Psych SIPs at MUPRC
Five senior psychology majors presented their Senior Individualized Projects at the 28th annual Michigan Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference [MUPRC] held on the campus of Albion College. Grace Barry presented the talk “The association of narrative structure and psychological well-being in emerging adulthood.” Elizabeth Hanley presented the talk “Reflexive attention to configural and local motion cues […]
SIPs Go Pro
Four senior anthropology and sociology majors presented their Senior Individualized research at the annual conference of the Midwest Sociological Society (MSS) in Kansas City. Aaron Schoenfeldt, Mariah Hennen, Krystal Wilson, and Callie Daniels-Howell shared their work on sports and identity, re-conceptualizing study abroad, the culture of natural birth, and child hospice care and compassion, respectively. […]
The Iconography of Justice
Designed by world renowned architect and MacArthur Fellow Jeanne Gang, the architecture that houses Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership has inspired rave reviews by many. Perhaps no work better explicates the iconography of the space than the video that was commissioned by Studio Gang Architects and produced by Dave Burk. The piece […]
Kalamazoo College President Announces Retirement
President Eileen B. Wilson-Oyelaran today announced her retirement from Kalamazoo College, effective June 30, 2016. She made the announcement at the College’s spring term all-campus gathering, a meeting of faculty and staff. President Wilson-Oyelaran was unanimously elected the 17th president of Kalamazoo College by the board of trustees on December 11, 2004. She began her […]
Kalamazoo College Professor Awarded NEH Grant
Dennis Frost, the Wen Chao Chen Associate Professor of East Asian Social Sciences, was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant to support his project titled “The Paralympic Movement, Sports, and Disability in Postwar Japan.” His was one 232 humanities projects in the country to receive NEH funding. Created in 1965 as an […]
Great Adventurer
[NOTE: A memorial service for Dr. Stavig will occur on Saturday, May 9, at 2 p.m. in Stetson Chapel. A reception will follow in the Hicks Center Stone Room.] Richard T. Stavig, Ph.D., died on Sunday, Easter morning, April 5, 2015. He was 87 years old. During his tenure at the College Professor Stavig established […]
Dean’s List for Winter Term 2015
Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Winter 2015 academic term. Kudos to the entire group of some 300 students, and good luck in Spring Term, […]
Chemistry Explosion at Kalamazoo College
Some chemical reactions are simply impressive—the vibrant flash of light when magnesium is ignited or the blast and subsequent grains of salt that appear after mixing sodium metal and chlorine gas. Equally impressive is the reaction to the chemistry major at Kalamazoo College in recent years. Sixty-eight students—41 males and 27 females—declared chemistry as their […]
Kalamazoo College Lecture Will Focus on the Holocaust
The 2015 Edward Moritz Lecture in History coincides with the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps and the end of World War II. The lecture will occur Thursday, April 16, at 7 p.m. in Dewing Hall Room 103. The event is free and open to the public. Professor Doris L. Bergen, Chancellor […]
K Goes Test Optional
After the current 2014-15 admission cycle, Kalamazoo College will no longer require ACT or SAT standardized test scores to be part of a prospective student’s application. The change will affect students applying for enrollment in fall 2016. The change makes K part of a growing trend in higher education called “test optional” admission. More than […]
TEDx Comes to K
Good ideas will be spread across (and via) Kalamazoo College this spring when a descendant of the popular TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks series comes to campus as TEDxKalamazooCollege. First-year student Tanush Jagdish, of Bangalore, India, is the main organizer of the inaugural event, to be held May 16, and thereafter (hopefully) to occur annually. […]
Aced it With ACEit!
Senior computer science major Jae Hyun Choe presented a poster at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Research Competition. The title of his presentation was “ACEit!–Android app to Assist Children in Learning to Read English.” The work was based on his Senior Individualized Project, which was supported by the Hough Foundation Natural Science and […]