
K History Professor Will Deliver Public Lecture in Berlin

David Barclay, History, will deliver a public lecture at the Free University of Berlin. The title of his talk is “Old Glory und Berliner Baer: Die USA und West-Berlin 1948-1994 [Old Glory and the Bear of Berlin: The USA and West Berlin 1948-1994].” The event commemorates the collaboration of the German Studies Association (GSA) with […]

Habitat Home Honors Alumnus’ Memory

A new Habitat for Humanity home will be built in the Roosevelt Park neighborhood of Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the name of the late Andy Angelo ’78, editor of the Grand Rapids Press. Construction will begin in July and complete in November, requiring an estimated  45 volunteer days to make “The House That Andy Built”. […]

Kalamazoo College Wins Educational Impact Award

Kalamazoo College Wins Educational Impact Award

Kalamazoo College won a 2013 Southwest Michigan First Catalyst Award in the category of Educational Impact. K was one of 50 companies, organizations, and individuals that received awards for this year’s Southwest Michigan First Catalyst Awards. Since 2005 Catalyst Awards have recognized contributions that help create jobs and economic growth in the Southwest Michigan area. […]

Top 25!

Top 25!

Kalamazoo College placed 24th overall in 2013 RecycleMania, a friendly (and eco-friendly) sustainability competition among colleges and universities that focuses on waste minimization and recycling. More than 600 schools in the United States and Canada participated this year. 2013 was an off-year for K compared to its performances of previous years; nevertheless, it finished in […]

Finland-Bound Football Force Features K’s Okey

Finland-Bound Football Force Features K’s Okey

Call it “Study Abroad, The Sequel.” Liz Okey ’07 is returning to Europe, this time to Vantaa, Finland, as a member of “Team USA.” She won’t be playing volleyball, her sport of choice at K. Instead, she’ll be playing on Team USA’s offensive line in the International Federation of American Football (IFAF) Women’s World Championship […]

Fourteen Comes in ’13

Fourteen Comes in ’13

Kalamazoo College marks its 14th annual Summer Common Reading (SCR) program in Fall 2013 with The New York Times bestseller In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner. SCR is the first step in Kalamazoo College′s first year experience. The assigned reading and short written responses lead to discussions with fellow first-year students, faculty […]

African Film Series at K, June 22-23

Four documentary films centering on social justice issues critical to both Africa and the United States and that also have global implications will be presented at Kalamazoo College, Saturday June 22 and Sunday 23, in the Light Fine Arts Building, Connable Recital Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Showings are free and open to the public.       […]

Tate-Stone Travel Writers Academy at K

Tate-Stone Travel Writers Academy at K

  Question: Where can inner-city Kalamazoo schoolgirls ages 9 through 14 experience hands-on career exploration with women lawyers, scientists, pilots, and world travelers, AND experience college life? Answer: Kalamazoo College, July 7 through 13. The Tate-Stone Travel Writers Academy—a program of the Merze Tate Travel Club—has teamed with K, Western Michigan University’s Lewis Walker Institute, […]

K professor talks about complex Bonaparte

K professor talks about complex Bonaparte

K Professor of History Charlene Boyer Lewis ′87 is the author of the 2012 biography, Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte: An American Aristocrat in the Early Republic. Boyer Lewis is quoted in a recent Baltimore Sun article about a new historical exhibit in Baltimore on its famous 19-year-old citizen who married Napoleon Bonaparte′s younger brother. Read more about Elizabeth′s long, […]

Kalamazoo College Commencement 2013

Kalamazoo College Commencement 2013

Kalamazoo College will host Commencement for the Class of 2013 on Sunday, June 16, at 1:00 p.m., on the campus Quad. About 3,000 people are expected to attend the event, which is free and open to the public. A total of 344 graduates from 27 states and eight foreign countries (China, Ecuador, Haiti, Hong Kong, Jamaica, […]

Sophomore’s Poems Draw Acclaim

Jane Huffman, a sophomore double-major (English and Theatre) is already getting poems and fiction published in good journals. Two of her poems–“Animal” and “Vegetable” appear in e-magazine Bad Penny Review. Two other poems will publish in forthcoming issues of print magazines: “Bad Poetry, or The Ways in Which we use our Hands” will appear in […]

Faculty Honors in Art and Science

Peter Erdi, Physics and Complex Systems Studies, has been selected to deliver the “Ignite” talk at the Science of Success symposium (June 17, 2013) at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.). The title of his address is “Prediction of Emerging Technologies.” In other recognition of faculty work, the artwork “Kohler Pile”–a collaborative piece that Associate Professor of […]