Mattie Del Toro ’20 is a student worker for Residential Life, which has updated its suggestions for students regarding what to bring to campus this fall.
When Mattie Del Toro ’20 reflects on choosing Kalamazoo College, she remembers an experience brought to her by the letter K.
As a high school senior, Del Toro attended a Colleges That Change Lives fair near her hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a good friend had been looking into Knox College. Next to the Knox table, among the Ks and in alphabetical order, was Kalamazoo College.
“I remember thinking, ‘Is (Kalamazoo) the name of a city from a Dr. Seuss book? There’s no way that’s a real place,’ ” says Del Toro, a business and art history major and studio art minor. “I thought if anything it had to be a college named after someone rather than the name of a city.”
“I fell in love with the campus,” says Del Toro, who ended up enrolling at K. “I graduated with a high school class of 50, and when I saw how small and intimate the school is, I was sold. I received a great financial aid offer that made it about the same in terms of affordability as the University of New Mexico, and it was a chance to go across the country for the whole liberal arts experience.”
Del Toro is now a student worker for Residential Life, which has updated its suggestions regarding what to bring to campus for fall. Based on her experiences, as a first-year student living in Trowbridge Hall and as a resident assistant at Harmon Hall, here’s what Del Toro suggests.
Talk with Your Roommate About What to Bring to Campus
K students living on campus this fall should already have received their room assignment with their roommate’s name and email address. Del Toro suggests contacting your roommate to arrange who will bring what, especially if at least one of you is coming from a considerable distance.
Mattie Del Toro ’20 advises that first-year students consider making their rooms as homey as possible in thinking about what to bring to campus. Items such as dry-erase boards can help students feel more at home.
Del Toro, for example, arrived in Kalamazoo for her first year by plane with her mom and then-boyfriend, now fiancé, bringing Del Toro’s belongings in a total of nine suitcases. Appliances, for example, weren’t an option for her.
“What you bring might depend on whether you’re from Michigan or someplace farther,” she said, adding that a roommate brought a microwave, curtains and mini-fridge, which she was happy to stock with food.
Shop for What You Can in Kalamazoo
Nine suitcases might not sound like much for transporting everything someone might need for an entire term. Del Toro, however, admits she packed too much and advises that less is more.
“When I left for fall, I packed stuff that I took home during winter break,” Del Toro said. Those items included several blankets and some heavy winter gear after she realized she only needed some long-sleeve shirts, jeans and jackets for the crisp weather that arrives late in the fall term.
When those items and other bulky items are necessary, shop for them in Kalamazoo or place online orders from your hometown and pick them up in Kalamazoo. Del Toro says to consider items such as mattress pads, shower caddies and “items that Mom would normally provide,” such as cleaning supplies and laundry detergent.
Preview Your Room Space
Residential Life doesn’t keep floor-plan measurements for specific rooms. Del Toro, however, advises that students look at pictures of residence hall rooms in K’s virtual tour to estimate their potential floor space. Those visuals should provide ideas as to where students can put items such as small cabinets and bins.
“You get a closet and drawers, but it’s beneficial to have bins and totes of your own as well,” Del Toro said. “I quickly realized I didn’t have the surface area I needed for certain items, and the virtual tour would’ve helped me plan better.”
Make Your Room Your Home
Del Toro says that on a residential campus such as K’s, it’s important that students make their residence hall room their home.
Items such as rugs, pictures of family and friends, twinkle lights suspended through adhesive hooks, and small pieces of furniture negotiated with roommates can ward off homesickness and make your room feel like an owned space.
“I didn’t want to get so comfortable in my space that I disrespected my roommate,” she said. “But any home goods can give you more than a brick wall, a desk and a bed,” allowing for greater comfort.
Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students who received awards during the 2018 Senior Awards Ceremony on June 16 at Stetson Chapel. The awards include all academic divisions, prestigious scholarships and special non-departmental awards. Again, congratulations to all graduates and members of the class of 2018.
Senior Aunye Scott-Anderson is the recipient of the first Charles Lewis Williams Jr. Award, awarded for oratory excellence at the English SIP Symposium. Scott-Anderson was among the students honored Saturday, June 16, at the 2018 Senior Awards Ceremony.
George Acker Award, awarded annually to a male athlete who in his participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational.
Jonathan Nord
Alpha Lambda Delta Dr. Helen Clark Graduate Fellowship, given to the Alpha Lambda Delta member graduating with the highest GPA.
Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
American Chemical Society Certified Degree in Chemistry
Maria Elva Fujii
Sarah Marie Harnish
Phuong Nguyet Ha Le
Omar León Ruiz
Madeleine Grace Roberts
Caleb Sherwood
Kathryn Doral Thamann
James Bird Balch Prize in American History, for showing academic excellence in American history.
Angel Caranna
Lillian Pringle Baldauf Prize in Music, awarded to an outstanding music student
Lauren Landman
Lewis Batts Prize, awarded to seniors who have done the most to support the activities of the Biology Department and to further the spirit of collegiality among students and faculty.
Manbir Singh
Erika Kelly Waalkes
Bruce Baxter Memorial Award, awarded to a senior showing outstanding development in the field of political science.
Anselm Scheck
Gordon Beaumont Memorial Award, awarded to students who display qualities of selflessness, humanitarian concern and willingness to help others as exemplified in the life of Gordon Beaumont.
Rumsha Sajid
Cindy Xiao
Beeler Senior Projects Abroad Fellows
Lotte Louise Dunnell
Oluchi Amarachi Ebere
Alicia Gaitan
Jasmine Khin
Connor Webb
Larry Bell Scholar
Lee Ray Carter
Biology in Liberal Arts Prize
Rosemarie Nocita
Kathleen Elizabeth Brannan Russell
Marshall Hallock Brenner Prize, awarded to an outstanding student for excellence in the field of psychology.
Justin Thad Roop
Henry and Inez Brown Award, awarded in recognition of outstanding participation in the College community.
Alexandrea Esther Ambs
Emily Good
David Vanderkloot
Clara H. Buckley Prize for Excellence in Latin, awarded to an outstanding student of the language of the Romans.
Clayton James Meldrum
Mary Long Burch Award, for a senior woman who has manifested interest in sports activities and excelled in scholarship.
Christina Dandar
Robert Bzdyl Prize in Marine Biology, awarded to one or more students with demonstrated interest and ability in marine biology or related fields.
Claire Eleanor Howland
Annual Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry.
Clay Wilkey
Annual Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry.
Madeleine Grace Roberts
Annual Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry, sponsored by the American Chemical Society and subcommittee for the Division of Physical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student who displays significant aptitude for a career in organic chemistry.
Joyce Nguyen
Outstanding Chemistry Student from Kalamazoo College, sponsored by the Kalamazoo Section of the American Chemical Society and is given to the graduating senior who has demonstrated leadership in the chemistry department and plans to pursue graduate studies in chemistry.
