
Van Gogh Mystery’s K Connection

Van Gogh Mystery’s K Connection

PBS will premiere Van Gogh’s Ear on Wednesday, December 14, (check local listings) and, if you watch, see if you can find David Kessler ’70. The documentary is based on a recent book by Bernadette Murphy, which reveals much that was unknown or contested about the life of the famous painter. Among those mysteries: the […]

Two-hour delay for Dec. 12

Due to the clean up from the severe weather, the opening of Kalamazoo College will be delayed until 10 a.m., today, Monday December 12, 2016. Only weather emergency designated employees should report to work at their scheduled time. All other employees should remain away from campus until 10 a.m.; by doing so they assist the […]

Social Justice Fellows Named

Social Justice Fellows Named

The Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) has announced the 2016-17 Regional Fellows. The program helps leaders in Kalamazoo County clarify the core values they want their work to exemplify, increase their effectiveness, and bring a stronger social justice focus to their work.  Fellows will engage often with the ACSJL for eight months, attending […]

Dean’s List Fall 2016

Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Fall 2016 academic term. Students who elect to take a letter-graded course on a credit/no credit basis (CR/NC) are […]

Thanksgiving Journey Home

Thanksgiving Journey Home

Jamie Schaub ’12, a Montessori teacher who lives and works in Traverse City, Michigan, traveled to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota during Thanksgiving. She shared her story of leaving home to go home. A few days before Thanksgiving I decided to travel to Standing Rock, an impulse initiated by donations collected in Traverse […]

Profile of Courage

Profile of Courage

In May of 2013 alumnus David France ’81 returned to Kalamazoo College’s campus to present his Oscar-nominated documentary “How to Survive a Plague.” David has recently written and published a book of the same title, How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS. On November 21, the New […]

Providing Professional Experience and Networks

Providing Professional Experience and Networks

Kalamazoo College’s Center for Career and Professional Development seeks alumni and friends interested in helping  students to gain the experience and networks that will advance their career aspirations. There are three ways to get involved, according to Joan Hawxhurst, director of the CCPD. 1.  Hosting a student through the Discovery Externship Program enables alumni to […]

Conference Honors K Student’s Research

Conference Honors K Student’s Research

Sarah Bragg ’17 won an award for her poster detailing research on barriers to HIV testing. She presented the poster at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Tampa, Florida, this month. Her work was awarded in the conference’s Behavioral Science and Public Health category. Sarah conducted her research during 12-week summer internship […]

Problematic Art and Agonistic Space

Problematic Art and Agonistic Space

Associate Professor of Art History Christine Hahn published an article, “Maintaining Problematic Art: A Case Study of Philip Evergood’s The Bridge of Life (1942) at Kalamazoo College.” The article was published in Public Art Dialogue (6:1, 116-130) on May 27, 2016. The piece is particularly interesting for any alumni familiar with the mural (see above) […]

Undergraduates Present Research

Undergraduates Present Research

Fifteen Kalamazoo College students joined three of their teachers (professors Dwight Williams, Santiago Salinas and Ellen Robertson)  to present research at the 2016 West Michigan Regional Undergraduate Science Research Conference (WMRUGS) in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The annual conference provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to present their own research to a large and supportive group […]

K Alumna Elected to ACS Director Post

K Alumna Elected to ACS Director Post

Christina C. Bodurow ’79, senior director of external sourcing in the medicines development unit at Eli Lilly & Co. (Indianapolis), has been elected the District II Director for the American Chemical Society for 2017-2019. District II includes counties in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina. At K Christina majored […]

Kalamazoo College Inaugurates its 18th President

Kalamazoo College Inaugurates its 18th President

Kalamazoo College inaugurated its 18th president, Jorge G. Gonzalez, in a celebration Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016, at Stetson Chapel. Dozens of colleges and universities from across the country sent representatives to the ceremony to join college trustees, alumni, students, faculty, staff, family and friends in the festivities. “My grandfather and father could never have imagined […]