
Baby Tears and Dancing Twins

Baby Tears and Dancing Twins

Psychology Press has launched a new social media campaign called “Ask Dr. Tan.” And, yes, it’s “our” Dr. Tan–Professor of Psychology Siu-Lan Tan. Psychology Press is one of her publishers. Their Twitter account has many followers (among the highest number of any academic press). To celebrate having surpassed 50,000 followers, Psychology Press asked Siu-Lan to […]

Philharmonia Director Wins Music Award

Philharmonia Director Wins Music Award

Associate Professor of Music Andrew Koehler, who also serves as music director of the Kalamazoo Philharmonia, is the 2014 winner of The American Prize in Orchestral Programming—Vytautas Marijosius Memorial Award—in the community division. Andrew was selected from applications reviewed this summer from all across the United States. The American Prize is a series of new, […]

A “Big World” K Story

A “Big World” K Story

Conventional wisdom holds that it’s a small world, but really it’s a big world with a lot of K in it. “A young woman came by my office to introduce herself,” wrote Charles Holmes ’93, M.D., M.P.H., the director and chief executive officer of the Centre for Infectious Disease Research (CIDRZ) in Zambia (Lusaka). Charles […]

Rolling Through…Time?

Rolling Through…Time?

Professor of Psychology Siu-Lan Tan’s latest blog–“Rolling Through Time“–reunites her with former K student John Baxa in a conversation about an animated short feature John helped create. That short is titled “Ball” and is about time. Or is it memory (its power and limitations)? Or aging? Play or death?  All this in a three-minute animated […]

Vitamin K Part of Liberal Arts Power

Vitamin K Part of Liberal Arts Power

The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) recently launched its public website, Power of Liberal Arts. It is the most recent initiative of CIC’s public information campaign, Securing America’s Future: The Power of Liberal Arts Education. It complements the @SmartColleges Twitter Feed (which has more than 2,600 followers) as well as the SmartColleges Facebook page and […]

Jewish Studies Program Sponsors Panel Discussion

Jewish Studies Program Sponsors Panel Discussion

On Wednesday, October 29, at 7:30 p.m., the Jewish Studies program at Kalamazoo College will host a panel discussion titled, “Boycott Divestment Sanctions: Alternative Narratives.” The discussion will take place in the Mandelle Hall Olmsted Room and is free and open to the public. This program will add to the campus discussion of the issue […]

Ebola Responders

Ebola Responders

Greg Raczniak ’96 is working in Sierra Leone as part of the Ebola response team of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The U.S. Navy veteran serves as a preventive medicine resident at CDC. His work in Sierra Leone involves contact tracing (finding and monitoring people who have come in contact with persons […]

Paper’s Tops at Conference

Paper’s Tops at Conference

Amy MacMillan, the L. Lee Stryker Assistant Professor of Business Management, co-authored a paper titled “Improving the Collaborative Online Student Evaluation Process”—a research effort so fine it received the award for Best Conference Refereed Paper from the Marketing Management Association. The award was presented at a lunch during the MMA conference in San Antonio, Texas. […]

Breaking down and crossing borders at “Art & Borders” performance

Breaking down and crossing borders at “Art & Borders” performance

For a moment, it was hard to distinguish reality from performance. Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Michèle Ceballos Michot walk through a door in a wall of windows and onto a concrete porch at the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership. Gómez-Peña lights a cigarette. Michot lifts a pickaxe and places the handle behind her neck, begins a […]

With/Out ¿Borders? Opens Thursday

With/Out ¿Borders? Opens Thursday

More than 500 social justice advocates, scholars and leaders ranging from civil rights icons and eccentric artists to young organizers and poet laureates will be on the Kalamazoo College campus, as well as locations throughout the city, this weekend, Sept. 25-28 to participate in the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) “With/Out ¿Borders?” conference. […]

Common Devisers

Common Devisers

Senior Cheyenne Harvey is one of eight students in the United States selected as a Joy of Giving Something (JGS) Fellow by the organization Imagining America. As a JGS Fellow, Cheyenne receives a tuition scholarship and joins a national working group of engaged media makers. She will join the other Fellows in October at Imagining […]