Madeleine Grace Roberts
Lilia Chen Award in Art, awarded to students in their junior or senior year who distinguish themselves through their work in ceramics, sculpture, or painting, and who exhibit strong progress in their understanding of art.
Carlos Enrique Arellano
Dorothy Carpenter
Alicia Gaitan
Kelly Marie Haugland
Julia Madeline Koreman
Erin Sidney Reilly
Amber Sims
Ruth Scott Chenery Award, given to graduating seniors who have excelled academically in theatre and who plan to continue the study of theatre arts following graduation.
Johanna Keller Flores
Samuel Meyers
Chinese Outstanding Achievement Award, which recognizes seniors who have excelled in the study of the Chinese language and China-related subjects on campus and abroad in China.
AJ Convertino
Sharon Situ
Lia Williams
Provost Prize in Classics
Leah Elizabeth Finelli
Clayton James Meldrum
Provost Prize in Computer Science
Skyler Norgaard
Sivhaun Sera
H.P. and Genevieve Connable Scholarship
Hayley Beltz
C.W. “Opie” Davis Award, awarded to the outstanding senior male athlete
Ryan Orr
Diebold Scholar Award, given to one or more seniors in recognition of excellence in the oral or poster presentation of the SIP at the Diebold Symposium.
Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
Emma Kristal
Matera Stuart
Marion H. Dunsmore Memorial Prize in Religion, awarded to graduating seniors for excellence in the major.
Hannah Bernice Berger
Emily Good
David Vanderkloot
Provost Prize in Economics
Thao Duong
Maria Franco
Logan Nicole Smith
George Eaton Errington Prize, awarded to outstanding senior art majors.
Charlotte Mary Gavin
Tulani Pryor
Alliance Francaise Prize in French, awarded for excellence in French by advanced students.
Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
Anselm Scheck
French Government Teaching Assistantships
Molly Elise Merkel
Zoe Johannsen
Joe Fugate Senior German Award, awarded to a senior for excellence in German.
Xarifa Greenquist Memorial Psychology Department Award, given in recognition of distinctive service to students and faculty in psychology by a student assistant.
Ethel Mogilevsky
Lorenzo Redmond
Gabrielle Alexis Shimko
Fred and Sarah Greer Endowed Scholarship/Lorinda Kay Sanford Memorial
Darryl Keyshaun Lewis
Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
Austin Vance
Kierra Verdun
Griffin Prize, awarded to the senior English major who, like Professor Gail Griffin, demonstrates an exceptional ability to bridge his or her analytical and creative work in the English department.
Rumsha Sajid
Charles C. Hall Scholarship
Maria Elva Fujii
Ham Civic Engagement Scholar
Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
W. and Elsie L. Heyl Scholars
Brice Calco
Rachel Sujin Chang
Emily Catherine Fletcher
Abhay Goel
Jacob Naranjo
Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
Peter Rossi
Amber Salome
Anna Michele Roodbergen
The Raymond L. Hightower Award, given to a graduating senior for excellence in and commitment to the disciplines of sociology and anthropology and leadership in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.
Monet Foster
Alejandro Antonio Jaramillo
Savannah Julia Kinchen
Kiavanne Abelardo Javier Williams
Virginia Hinkelman Memorial Award, awarded to a deserving student who displays a deep concern for the well-being of children, as demonstrated through career goals in the field of child welfare.
Sarafina Jeanette Milianti
Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
History Department Award, given for outstanding work in the major
Franklin Meyer
Hodge Prize in Philosophy, awarded to members of the graduating class who have the highest standing in the field.
Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
Jasmine Khin
Federico Spalletti
John Wesley Hornbeck Prize, awarded to seniors with the highest achievement for the year’s work in advanced physics toward a major.
Hayley Beltz
Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
Hornet Athletic Association Award, for a graduating senior who has most successfully combined high scholarship with athletic prowess.
David Vanderkloot
William G. Howard Memorial Prize, awarded to a senior for excellence in academic work in an economics or business major.
Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
William G. Howard Memorial Prize in Political Science
Alex Sitner
Japanese National Honor Society, College Chapter, awarded in recognition of student achievement in their study of the Japanese language and their overall academic excellence.
Miles McDowall
Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
Yilan Qiu
Kurt Kaufman Fellows, given annually to seniors who receive Honors in the Senior Individualized Project (SIP) conducted with faculty in the Chemistry Department.
Maria Elva Fujii
Sarah Marie Harnish
Christina Keramidas
Madeleine Grace Roberts
Knoechel Family Award, awarded to a member of the swimming team in recognition of demonstrated excellence in both intercollegiate swimming and academic performance.
Alexandrea Esther Ambs
Irmgard Kowatzki Theatre Award, awarded to the senior who has excelled both in academic areas and in theatrical productions during the four years at the College.
Lauren Landman
LaPlante Civic Engagement Student Scholars, for outstanding dedication to civic engagement while designing and leading community programs that promote a more just, equitable and sustainable world.
Alexandrea Esther Ambs
Delaney Fordell
Sarafina Jeanette Milianti
Khusbu Patel
David Vanderkloot
Tish Loveless Award, given by the Department of Physical Education to the outstanding senior female athlete.
Department of Philosophy Prize, awarded for excellence in any year’s work in philosophy.
Lee Ray Carter
Emiline Noel Chipman
Federico Spalletti
William E. Praeger Prize in Biology, established by the faculty in the Biology Department and awarded to the most outstanding senior majors in biology, based on academic achievement in the discipline.
Megan Elisabeth Hoinville
Khusbu Patel
Robert and Karen Rhoa Prize in Business
Thomas Bryant
Phuong Nguyen
Jake Wasko
Robert and Karen Rhoa Prize for Outstanding SIP
Tuan Do
Monica Gorgas
Katherine Elizabeth Johnson
Elwood H. and Elizabeth H. Schneider Prize in English, awarded for outstanding and creative work in English done by a student who is not an English major.
Rosemarie Nocita
Tulani Pryor
Senior Leadership Recognition Award, awarded to students who have provided key elements of leadership in their organizations, athletic teams, academic departments, employment, and the wider Kalamazoo community. Students were nominated by faculty and staff members in January. Seniors eligible for this award also had to meet a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average requirement and be in good academic and social standing at the College.
Alexandrea Esther Ambs
Hannah Bernice Berger
Mary Elizabeth Burnett
Erin Elizabeth Butler
Elan Dantus
Leah Elizabeth Finelli
Emily Good
Andre Grayson
Griffin D. Hamel
Emily Marlies Kozal
Laetitia Marie Ndiaye
Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
Khusbu Patel
Sean Peterkin
Sep’Tisha Starnika Riley
Benjamin Rivera
Rumsha Sajid
Sivhaun Sera
Elyse Tuennerman
David Vanderkloot
Kiavanne Abelardo Javier Williams
Lia Williams
Cindy Xiao
Fan E. Sherwood Memorial Prize
Jacqueline Mills
Sherwood Prize in Fine Arts, awarded for outstanding progress and ability on the violin, viola, cello or bass.
