issues from campus life, to curriculum, to hiring practices and faculty representation of people of color. At Kalamazoo College, a growing number of students of color are raising key questions […]

K Alumni in the News

Gerald E. Rosen ’73, who has served for 24 years as a U.S. District Court judge in Detroit (five years as chief judge), delivered the 29th annual I. Goodman Cohen Lecture in Trial Advocacy at Wayne State University Law School in Detroit on Feb. 4. Rosen’s lecture, “Trial Practice as Viewed from the Perspective of […]

Sound Affects DOOM

Sound off or sound on? Turns out that music makes better DOOM–or, more precisely, players of that first-person video shooter game score a lot higher with the sound (music and effects) on … at least according to one study. Associate Professor of Psychology Siu-Lan Tan joined renowned video game composer Sascha Dikiciyan (Sonic Mayhem) to […]

Extraordinary Women: Real and Imagined

Festival Playhouse invites you to meet some extraordinary women, real and imagined. Senior and junior directors Arshia Will ’14 and Jane Huffman ’15 will share their work (Maria Irene Fornes’ Mud and a compilation of Shakespeare scenes titled What She Wills) at Festival Playhouse’s Senior Performance Series, presented in Kalamazoo College’s Dungeon theatre February 13-16. […]