NINE PARTS OF DESIRE in the Dungeon Theatre
When Nine Parts of Desire premiered in New York City in the early 2000s, Gloria Steinem wrote, “The female half of Iraq has come to America.” It is with this philosophy in mind that Festival Playhouse of Kalamazoo College presents Heather Raffo’s play about the lives and stories of nine women, all of whom have […]
Commencement Then and Now
Can you believe graduation is just around the corner? I couldn’t; or at least I couldn’t until the day last week when I watched College Archivist Lisa Murphy build a library display from old pictures and old traditions of previous commencements. You can see her work in the display case across from the circulation desk. […]
Beyond the Blood
The outside gaze that condemns is the subject of Festival Playhouse of Kalamazoo College’s spring term production of CARRIE the musical. “Almost the very first lyrics concern the horror of going to high school every day and the pain of trying to fit in–‘Every Day, I Just Pray Every Move I Make is Right,’” said […]
The (Busy) Life of a Writer
The New Yorker magazine has accepted for publication a poem by Kalamazoo College Writer-in-Residence Diane Seuss ’78. The poem is expected to appear in the fall. Many other good things happening relative to Di’s writing. Her third book of poems, Four-Legged Girl, comes out in early October from Graywolf Press, arguably the best poetry press […]
K’s 3 of 300
Three Kalamazoo College chemistry majors presented at the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting, a joint meeting of six different societies including the American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) as well as societies for physiology, nutrition, pharmacology, pathology, and anatomy. More than 15,000 scientists attended the meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Rina Fujiwara ’15, Sarah Glass […]
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Delivers Lecture, Meets with K Students
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Ph.D., delivers the annual Phi Beta Kappa lecture Tuesday, April 21, 8:00 p.m., in the Mandelle Hall Olmsted Room (1153 Academy St.) on the Kalamazoo College campus. His lecture, “Angry Ghosts: Chinese Boxers, Foreign Invaders, and the Tragedies of 1900,” is free and open to the public. He will also meet separately with […]
Adding Voice to VISIONS
A committee of six faculty and staff members is offering a three-part multicultural training titled “VISIONS + Voices,” which is open to all Kalamazoo College employees. The sessions build upon diversity training offered in previous years to faculty and staff through the “VISIONS” program. According to members of the planning committee, attendees felt that program […]
Where’s the Beef?
Why would a vegetarian defend beef? Nicolette Hahn Niman ’89, environmental lawyer, rancher, food activist, and vegetarian, does just that in her controversial new book, Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production, The Manifesto of an Environmental Lawyer and Vegetarian Turned Cattle Rancher, published by Chelsea Green in October 2014. Hahn Niman returns to […]
Commitment, Heart and Soul
Eight Kalamazoo College seniors–each of them Civic Engagement Scholars in K’s Center for Civic Engagement–will receive Michigan Campus Compact (MiCC) Awards for their dedication to community service. Kacey Cook and Mele Makalo earned the MiCC Commitment to Service Award, recognizes up to two students per member campus in the state of Michigan for either the […]
Un-COMMONS Learning
Kalamazoo College’s ‘Learning Commons’ had its grand opening on Thursday, April 9. The Learning Commons is located on the first floor of Upjohn Library and is all about students helping other students raise their academic achievement. Amy Newday, director of the Writing Center and one of several collaborators in the development of the Learning Commons […]
Senior Honored in Speech Contest
Vageesha Liyana-Gunawardana ’15 won the Special Prize in the annual Michigan Japanese Speech Contest, held at the Japanese Consulate in Detroit. Vageesha’s speech was titled “The Policeman I Met That Day Does Not Know My Name.” According to his Japanese language teacher, Assistant Professor of Japanese Noriko Sugimori, the speech is based on his study […]
The R in K’s DNA
RecycleMania 2015 is over, and if you didn’t know that (or if you weren’t aware the contest had even begun) that’s because for the second consecutive year the College has competed without promoting the contest–sort of a test to see the degree to which R (for recycling or Rob, as in Rob Townsend) has become […]