Cody Colvin
Catherine A. Smith Prize in Human Rights, awarded to a senior who has been active on campus in promoting human rights, furthering progressive social and cultural change, and combating violence, repression and bigotry.
Emiline Noel Chipman
Catherine A. Smith Prize in Women’s Athletics, awarded to a woman athlete who in her participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational.
Danielle Louise Simon
Lemuel F. Smith Award, given to a student majoring in chemistry pursuing the American Chemical Society approved curriculum and having at the end of the junior year the highest average standing in courses taken in chemistry, physics and mathematics.
Maria Elva Fujii
Senior Spanish Award, given by the Department of Romance Languages for outstanding achievement in Spanish.
Emily Marlies Kozal
Claire Schertzing
Mary Clifford Stetson Prize, awarded for excellence in English essay writing by a senior.
David Vanderkloot
Dwight and Leola Stocker Prize, awarded for excellence in English writing, prose or poetry.
Margaret Doele
Elise Renée Houcek
Kate Liska
Ian Zigterman
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Prize in Women’s Studies
Angel Caranna
Stowe Scholarship
Clay Wilkey
David Strauss Prize in American Studies, awarded for the best paper written by a graduating senior in his or her junior or senior year in any field of American Studies.
Guillermo Dominguez Garcia
TowerPinkster Sustainability Scholarship
Emiline Noel Chipman
Babette Trader Campus Citizenship and Leadership Award, awarded to members of the graduating class, who have most successfully combined campus citizenship and leadership with scholarship.
Emiline Noel Chipman
Maria Elva Fujii
Alexandria Kathleen Oswalt
Charles Tully Design Award, given annually to a senior who has achieved excellence in some aspect of theatre design.
Carlos Enrique Arellano
Stina Taylor
Donald W. VanLiere Prize Psychology in Coursework
Christina Dandar
Lia Williams
Cindy Xiao
Donald W. VanLiere Prize Psychology in Research
Christina Dandar
Ethel Mogilevsky
Gabrielle Alexis Shimko
Mariam Souweidane
Vibbert Civic Engagement Scholar, students who honor and exemplify the life and spirit of Stephanie Vibbert – scholar, activist, poet, feminist and artist – by leading programs that promote equity and justice through the arts and feminist organizing.
Rumsha Sajid
Voynovich Competitive Scholarship
Elise Renée Houcek
Michael Waskowsky Prize, awarded to outstanding junior or senior art majors.
Zoe Johannsen
Miranda Petersen
Charles Lewis Williams Jr. Award, awarded for oratory at the English SIP Symposium
Aunye Scott-Anderson
Clarke Benedict Williams Prize, awarded to that member of the graduating class who has the best record in mathematics and the allied sciences.
Hayley Beltz
Abhay Goel
Jacob Naranjo
Skyler Norgaard
Maynard Owen Williams Memorial Award, for the best student entry in the form of an essay, poetry, paintings, sketches, photographs or films derived from study abroad.
Ada “Tish” Loveless has added to her enduring legacy as the founder of women’s athletics at Kalamazoo College.
A year after her death, a gift Loveless made to Kalamazoo College through her estate plan will fund a new endowed scholarship in the name of Marilyn Hinkle ’44, her lifelong friend who died in 2007. The scholarship will go to women studying visual arts or music – passions of Hinkle, who in addition to being an alumna was a member of K’s staff for more than 30 years.
A year after her death, a gift Tish Loveless made to K through her estate plan will fund a new endowed scholarship in Marilyn Hinkle’s name.
The planned gift also more than doubles the size of the existing Tish Loveless Women’s Athletic Endowment, which began with a 2007 gift from one of Loveless’ former students, Elaine Hutchcroft ’63. It supports the day-to-day operations of the College’s nine women’s athletics teams.
Loveless, who died in November 2016, served as director of women’s athletics from 1953 until she retired in 1986. Before her arrival, there were no women’s intercollegiate athletic teams at Kalamazoo College. During her tenure, she established women’s varsity teams in tennis, field hockey, archery, swimming, basketball, volleyball, soccer and cross country, as well as a number of intramurals, sometimes mastering the details of unfamiliar sports in order to provide her students with the opportunities they requested.
She was the most successful coach of women’s teams in the history of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, the oldest athletic conference in the country. Her teams won 28 league championships: 23 in tennis, four in archery and one in field hockey. Her 1986 women’s tennis squad finished third in the nation.
President Jorge G. Gonzalez said Loveless’ gift emphasizes her already hallowed place in the history of the College, and demonstrates how a planned memorial can extend that recognition to the people and things the donor most cherishes.
“Tish led the way for women at Kalamazoo College to become full participants in the athletic program, and her name will be forever remembered through the endowment that supports those teams,” he said. “Now, through her planned gift, she has also ensured that her dear friend will be remembered, as well. Generations from now, K will know, and appreciate, the legacy of Marilyn Hinkle as well as of Tish.”
For more information about how to make a gift to Kalamazoo College in your estate, please contact Senior Associate Director of Planned Giving Matthew J. Brosco at or 269-337-7288.
Kalamazoo College Family Weekend served as the backdrop for the College’s annual Honors Day convocation. More than 250 students were recognized Friday, Oct. 27, for excellence in academics and leadership in six divisions: Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences and Physical Education. Recipients of prestigious scholarships were recognized, as were members of national honor societies and students who received special Kalamazoo College awards. Student athletes and teams who won Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association awards also were honored. The students receiving Honors Day awards or recognition are listed below.
The Honors Day Convocation, conducted Oct. 27 at Stetson Chapel, celebrated the achievements of more than 250 Kalamazoo College students.
