
K Seniors Win Davis Project for Peace Grant

K Seniors Win Davis Project for Peace Grant

Kalamazoo College seniors Jasmine An and Allison Kennedy will receive a $10,000 Davis Project for Peace grant to implement a five-week creative writing and leadership workshop for previously incarcerated individuals in Kalamazoo. Both women are fellows at the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL). The workshop aims to reduce the stigma of incarceration and […]

Miles to Go: Toward an Equitable, Inclusive Campus Learning Experience

In recent weeks, three separate events embedded in a much broader historical context have brought to light the need for greater attention and resources devoted to shaping our campus climate and continuing to foster a  community that is safe and inclusive for all. First, during the weekend of Feb 21-22, an anti-Semitic comment was posted […]

Kalamazoo College, Robot Bees, and Computer Programming

Kalamazoo College, Robot Bees, and Computer Programming

Associate Professor of Biology Binney Girdler knows about bees and Beebots. She teamed up with Woodward Elementary School first grade teacher Jenn Rice and won an “Inspired Learning Grant” through the Learning Network of Greater Kalamazoo. The grant will help pilot a new program at Woodward: little bee shaped robots called “BeeBots” that help to […]

Hornets at National Championship Meet

Hornets at National Championship Meet

Five Hornet members of the men’s and women’s swimming and diving team have qualified for the 2015 NCAA Division III Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships. Qualifiers are Tristyn Edsall ’17, Ellen Neveux ’17, Colleen Orwin ’17, Christina Park ’17, and Will Guedes ’15. The championships take place March 18 through March 21 at […]

Campus-Wide Meeting Called

Shortly after midnight this morning (March 4) an entry of hate speech that included a threat for March 5 against faculty was anonymously placed in a Student Commission “Google Doc” document. Kalamazoo College sent the message below to all members of the K community and called for a 4 p.m. campus-wide meeting to discuss measures […]

Student-Led Forums Focus on Race and Ethnicity on K’s Campus

Kalamazoo College students host two forums this week focusing on race and ethnicity on the K campus. “Konsciousness” (Wed. March 4, 7PM, Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center) is a structured discussion open to K students, faculty, and staff to hear what students talk about and experience on campus regarding race and ethnicity. “Stories You’ve Never […]

Prayer Provenance

Prayer Provenance

“God, grant me the serenity …” It’s been spoken by millions seeking inspiration and solace, just twenty-six words that form the backbone of many 12-step programs, including Alcoholics Anonymous. It was chosen by World Almanac as one of the “10 Most Memorable American Quotes” of the 20th Century: “God, grant me the serenity to accept […]

Kalamazoo College 2015 Thompson Lecture by Rabbi Rachel Mikva

Kalamazoo College 2015 Thompson Lecture by Rabbi Rachel Mikva

Kalamazoo College’s 2015 Thompson Lecture will be held Monday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Olmsted Room in Mandelle Hall with guest speaker Rabbi Rachel S. Mikva, Ph.D. Her lecture is titled “Fraught Justice: Is Reward and Punishment a Dangerous Religious Idea?” The lecture is free and open to the public. Rachel S. Mikva […]

Psychology Class Shapes Pro Voice Event

Psychology Class Shapes Pro Voice Event

The winter term (2015) “Feminist Psychology of Women” class will present an event called “Pro Voice: Stories of Reproductive Justice” on Thursday, March 5, at 7 p.m. in Dewing Hall Room 103. The event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited so tickets must be reserved in advance (contact Brenda Westra […]

Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership Earns Awards for Miller-Davis Contractors

Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership Earns Awards for Miller-Davis Contractors

Miller-Davis Company, a general contracting and construction management firm based in Kalamazoo, has been awarded the 2014 Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Michigan Grand Award for the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (Arcus Center) at Kalamazoo College. The Grand Award is given to the most significant construction project in Michigan. This is the first […]