K Students in France
Students at the two Kalamazoo College study abroad centers in France (Strasbourg and Clermont-Ferrand) and in other countries are reported safe. K’s Center for International Programs continues to be in contact with students and with program directors in France and other countries. Students are being encouraged to check in with their families and program directors, […]
K Computer Science Students Make Their Professor Proud
Two teams of Kalamazoo College students traveled to the ACM ECNA International Collegiate Programming Contest regional competition at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) in Grand Rapids recently — and “both teams did great,” said Associate Professor of Computer Science Pam Cutter, Ph.D. “It’s the first time we’ve placed in the top 5 at our site!” […]
Alumnus to be Honored With Public Service Award
The Honorable Gerald Rosen ’73, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan will receive the 11th Annual Dennis Archer Public Service Award on November 19. The Michigan Bar Association is honoring Rosen for his work mediating Detroit’s bankruptcy settlement, an effort that took months of difficult negotiation and […]
“Autism in Love” a First of Four
Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) will partner with Media Arts Academy of Kalamazoo to host free community sneak previews and discussions of films to be aired on the award-winning weekly PBS series Independent Lens, beginning with “Autism in Love” on Wednesday, November 11, at 5:30 p.m. at the Center (205 Monroe […]
Honors Day 2015
Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who received awards during the Honors Day Convocation, October 30, 2015, in Stetson Chapel. The awards include all academic divisions, prestigious scholarships, and special non-departmental awards. The Honors Day Convocation occurs annually, during the Friday community gathering of Family Weekend. FINE ARTS DIVISION THE BRIAN GOUGEON PRIZE IN […]
Our “Miller’s Tale”
Move over, Chaucer! Kalamazoo College has its own “Miller’s Tale,” that of Alisa Crawford ’91, who recently won the state history award from the Historical Society of Michigan for her book “De Zwaan: The True Story of America’s Authentic Dutch Windmill.” Alisa is the resident miller at the De Zwaan windmill, which is located in […]
Distinguished K Professor and Administrator Dies
Former Kalamazoo College professor of economics and business Sherrill Cleland died of natural causes at the age of 91 on October 26, 2015, in Sarasota, Florida. He was an outstanding teacher and educator, a leader and innovator in higher education, and an accomplished economist. Professor Cleland was born in 1924 in Galion, Ohio, to Fred […]
Choreopoem Ready to Move
Festival Playhouse of Kalamazoo College will present Ntozake Shange’s for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf in the Nelda K. Balch Playhouse. The play opens Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 p.m. Additional evening performances occur Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14, at 8 p.m., and a matinee concludes the […]
Finding Strengths
Kalamazoo College Assistant Professor of Psychology Kyla Fletcher has been awarded a grant by the National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities (part of the NIH) to study African-American partner relationships and share “what goes right” in terms of daily HIV risk reduction behavior. The three-year grant ($438,000, making it the largest single-investigator award […]
The Algorithm Knows
Justin Horowitz ’05 is a graduate research assistant in bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He’s also the first author of a study that describes the development a of mathematical algorithm that can ascertain intention even when the act of carrying out that intention is interrupted. The study article is titled “I […]
K Expert on Anti-Semitism and the EU Addresses Colloquium in England
Amy Elman, the Weber Professor in Social Science, traveled to Bristol, England, in September as an invited speaker at an international colloquium on contemporary anti-Semitism. Her talked was titled “The Enduring Significance of an Abandoned Definition: the EU’s Working Definition of Anti-Semitism and its Foreign Policy Ambition,” and it focused on the the past year’s […]
Does Good Need Memorable?
BuzzFeed’s Reggie Ugwu wrote an explication of a new vocal phenomenon he calls “Indie Pop Voice” (“Selena Gomez’s ’Good for You’ and the Rise of the ’Indie Pop Voice’”). The trend refers to many singers’ creative reshaping of vowel sounds. But why do that? To arrive at a more comprehensive answer to that question, Reggie […]