The Brian Gougeon Prize in Art Hannah Rainaldi
The Margaret Upton Prize in Music Joshua Gibson Jenna Sherman
Cooper Award Kate Kreiss
Sherwood Prize Cody Colvin
Theatre Arts First-Year Student Award Sophia Hill Alysia Homminga
LeGrand Copley Prize in French Valentina Cordero Ravi Nair
Hardy Fuchs Award Matthew Flotemersch
Margo Light Award Annarosa Whitman
Romance Languages Department Prize in Spanish Joshua Gibson Kevin McCarty
Clara H. Buckley Prize for Excellence in Latin Mara Hazen
Provost’s Prize in Classics Clayton Meldrum
O.M. Allen Prize in English Paige Coffing
John B. Wickstrom Prize in History Riya Bhuyan
Department of Philosophy Prize Lee Carter Emiline Chipman
L.J. and Eva (“Gibbie”) Hemmes Memorial Prize in Philosophy Rosella LoChirco
Winifred Peake Jones Prize in Biology Brigette Berke Amelia Davis Dominic Gonzalez
Department of Chemistry Prize Kevin McCarty
First-Year Chemistry Award Kristen Amyx-Sherer Alyssa Heitkamp
First-Year Mathematics Award Michael Orwin William Tait
Thomas O. Walton Prize in Mathematics Allegra Allgeier
Cooper Prize in Physics Benjamin Behrens Valentina Harding Alexis Periman Justin Seablom Ethan Tucker
Departmental Prize in Anthropology and Sociology Paige Chung Shadaijah Grandberry-Payton Aliyah Jamaluddin Elizabeth Munoz Emiliana Renuart
C. Wallace Lawrence Prize in Economics Andrew Parsons Evelyn Wagner
C. Wallace Lawrence Prize in Business Jessica Penny Scott Roberts Garrett Swanson
Irene and S. Kyle Morris Prize Zachary Ray
William G. Howard Memorial Prize Sarah Gerendasy
Department of Psychology First-Year Student Prize Shannon Carley
Division of Physical Education Prize Laura Hanselman Daniel Henry
Maggie Wardle Prize Elizabeth Munoz
Gordon Beaumont Memorial Award Cydney Martell Rumsha Sajid Cindy Xiao
Henry and Inez Brown Prize Alexandrea Ambs Emily Good David Vanderkloot
Virginia Hinkelman Memorial Award Sarafina Milianti Sep’tisha Riley
Heyl Scholars – Class of 2020 Andrew Backer Matthew Giguere Josephine Hosner Danielle Janowicz Samuel Meyer Hannah Pittman Stephanie Rauhoff Subi Thakali Dustin Tibbetts
Posse Scholars – Class of 2020 Alejandro Aguirre Alexandro Cruz Kahira Embry Moses Gonzalez Denise Jackson Trevor Loduem-Jackson Daniel Mota-Villegas Angela Pastor Enrique Robles Gabrielle Walton Schwartz
National Merit Scholar – Class of 2020 Ehren White
Alpha Lambda Delta – Class of 2019 Alpha Lambda Delta is a national honor society that recognizes excellence in academic achievement during the first college year. To be eligible for membership, students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and be in the top 20 percent of their class during the first year.
Logan Beck Benjamin Behrens Brigette Berke Riya Bhuyan Shannon Carley Iffat Chowdhury Valentina Cordero Austin Cramer Adelaine Dancer Matthew Flotemersch Amanda Gardner Joshua Gibson Dominic Gonzalez Martin Hansknecht Sophia Hill Kento Hirakawa Alysia Homminga Maria Katrantzi Zoe Larson Samuel Maddox Kathryn Martin Kevin McCarty Tamara Morrison Elizabeth Munoz Cayla Patterson Alexis Periman Victorialyn Regan Danna Robles-Garcia Orly Rubinfeld Danielle Sarafian Jenna Sherman Simran Singh Grant Stille Sarah Whitfield
Performing Arts: Music Madeleine Armstrong Zachary Colburn Adam Decker Jennalise Ellis Stanton Greenstone Audrey Honig Isabel McLaughlin Katherine Miller-Purrenhage Natalie Minzey Julia Riddle Margaret Roethler
The following Hornet teams earned the 2015-2016 MIAA Team GPA Award. Team members achieved a 3.3 or better grade point average for the entire academic year.
The MIAA each year honors students at member colleges who achieve distinction in the classroom and in athletic competition. Students need to be a letter winners in a varsity sport and maintain at minimum 3.5 grade point average for the entire school year.
Cheyenne Allyn-White Alexandrea Ambs Georgie Andrews Ryan Andrusz Hunter Angileri Alberto Ayala Sonal Bahl Chase Baysdell Matthew Benedettini Jacob Bonifacio Kennedy Boulton Riley Boyd Andrew Bremer Allie Brodsky Molly Brueger Ian Bunker Matthew Burczyk Alexander Cadigan Charles Carson Madeleine Chilcote Jack Clark Elizabeth Clevenger Anthony Convertino Austin Cramer Anna Dairaghi Christina Dandar Elan Dantus Roger Darling Sabrina Dass Steven Davis Eric De Witt Dana DeVito Mikayla Doepker Guillermo Dominguez-Garcia Nathan Donovan Erin DuRoss Tristyn Edsall Emma Eisenbeis Michael Faust Anders Finholt John Fowler Christopher Francis Maria Franco Brett Garwood Cory Gensterblum Joseph Giacalone Jacob Gilhaus Anthony Giovanni Rachel Girard Beau Godkin Emily Good Monica Gorgas Mya Gough Andre Grayson Garrett Guthrie Alyssa Heitkamp Daniel Henry Kaiya Herman-Hilker Kyle Hernandez Mathew Holmes-Hackerd Allia Howard Nicole Huff Briana Huisken Claire Jensen Katherine Johnson Marylou Johnson Claire Kalina Maria Katrantzi Greg Kearns Samuel Kepes Benjamin Kileen Dahwi Kim William Kirchen Ian Kobernick Emily Kozal Matthew Krinock Stefan Leclerc Rosella LoChirco Nicholas Ludka Cydney Martell Eliza McCall Katherine McKibbon Branden Metzler Joshua Miller Suzanne Miller Madison Moote Zachary Morales Elizabeth Munoz Dylan Padget James Paprocki Cayla Patterson John Patton Bradley Popiel Nicole Prentice Zachary Prystash Erin Radermacher Zachary Ray Phillip Ritchie Scott Roberts Justin Roop Matthew Ryder Paige Sambor Aaron Schwark Jacob Scott Justin Seablom Anorah Seita Sharif Shaker Chase Shelbourne Alec Sherrill Gabrielle Shimko Grace Smith Adam Snider Kathleen Sorensen Sydney Spring Vethania Stavropoulos Grant Stille Shelby Suseland Matthew Suter Jacob Sypniewski Jack Tagget William Tait Emma Tardiff Benjamin Toledo Alyana Tomlinson Zachary Tornow Matt Turton Eva Ugelow Madison Vallan Kaela Van Til Joshua Vance David Vanderkloot Zachary VanFaussien Mitchell VanKoevering Travis Veenhuis John Vinson Sidney Wall Jacob Wasko John Wehr Alex White Madeline Woods Brent Yelton Julie Zabik Matthew Zhiss
If you visit ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, be sure to check out three entries from artists with Kalamazoo College connections. Help Desk Administrator Russell Cooper ’89, Web Services Director Carolyn Zinn ’82 and Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Firth MacMillan all are participating.
Russell Cooper is competing in ArtPrize for the sixth time. His art shows a black-and-white image of his daughter holding an oval frame at a playground. That frame is reflecting a color image of Violette on a swing.
Cooper is competing for a sixth time at ArtPrize, the event touted by organizers as the world’s most-attended public art event. His two-dimensional work again features his daughter, Violette, although the end result reflects inspirations from photographers and artists who create optical illusions, and the Persian Poet Rumi, who said: “There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveler, if you are in search of that, don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek that.”
Cooper’s art shows a black-and-white image of his daughter holding an oval frame at a playground. That frame is reflecting a color image of Violette on a swing. The final product is on display at PaLatte Coffee and Art, 150 Fulton St. E.
