
Dean’s List for Fall Term 2014

Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Fall 2014 academic term. Kudos to the entire group of some 300 students, and good luck in Winter term, […]

Alumna Archivist and Prominent Citizen Help Tell the Story of Kalamazoo

Alumna Archivist and Prominent Citizen Help Tell the Story of Kalamazoo

Opening a door can change a life. In the life of Kalamazoo College graduate Mary Corcoran ’11, the door opened a closet. But the closet belonged to 89-year-old Martha Parfet, whose ancestors come from two of the most prominent families in Kalamazoo history: the Upjohns and the Gilmores. The collaboration between these two women (Parfet […]

Directors Debut

Directors Debut

Liberal arts in theatre arts means a chance for multiple roles—as in actor, crew member, and director. Kalamazoo College’s Senior Performance Series provides senior students a chance to do the latter. This winter’s SPS features The Gas Heart, directed by Joseph Westerfield ’15, and Wooed and Viewed, directed by Arik Mendelevitz ’15. The performances will […]

Sunday Concert

Sunday Concert

Soprano Katelin Spencer will do a concert at Kalamazoo College on Sunday, January 25. The Brighton (Mich.) native received her bachelor’s degree in voice performance from the University of Michigan and her master’s degree in opera performance and literature from Northwestern University. Spencer currently lives in Kalamazoo and is a frequent soloist with the Kalamazoo […]

Campus Symposium Will Focus on Ebola Epidemic

Campus Symposium Will Focus on Ebola Epidemic

As is often true with epidemics of highly lethal diseases, the response to the ongoing outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa reveals much about matters human and humane. These matters include fear and courage, stigmatization, power, poverty, inequity, cross cultural acumen, individual and collective responsibility, infrastructure, response time, the role of global citizens, […]

Robin (Alexander) Sakamoto ’85  opens doors for Japan’s working women

Robin (Alexander) Sakamoto ’85 opens doors for Japan’s working women

From The Japan Times, Jan. 11, 2015 An interesting scenario played out several weeks ago in the president’s office at Kyorin University in Mitaka, Tokyo. Robin Sakamoto, the recently appointed dean of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, was sitting with the president and a few members of staff. Enter the secretary to serve tea. “Of […]

Ten alumni put K on Teach For America top list

Ten alumni put K on Teach For America top list

Ten recent Kalamazoo College alumni joined the Teach For America (TFA) corps in 2014. That’s enough to again place the College on the top-20 list of small colleges and universities that supply the greatest number of alumni (on a per capita basis) to TFA. It’s the seventh year TFA has released its top-20 list and […]

Between the Lines: Nicolette Hahn Niman ’89 defends beef–but prefers not to eat it

Between the Lines: Nicolette Hahn Niman ’89 defends beef–but prefers not to eat it

Kalamazoo College alumna Nicolette Hahn Niman ’89 is an environmental lawyer, rancher, food activist, author, and vegetarian who has published Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production, published by Chelsea Green. It’s her second book. Wait…a vegetarian who has written a book in defense of beef? Oh, yes! Hahn Niman’s first book, Righteous Porkchop: […]

Kalamazoo College Faculty Members Achieve Outside the Classroom

Kalamazoo College Faculty Members Achieve Outside the Classroom

Kalamazoo College faculty members not only teach, also advise students, and serve on numerous committees that help direct the College’s academic programs, they publish books, essays, scientific papers, and other writings, and they receive awards, grants, and countless other accolades. Below are recent achievements by just a few K faculty members. Well done, professors! (By […]

First Language: Music!

First Language: Music!

Our first “language” is music, according to the latest Psychology Today blog post of Kalamazoo College Professor of Psychology Siu-Lan Tan. Or, more accurately, our first language is the interaction of our bodies with music, which begins as young as 10 months old! We may not synchronize our movements with the sound until the age […]

Sports Award Named for Kalamazoo College Alumnus Charles “Mickey Charles” Tucker

Sports Award Named for Kalamazoo College Alumnus Charles “Mickey Charles” Tucker

Charles Tucker ’56 has been responsible for handing out a lot of athletic awards through the years. Now, one of those awards bears his name. Charles, known professionally as “Mickey Charles,” is founder, CEO, and president of The Sports Network, a Hatboro, Pa.-based wire-service providing sports information in real time. Nearly 30 years ago, Tucker […]

K Closes for Holiday Break

Kalamazoo College will close for its annual holiday break–December 24 through January 2. Anyone who wishes to make a gift to K before the end of the calendar year may call the College’s main line (269.337.7000) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern standard time on December 26, 29, 30, and 31, and a staff […]