
Economic Inequality and Political Power in America

Economic Inequality and Political Power in America

Martin Gilens will deliver the 2016 William Weber Lecture in Government and Society on January 25 at 8 p.m. in the Mandelle Hall Olmsted Room on the Kalamazoo College campus. The event is free and open to the public. Gilens is professor of politics at Princeton University, and the title of his lecture is “Economic […]

Organic Gypsy Cooks Award-Winning Potato

Organic Gypsy Cooks Award-Winning Potato

Bees and their honey have nothing over this Hornet and her spud. Bridgett Blough ’08 grew up in a farming community in rural Coloma Township in Michigan eating potatoes with most every meal. Good locally-grown food was a staple on her mama’s table. On January 12, Blough took her love of potatoes to the Spud […]

18th President Official News Release

18th President Official News Release

Kalamazoo, Mich. (January 12, 2016) – The Board of Trustees of Kalamazoo College has chosen Jorge G. Gonzalez, Ph.D., to become the institution’s 18th president. Gonzalez is currently vice president for academic affairs and dean of the college at Occidental College (Los Angeles, Calif.). He succeeds President Eileen B. Wilson-Oyelaran, Ph.D., who announced her retirement […]

K Announces 18th President

K Announces 18th President

The board of trustees of Kalamazoo College has chosen Jorge G. Gonzalez, Ph.D., to become the institution’s 18th president. Gonzalez is currently vice president for academic affairs and dean of the college at Occidental College (Los Angeles, Calif.). He succeeds President Eileen B. Wilson-Oyelaran, who announced her retirement in April 2015. Her last day at […]

“Princess, Prisoner, Queen” is Original Research by a Liberal Arts Agent

“Princess, Prisoner, Queen” is Original Research by a Liberal Arts Agent

This week Sara Stack ’15 will break from her study of insects (she is working on a master’s degree in entomology at Purdue University) to travel to San Francisco and present a classics paper at the 2016 annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). From insects to classics!? Therein hangs a liberal arts […]

What is the Temple of Artemis?

What is the Temple of Artemis?

Theresa Tejada ’10 won the episode of the television show JEOPARDY! that aired on Tuesday, December 22. Her one-day winnings totaled $21,599. She defended her champion status, albeit unsuccessfully, the following day. Two episodes of Jeopardy seems a fitting tribute to a liberal arts education. On her championship day Theresa’s major in classics came in […]

Alumnus Will Lead Effort to Solve Flint Water Crisis

Alumnus Will Lead Effort to Solve Flint Water Crisis

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has chosen Harvey Hollins III ’87 to coordinate the state’s response to the Flint water crisis. Hollins directs the Office of Urban and Metropolitan Initiatives, which was formed in 2012. The problem with the city of Flint’s water supply began when the city switched water sources to the Flint River in […]

Science and Fiction in the House of Magic

Science and Fiction in the House of Magic

Say Vonnegut and most everyone fills in the blank: Kurt. But there was another Vonnegut, and when Bernard built silver-iodide generators and seeded clouds to create rain, he was the brother the government began watching. If the military could control the weather, well, that could be the next super weapon. In her new book, The […]

Dean’s List Fall Term 2015

Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Fall 2015 academic term. Students who elect to take a letter-graded course on a credit/no credit basis (CR/NC) are […]

K Philosopher Writes About Syrian Refugees

K Philosopher Writes About Syrian Refugees

Max Cherem, philosophy, has contributed a thoughtful reflection to a “Philosophers On” segment focused on the Syrian refugees. Since 2011, more than 10 million Syrians have been displaced from their homes, and more 4 million have fled their homeland, seeking refuge from the violence and chaos of the civil war wracking their country. The war […]

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership at Kalamazoo College Selects Four Local Activists for Inaugural Regional Fellowship Program

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership at Kalamazoo College Selects Four Local Activists for Inaugural Regional Fellowship Program

The Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) at Kalamazoo College has named four Southwest Michigan social justice activists to its inaugural ACSJL Regional Fellowship Program. The four Regional Fellows – Lolita Moss, Fernando Ospina, Jacob Pinney-Johnson, and Janai Travis – will serve in their fellowships through June 2016. They will receive funding, training, and […]

K women show GISMO girls there’s no magic to learning computer science

K women show GISMO girls there’s no magic to learning computer science

More Kalamazoo College Computer Science majors doing good things: Recently, Natalie Davenport ’16, Octavia Smith ’18 and Melany Diaz ’16 (l-r in photo) led sessions on Android app creation for Kalamazoo-area sixth- and seventh-grade girls at GISMO (Girls Investigate Science and Math Opportunities), held at KAMSC (Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center). In six separate […]