Zinn is entering ArtPrize for the first time. Her quilt – which is an image of her daughter, Kirsten, that uses 480 hexagons and 60 commercial fabric prints – was designed through a technique called English paper piecing. She said the technique involves wrapping paper shapes in fabric and then stitching the fabric by hand with a thread and needle. The paper is removed before the quilt layers are stacked and topstitched.
Carolyn Zinn’s quilt is an image of her daughter, Kirsten, that uses 480 hexagons and 60 commercial fabric prints.
Zinn added she has been sewing her entire life, although she became fascinated with geometry and the color of traditional Amish quilts when she was a teenager. She made a quilt for the first time when she was a student at K and living in DeWaters Hall. In recent years, Zinn has become involved in art quilting, focusing on original design and nontraditional materials and methods.
“I believe fiber art is an underrepresented medium in the art world,” she said. “By entering my work in this open competition, I hope to raise awareness of the medium and inspire others who work with fiber to continue challenging the boundaries of art, craft and design.”
Zinn’s quilt is on display at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, 303 Pearl St. NW.
MacMillan has been teaching ceramics and sculpture since coming to K from The University of Colorado-Boulder in 2016.
MacMillan became familiar with ArtPrize while living in New York City through art critic Jerry Saltz. When she returned to Michigan, where she attended high school and college, she took her K sculpture class to ArtPrize, and decided that she should enter this year. Her work is being displayed at the U.S. Post Office at 120 Monroe Center St. NW.
MacMillan’s father, a photography enthusiast, was among the first to inspire her to become an artist. “He helped me learn to frame the world outside through the viewfinder,” MacMillan said.
Firth MacMillan’s sculptures, including the pieces presented at ArtPrize, are often three-dimensional representations derived from her photographs.
In fact, her sculptures – including the pieces presented at ArtPrize – are often three-dimensional representations derived from her photographs.
“In my work I reinterpret experiences of pointed yet everyday moments from life like the play of shadows from sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees,” MacMillan said on the ArtPrize Web page showing her work. “I take these ephemeral moments and translate them into three-dimensional form.”
First-round voting continues at ArtPrize through Sept. 30. Anyone attending ArtPrize can vote in the first round for their favorite artist or artwork to win a share of a half-million dollars in cash and prizes. Public attendees vote through their computers after they register onsite or through the mobile app while visiting the ArtPrize district. Mobile app users need to tap the “thumbs up” icon after entering an artist’s five-digit code. Computer voters tap the “thumbs up” icon at each artist’s profile. The five-digit codes are 64719, 64662 and 66515 for Cooper, Zinn and MacMillan respectively.
ArtPrize runs through Oct. 8. Learn more about the event.
Artist Julie Mehretu ’92, of New York City, has worked for the past 14 months at a deconsecrated Harlem church on two towering paintings measuring 27 feet by 32 feet that required a scissor lift to develop.
Since graduating from K with a degree in art and art history, Mehretu has become one of the leading contemporary artists in the United States. She has received international accolades for her work, with her honors including the American Art Award from the Whitney Museum of American Art and the prestigious MacArthur Fellow award.
Mehretu recently shared a testimonial of the liberal arts including her Kalamazoo College experience with the Council for Independent Colleges.
“The liberal arts experience gives you the opportunity to learn, to fail, to succeed, to really find out who you are,” she said. “When I reflect on how my artistic work has progressed, I think of those early years at Kalamazoo College. My artistic process takes both intense thought and impulse. Balancing this has taken time and evolved over the years. It happens in all kinds of different ways. I’m making all these decisions, determining one thing at a time, and not even so much determining as understanding. I think that’s what Kalamazoo College was for me: a place to begin to understand.”
The final products of her latest efforts will be on display at the San Francisco museum for more than three years beginning Sept. 2. Read more and take a sneak peek of the paintings at the New York Times and Architectural Digest websites. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art also has a news release at its website.
Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who received awards during the Senior Awards Ceremony on June 10, 2017, in Stetson Chapel. The awards include all academic divisions, prestigious scholarships, and special non-departmental awards. Again, congratulations to all graduates and members of the Class of 2017.
Art and Art History
THE LILIA CHEN AWARD IN ART, awarded to students in their junior or senior year who distinguish themselves through their work in ceramics, sculpture, or painting, and who exhibit strong progress in their understanding of art. Kelan Gill Madeline Clair Lawson Kelsi Levine Giovanni Lo Grasso Helena Maija Marnauzs Harrison Thomas Parkes Christa Scheck Jie Xu
THE GEORGE EATON ERRINGTON PRIZE, awarded to an outstanding senior art major. Gabriela E. Latta Malikah Q. Mahone
THE MICHAEL WASKOWSKY PRIZE, awarded to an outstanding junior or senior art major. Erin Brown Rachel Catherine Selina
The LILLIAN PRINGLE BALDAUF PRIZE IN MUSIC, awarded to an outstanding music student. John Bowman Valentin Frank Gabrielle Holme-Miller Vethania Stavropoulos
THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT AWARD, given by the Music Department of the College for outstanding contributions to the musical life on campus, for achievement in performance areas, and for academic achievement. John Bowman Alexis Diana Diller Johanna Drentlaw Rachel Elizabeth Fadler Hannah Lehker Daniel Moore Cody Mosblech Eric S. Thornburg Camila Trefftz Myles Truss Olivia Marguerite Weaver Lindsay Worthington
THE FAN E. SHERWOOD MEMORIAL PRIZE, awarded for outstanding progress and ability on the violin, viola, cello or bass. Siwook Hwang Hannah L. Kim
THE MARGARET UPTON PRIZE IN MUSIC, awarded each year to a student designated by the Music Department Faculty as having made significant achievement in music. Thaddeus Martin Buttrey
Theatre Arts
THE RUTH SCOTT CHENERY AWARD, given to a graduating senior who has excelled academically in theatre and who plans to continue the study of theatre arts following graduation. Thaddeus Martin Buttrey Monica Johnson Kyle Lampar Sarah Levett Lindsay Worthington
THE COOPER AWARD IN FINE ARTS, for a junior or senior showing excellence in a piece of creative work in a theatre arts class: film, acting, design, stagecraft, puppetry, speech. Madison Louise Donoho
THE IRMGARD KOWATZKI THEATRE AWARD, awarded to the senior who has excelled both in academic areas and in theatrical productions during the four years at the College. Sarah Levett
THE SHERWOOD PRIZE IN FINE ARTS, given for the best oral presentation in a speech-oriented class. Quincy Isaiah Crosby
THE CHARLES TULLY DESIGN AWARD, given annually to a senior who has achieved excellence in some aspect of theatre design. Lindsay Worthington
THE CHINESE OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD recognizes seniors who have excelled in the study of the Chinese language and China-related subjects on campus and abroad in China. Dejah Crystal Marlon Gonzalez Amanda Johnson Natalie A. Schmitt Katherine Wynne
THE CLARA H. BUCKLEY PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN LATIN, awarded to an outstanding student of the language of the Romans. Brittany Jones
THE PROVOST’S PRIZE IN CLASSICS, awarded to that student who writes the best essay on a classical subject. Danielle Marie Gin Brittany Jones
THE JOE FUGATE SENIOR GERMAN AWARD, awarded to a senior for excellence in German. Frances Mary Heldt
THE JAPANESE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY, COLLEGE CHAPTER, is awarded in recognition of the student’s achievement in their study of the Japanese language and for their overall academic excellence. Corrin Elise Davis Alexis Diana Diller John Mihalik Fowler Anh P. Lam Bailee M. Lotus Elinor Ruth Rubin-McGregor Christa Scheck Ke Sheng Carolyn Elizabeth Topper
Romance Languages
THE ALLIANCE FRANCAISE PRIZE IN FRENCH, awarded for excellence in French by an advanced student. Maribel Blas-Rangel Elijah Wickline
THE SENIOR SPANISH AWARD, given by the Department of Romance Languages for outstanding achievement in Spanish. Cory Gyulveszi Caroline Elena Sulich
American Studies
THE DAVID STRAUSS PRIZE IN AMERICAN STUDIES, awarded for the best paper written by a graduating senior in his or her junior or senior year in any field of American Studies. Jessica Paige Hansen
THE GRIFFIN PRIZE, awarded to the senior English major who, like Professor Gail Griffin, demonstrates an exceptional ability to bridge his/her analytical and creative work in the English department. Alyse Michelle Guenther Rachel Williams
THE ELWOOD H. AND ELIZABETH H. SCHNEIDER PRIZE, awarded for outstanding and creative work in English done by a student who is not an English major. Danielle Marie Gin
THE MARY CLIFFORD STETSON PRIZE, awarded for excellence in English essay writing by a senior. Sara McKinney
Sarah Schmitt
THE DWIGHT AND LEOLA STOCKER PRIZE, awarded for excellence in English writing: prose or poetry. Erin Elizabeth Bensinger Serena Li Bonarski Jon R. Jerow Caroline Marie Peterson
THE JAMES BIRD BALCH PRIZE, for the showing academic excellence in American History. Frances Mary Heldt
THE HISTORY DEPARTMENT AWARD, given for outstanding work in the major. Claudia Quinn Greening Frances Mary Heldt
THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY PRIZE, awarded for excellence in any year’s work in philosophy. James Michael Reuter
THE HODGE PRIZE IN PHILOSOPHY, awarded to that member of the graduating class who has the highest standing in the field. Jon R. Jerow Caroline Marie Peterson
THE MARION H. DUNSMORE MEMORIAL PRIZE IN RELIGION, awarded to a graduating senior for excellence in the major. Hannah Nicole Cooperrider Danielle Purkey Dakota Lynn Trinka Natalie Cristina Vázquez
THE H. LEWIS BATTS PRIZE, awarded to the senior who has done the most to support the activities of the Biology Department and to further the spirit of collegiality among students and faculty in the Department. Suma J. Alzouhayli
THE DIEBOLD SCHOLAR AWARD, given to one or more seniors in recognition of excellence in the oral or poster presentation of the SIP at the Diebold Symposium. Lucy Merrill Theresa Marie Shuryan Sarah Caroline Smith Cameron Werner Katherine Wynne
THE ROBERT BZDYL PRIZE IN MARINE BIOLOGY, awarded to one or more students with demonstrated interest and ability in marine biology or related fields. Na Young Kim
THE WILLIAM E. PRAEGER PRIZE, established by the faculty in the Biology Department and awarded to the most outstanding senior major in Biology, based on academic achievement in the discipline. Kathleen George Katherine Wynne
THE ANNUAL UNDERGRADUATE AWARD IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry. Collin Joseph Steen
THE ANNUAL UNDERGRADUATE AWARD IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry, to an undergraduate student planning on pursuing graduate studies in chemistry. Sonam Shrestha
THE ANNUAL UNDERGRADUATE AWARD IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, sponsored by the American Chemical Society and subcommittee for the Division of Organic Chemistry, to an undergraduate student who displays significant aptitude for a career in organic chemistry. Rachel Elizabeth Fadler
THE ANNUAL UNDERGRADUATE AWARD IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, sponsored by the American Chemical Society and subcommittee for the Division of Physical Chemistry, to an undergraduate student who displays significant aptitude for a career in organic chemistry. Eric S. Thornburg
THE OUTSTANDING CHEMISTRY STUDENT FROM KALAMAZOO COLLEGE, sponsored by the Kalamazoo Section of the American Chemical Society and is given to the graduating senior who has demonstrated leadership in the chemistry department and plans to pursue graduate studies in chemistry. Sarah Glass
THE KURT KAUFMAN FELLOW, given annually to seniors who receive Honors in the Senior Individualized Project (SIP) conducted with faculty in the Chemistry Department. Suma J. Alzouhayli Sarah Glass Eric S. Thornburg Myles Truss
THE LEMUEL F. SMITH AWARD, given to a student majoring in chemistry pursuing the American Chemical Society approved curriculum and having at the end of the junior year the highest average standing in courses taken in chemistry, physics,and mathematics. Collin Joseph Steen
Mathematics and Computer Science
THE CLARKE BENEDICT WILLIAMS PRIZE, awarded to that member of the graduating class who has the best record in mathematics and the allied sciences. Jill Denise Antonishen Yicong Guo
THE JOHN WESLEY HORNBECK PRIZE, awarded to a senior with the highest achievement for the year’s work in advanced physics toward a major. Jill Denise Antonishen Michelle Sugimoto
THE GEORGE ACKER AWARD awarded annually to a male athlete who in his participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational. Andrew Marten Bremer
THE HORNET ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AWARD, for a graduating senior who has most successfully combined high scholarship with athletic prowess. Brent Yelton
THE MARY LONG BURCH AWARD, for a senior woman who has manifested interest in sports activities and excelled in scholarship. Grace Fitzgerald Smith
THE C. W. “OPIE” DAVIS AWARD, awarded to the outstanding senior male athlete. Branden Metzler
THE KNOECHEL FAMILY AWARD, awarded to a senior male and a senior female member of the swim teams in recognition of demonstrated excellence in both intercollegiate swimming and academic performance. Stuart Murch Colleen Elizabeth Orwin
THE TISH LOVELESS AWARD, given by the Department of Physical Education to the outstanding senior female athlete. Colleen Elizabeth Orwin
THE CATHERINE A. SMITH PRIZE IN WOMEN’S ATHLETICS, awarded to a woman athlete who in her participation gave all, never quit, with good spirit supported others unselfishly, and whose example was inspirational. Suzanne Miller Grace Fitzgerald Smith
Anthropology and Sociology
THE RAYMOND L. HIGHTOWER AWARD, given to a graduating senior for excellence in and commitment to the disciplines of sociology and anthropology and leadership in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Emily Levy Chenxi “Abby” Lu Yaneli Soriano Santiago
Economics and Business
THE WILLIAM G. HOWARD MEMORIAL PRIZE, awarded to a senior for excellence in academic work in an economics or business major. Shanice Buys Kyle Hernández Amanda Johnson
THE PROVOST PRIZE IN BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, awarded to a senior for excellence in academic work in a business major. Eric Castle De Witt Philip Ritchie Aidan M. Tank
Political Science
THE E. BRUCE BAXTER MEMORIAL AWARD, awarded to a senior showing outstanding development in the field of political science. Melissa Erikson
THE WILLIAM G. HOWARD MEMORIAL PRIZE, awarded for excellence in a year’s work in political science. Erica Marie Vanneste
THE MARSHALL HALLOCK BRENNER PRIZE awarded to an outstanding student for excellence in the field of psychology. Kyle Hernández
THE XARIFA GREENQUIST MEMORIAL PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT AWARD, given in recognition of distinctive service to students and faculty in psychology by a student assistant. Janelle Brittany Grant Janay Ruth Johnson Ashley Vail Schmidt Caroline Elena Sulich Matthew Jacob Zhiss
THE RICHARD D. KLEIN AWARDS IN PSYCHOLOGY Maribel Blas-Rangel (Senior Award) Sarah Jayne Bragg (Senior Award) Francisco Lopez Jr. (Senior Impact Award) Landen Skinner (Senior Impact Award)
THE DONALD W. VAN LIERE PRIZES IN PSYCHOLOGY Daniella Y. Glymin (Coursework) Rachel Lifton (Coursework) Mackenzie Norman (Coursework) Ashley Vail Schmidt (Coursework) Caroline Elena Sulich (Coursework) Camila Trefftz (Coursework) Kaela Van Til (Coursework) Sarah Jayne Bragg (Research) Hannah Kim (Research) Paris N. Weisman (Research)
Women, Gender and Sexuality
THE CATHERINE A. SMITH PRIZE IN HUMAN RIGHTS, awarded to a senior who has been active on campus in promoting human rights, furthering progressive social and cultural change, and combating violence, repression, and bigotry. Danielle Purkey
THE LUCINDA HINSDALE STONE PRIZE, awarded to a student whose scholarship, research or creative work in women’s studies, in the form of a SIP or other academic work, is most impressive. Audrey J. Negro
THE ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA MARIA LEONARD SENIOR BOOK AWARD, given to the Alpha Lambda Delta member graduating with the highest GPA. Grace Fitzgerald Smith
THE GORDON BEAUMONT MEMORIAL AWARD, awarded to the deserving student who displays qualities of selflessness, humanitarian concern, and willingness to help others, as exemplified in the life of Gordon Beaumont. Sarah Jayne Bragg Mireya Guzmán-Ortíz
THE HENRY AND INEZ BROWN AWARD is awarded in recognition of outstanding participation in the College community. Sidney Katherine Wall
THE VIRGINIA HINKELMAN MEMORIAL AWARD is awarded to a deserving student who displays a deep concern for the well-being of children, as demonstrated through career goals in the field of child welfare. Moises Hernandez
THE BABETTE TRADER CAMPUS CITIZENSHIP AND LEADERSHIP AWARD, awarded to that member of the graduating class, who has most successfully combined campus citizenship and leadership with scholarship. Grace Fitzgerald Smith Yaneli Soriano Santiago
THE MAYNARD OWEN WILLIAMS MEMORIAL AWARD, for the best student entry in the form of an essay, poetry, paintings, sketches, photographs, or films derived from Study Abroad. Jack Clark Hannah Nicole Cooperrider Alyse Michelle Guenther Anh P. Lam Sarah Jean Schmitt Camille Rose Wood Lindsay Worthington Samantha Young
The Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement recognizes THE HAM SCHOLARS, who work through community partnerships to empower girls and young women to lead and advocate. Sarah Jayne Bragg
The Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Institute for Service-Learning recognizes LAPLANTE STUDENT SCHOLARS who have shown outstanding dedication to civic engagement and who design and lead community programs that promote a more just, equitable and sustainable world. Moises Hernandez Annalise Elizabeth Robinson Caitlyn Whitcomb
The Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement recognizes the VIBBERT SCHOLARS, students who honor and exemplify the life and spirit of Stephanie Vibbert–scholar, activist, poet, feminist and artist–by leading programs that promote equity and justice through the arts and feminist organizing. Emily Kowey
THE SENIOR LEADERSHIP RECOGNITION AWARD is awarded to students who have provided key elements of leadership in their organizations, athletic teams, academic departments, employment, and the wider Kalamazoo community. Students were nominated by faculty and staff members in January. Seniors eligible for this award also had to meet a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average requirement and be in good academic and social standing at the College. Suma J. Alzouhayli Riley M. Boyd Sarah Jayne Bragg Allie J. Brodsky Thaddeus Martin Buttrey Liz Clevenger Sabrina Esha Dass Eric Castle De Witt Dana Theresa DeVito Nate Donovan Erin DuRoss Kayla Dziadzio Melissa Erikson Sarah Glass Ellie Simon Goldman Marlon Gonzalez Moises Hernandez Gabrielle Holme-Miller Allia V. M. Howard Emily Kowey Emily Levy Chenxi “Abby” Lu Leland Harrison Rene Merrill Branden Metzler Suzanne Miller Colleen Elizabeth Orwin Lauren A. Perlaki Douglas S. Robinett Jacob Scott David Jordan Smith Grace Fitzgerald Smith Katie Sorensen Anhtu Vu Sidney Katherine Wall Lindsay Worthington
Marcia Wood inspects “Prospect” prior to finishing stages. The sculpture is part of K’s campus.
The late Marcia Wood ’55 served Kalamazoo College as a professor in the art department from 1965 to 1998. She also was a renowned and award winning artist whose works appear throughout the country. An exhibition of her work, Marcia Wood: Monuments and Miniatures, will occur in the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo EPIC Center Gallery from May 5 through May 26, 2017.
According to Wood’s friend and former colleague, David Curl, who served as a visiting professor of Art at Kalamazoo College from 1989-2000, the exhibition will feature legacy work—various examples of Wood’s smaller sculptures, maquettes, and early paintings. Many of the items have been donated by the Wood family for sale by silent auction. Proceeds of the auction benefit the Marcia J. Wood Scholarship Fund at Kalamazoo College.
“Marcia touched and inspired many lives through her original work and 40-year career,” said Curl. “She conceived and executed sixteen large-scale public art sculptures that were installed in four states, as well as literally countless paintings and smaller sculptures. Her style was conceptually and symbolically representational, but reflected the abstract expressionism of the times.” One of her large-scale installations, Prospect, was commissioned to celebrate the College’s 1983 sesquicentennial and is located in front of the Light Fine Arts Building. In 1980 Wood received the Florence J. Lucasse Fellowship for Excellence in Scholarship, the highest award bestowed by the College’s faculty honoring contributions in creative work. In 1997 Wood was honored with the Governor’s Art Award from the Concerned Citizens for the Arts in Michigan.
Prices of the artwork donated for auction, according to Curl, are not expected to approach “gallery” levels; only to reflect the maximum that each buyer is willing to commit to the scholarship fund. Online bidding will end as of the close of the EPIC Center exhibit on May 26, 2017, but bids entered by the exhibit opening on May 5, 2017 will be posted during the exhibition to encourage further bids from gallery visitors. “This silent auction of some of her lesser known work,” Curl says, “is a rare opportunity to continue Marcia’s legacy through contributing to her scholarship fund, and a last chance to acquire for your own collection a unique artifact of art history.”
The website is sponsored and supported solely by Curl, as agent for the Wood family, and is not connected directly to the College, to the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, The Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo, or to any other entity. All proceeds from online and gallery sales will go entirely to the Marcia J. Wood Scholarship Fund at Kalamazoo College. By bidding, you agree that your contact information will be used only for communication about your bid, to notify you if you submit a winning bid by close of this online auction at midnight Friday, May 26, 2017, and to arrange for payment and for pick-up or shipment of your purchase(s).
“I’m grateful to all who browse these few remaining items from her legacy work,” says Curl, “and to all those who purchase one in her honor, and attend her exhibitions!”
Kalamazoo College recently appointed four faculty as endowed professors. Endowed professorships are positions funded by the annual earnings from an endowed gift or gifts to the College; therefore they are a direct reflection of 1) the value donors attribute to the excellent teaching and mentorship that occurs at K, and 2) the desire of donors to ensure the continuation of that excellence. Currently at K there are 26 endowed faculty positions, including the four recently announced.
Hannah Apps is the Thomas K. Kreilick Professor of Economics;
John Dugas is the Margaret and Roger Scholten Associate Professor of International Studies;
Kyla Day Fletcher is the Lucinda H. Stone Assistant Professor of Psychology; and
Sarah Lindley is the Arcus Social Justice Leadership Professor of Art.
Hannah Apps
Hannah Apps earned a B.A. degree, cum laude, from the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. She began her career at K in 1989, teaching a wide range of courses from principles of economics to public sector and urban economics to econometrics. She served one term as mayor of the city of Kalamazoo and seven terms as vice mayor (1997 through 2014), community service that well aligns with her scholarly focus on community and economic development. Her body of scholarship is impressive–two monographs; more than a dozen papers, articles and reports; numerous invited presentations; and a number of consultancies, typically with local governments and public agencies. Apps was selected as a Woman of Achievement by the Kalamazoo YWCA in 2004. At K she has been department chair, chair of the Faculty Hearing Committee, and (currently) member of the Faculty Personnel Committee.
John Dugas
John Dugas earned his B.A., magna cum laude, from Louisiana State University. He completed his Ph.D. (political science) from Indiana University. He began his career at K in 1995 and teaches a range of courses in international politics and Latin American politics. His early research focused on issues of political reform in Colombia, including decentralization, constitutional reform, and political party reform. In more recent years, he has written about U.S. foreign policy toward Colombia as well as on human rights in the northern Andes. His current research explores the concept of “political genocide” in relation to the systematic killing of members of the Unión Patriótica, a Colombian political movement that was decimated in the 1980s and 1990s. He is the co-author of one book and the editor of another, both published in Spanish in Colombia. His scholarship also includes nine book chapters, three articles in refereed journals, and numerous book reviews and conference papers. Dugas is the recipient of two Fulbright Grants, one for teaching and research in Bogotá, Colombia (1999) and another for research in Quito, Ecuador (2010-2011). At K Dugas has served as chair of the political science department and is currently the director of International and Area Studies major. He is also the faculty advisor for the Model United Nations student organization.
Kyla Fletcher
Kyla Day Fletcher earned a B.S. degree, summa cum laude, from Howard University. She earned a Ph.D. (developmental psychology) from the University of Michigan. She has worked at K since 2012, teaching general psychology, adolescent development, psychology of the African-American experience, research methods, and psychology of sexuality. She has published five peer-reviewed journal articles since 2014 and is currently the principal investigator of a study titled “Substance Use and Partner Characteristics in Daily HIV Risk in African Americans.” That study is sponsored by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health). Fletcher has been an active contributor to the psychology department and the College, most recently serving as a representative on the presidential search committee.
Sarah Lindley
Sarah Lindley earned her Bachelor of Fine Art degree, magna cum laude, from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. She earned a M.F.A. (ceramics) from the University of Washington. Since 2001 she has taught a wide range of ceramics and sculpture courses, and she has managed and maintained K’s ceramics, sculpture and woodshop studios and equipment. Lindley served as an Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership Faculty Fellow in 2010-2011, and in that capacity she helped found the Community Studio in downtown Kalamazoo’s Park Trades Center. The Community Studio provides space for advanced art students to do and show work in close proximity to and collaboration with professional artists and community advocates for the arts and social justice. In 2014 Lindley won the Michigan Campus Compact Outstanding Faculty Award for her civic engagement pedagogy. She has had numerous solo, two-person and group exhibitions regionally, nationally, and internationally. In 2015 she won honorable mention in the 8th Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale in Korea.
“Professors Apps, Dugas, Fletcher and Lindley are extraordinary teachers,” said Provost Mickey McDonald. “And each has a deep commitment to scholarship and service, to the art and science of learning, and to the achievement of educational outcomes students can long apply to successful living.”
Julie Mehretu ’92 is one of 14 new members voted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Mehretu is among the most celebrated of contemporary painters in the world. She works from studios in New York City and Berlin. She has exhibited in several important group exhibitions including “Poetic Justice”, 8th Istanbul Biennial (2003); Whitney Biennial; São Paolo Biennial and Carnegie International, Pittsburgh (2004); the Biennale of Sydney and the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2006); Prospect 1, New Orleans (2008); “Automatic Cities” MCA San Diego (2009); “From Picasso to Julie Mehretu,” British Museum, London (2010) and Document XIII, Kassel (2012). Solo exhibitions include Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; REDCAT, Los Angeles and Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (2003); St Louis Art Museum (2005) and MUSAC, Léon, Spain (2006); “City Sitings,” Detroit Institute of Art and “Black City” Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark (2007); North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, (2008); “Grey Area,” Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin (2009) and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (2010). In 2015 Mehretu was honored with the U.S. State Department’s National Medal of Arts.
The arts academy, an honorary society with a core membership of 250 writers, artists, composers and architects, was founded in 1898, with members since ranging from Henry James and William Dean Howells to Chuck Close and Stephen Sondheim. The new inductees will be formally welcomed at a ceremony at the New York-based academy in May, where academy member Joyce Carol Oates will deliver the keynote address. Previous speakers have included Helen Keller, Robert Frost and Robert Caro. The new group of inductees features Kalamazoo College connections through its Summer Common Reading program. Among the writers the academy honored this year are Junot Diaz, Ann Patchett and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. All visited K for the SCR program, which featured their novels, respectively, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Bel Canto, and Purple Hibiscus.