Kalamazoo College Guilds Renamed and Expanded

On the program’s fifth anniversary, the Guilds of Kalamazoo College announced the addition of two new guilds and the re-christening of two others. An open house to celebrate this growth and evolution will occur Wednesday, January 9, from 6 PM to 8 PM in the Center for Career and Professional Development resource room on the first floor of Dewing Hall. Birthday cake will be served, and attendees will get first look at the summer 2013 internship and externship opportunities. The Guilds are active communities of engaged professionals—apprentices and masters—supported by the College’s Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD). Membership in the Guilds groups on LinkedIn has surpassed 1,500 individuals, including more than 1,000 K alumni. The names of two Guilds have changed—the Justice & Peace Guild becomes the Nonprofit & Public Service Guild, and the Sustainability Guild becomes the Science & Technology Guild. The Nonprofit & Public Service name reflects the life work of the majority of that Guild’s members, allowing apprentices and masters to more easily recognize their career paths within that Guild. The Science & Technology Guild creates a Guild home for a group of students and alumni professionals that until now hadn’t determined where they fit in the Guilds. The two name changes in no way undermine those Guilds’ engagements with matters of peace, justice, and sustainability. Says CCPD director Joan Hawxhurst: “The CCPD remains committed to those core ideals. Working with Guilds members we will bring these topics into conversations across all Guilds.” The new  “all” includes two new entities: the Education Guild and the Arts & Media Guild. The Business Guild, Health Guild, and Law Guild complete the magnificent seven. CCPD will continue to work with the Environmental Studies concentration to co-host the annual Sustainability SIP Symposium, which showcases senior research that aligns with professional pathways in multiple Guilds. And, says Hawxhurst, “We also will continue to partner with the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership to address social justice issues across all the Guilds.”

Cultivating Community

Shoshana Schultz holds the calendar for "A Year of Food in Kalamazoo"
K Senior Shoshana Schultz hold “A Year of Food in Kalamazoo,” a calendar created by her and other K students.

Cultivating Community is a first-year seminar taught by Associate Professor of English Amelia Katanski ’92. It’s a service-learning course that combines academic inquiry with a project rooted in a local issue or organization.

This fall, Cultivating Community students broke into groups to interview and photograph people active in the area food community for the purpose of creating a 2013 calendar titled “A Year of Food in Kalamazoo.”

Subjects ranged from farmers and farm worker advocates, to organic food vendors such as Bridgett Blough ’08, who operates her own food truck business called The Organic Gypsy.

Teacher’s Assistant Shoshana Schultz ’13 worked as a go-between for the students, Katanski, and the People’s Food Co-Op, the class’s community partner.

“The seminar engages students in a critical examination of national food justice issues and introduces them to local food vendors who face these issues daily,” said Schultz. “The calendar is a meaningful and active way to address food justice and for others in the Kalamazoo community to be part of the discussion.

Now a senior, Schultz took Cultivating Community her first year at K. “My first year completely framed the way that I got to know the Kalamazoo community,” she said. “I’m proud of the work the students did this year.”

The calendars are on sale now at the People’s Food Co-Op in Kalamazoo for $15.

Dean’s List Fall 2012

Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Fall 2012 academic term.

Fall 2012



Nicole Allman
Sophia Amodeo
Ayaka Abe
Keaton Adams
Michael Allen
Avery Allman
Michael Anderson
Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti
Giancarlo Anemone
Jasmine An
Adrianna Aviles
Sarah Allis


Madison Baxter
Kathryn Bergh
Kristen Bergh
Brita Bliss
Alice Bowe
Kelly Bresnahan
Anh Bui
Megan Burns
Philip Bystrom
Reid Blanchett
Allison Bloomfield
Nakeya Boyles
Calli Brannan
Stavros Bricolas
Amanda Bolles
Shelbi Bolter
Travis Bowers
Cameron Brutsche
Sarah Baehr
Ernest Barna III
Caroline Barnett
Grace Barry
Abraham Bayha
Kate Belew
Hilary Bick
Olivia Bouchard
Miss Grace Bowe
Caitlin Braun
Taylor Brown
Aaron Bunker
Laurel Burgam
Camille Burke
Travis Braun


Stefano Cagnato
Christopher Cain
Elaine Carlin
Cody Carr
Myungjin Cha
Kathryn Chamberlain
Cassandra Chorny
Kamille Cross
Nora Cullen
Francisco Cabrera
Willina Cain
Kathryn Callaghan
Olivia Cares
Isabelle Ciaramitaro
Josefina Cibelli
Annaliese Collier
Margot Couraud
Brian Cunningham-Rhoads
Xiaotang Cai Jr.
Edward Carey
Ismael Carrasco III
Holly Cooperrider
Ellie Cannon
Haley Cartwright
Colin Cepuran
Natalie Coogan
Riley Cook
Leo Cox
Brock Crystal
Brandon Casto
Emily Ciesielski
Rebecca Cummins-Lanter


Hannah Daly
Peter Decker
Calee Dieleman
Gabriella Donofrio
Emily Drucker
Jeremiah Duncan
Susmitha Daggubati
Brian Dalluge
Joshua Daniel
Justin Danzy
Natalie Davenport
Kathryn Davis
Kevin Davison
Samir Deshpande
Melany Diaz
Rachel Dranoff
Johanna Drentlaw
Paula Dallacqua
Megan Davis
Francesca DeAnda
Trenton Dykstra
Rachel Dandar
Callie Daniels-Howell
Christopher Darnton
David DeSimone
Kelsey Donk
Ryan Davis
Abigail DeOchoa
Samuel Doyle


Monika Egerer
Maythita Eiampikul
Sophia Ernstrom
Fiona Evans
Kevin Ewing
Maya Edery
Kristen Ellefson
Andrew Ertle
Samuel Evans-Golden
Joyce Eckstrom
Elaine Ezekiel


William Ferrara
Alexis Fiebernitz
Marie Fiori
Joshua Foley
Angela Fong
Hannah Frame
Caitlin Finan
Campbell Flood
Abram Farley
Nathaniel Feuerstein
Tyler Fisher
Samantha Foran
Caroline Foura
Abigail Fraser
Rina Fujiwara
Beth Farwell


Cierra Gillard
Madelyn Gillentine
Dulce Godines
Mary Goyings
Joseph Granzotto
Hannah Gray
Emily Guzman
Keith Garber
Joana Garcia
Evan Gorgas
Emma Gougeon
Madalyn Grau
Maria Luisa Garnica Marroquin
Mark Ghafari
David Graham
Bridget Gallagher
Grace Gilmore
Alexandra Gothard
Anna Gough
Kaitlyn Greiner
Alexandra Groffsky
Rudi Goddard
Emily Gray
Hanna Groniger
Jared Georgakopoulos


Dagan Hammar
Emilie Harris-Makinen
Sara Haverkamp
Kenneth Heidel
Michael Hicks
Jeffery Holton
Rachel Horness
Benjamin Hulbert
Kathryn Hunter
Chaz Hyatt
Robert Hammond
Nora Harris
Sarah Hassle
Shannon Haupt
Stephanie Heard
Michelle Hernandez
Kaitlyn Horton
Pornkamol Huang
Audra Hudson
Patricia Hunter
Daniel Herrick
Jonathan Husar
Allison Hammerly
Elizabeth Hanley
Andrew Haughey
Mariah Hennen
Jordan Henning
Emily Holloway
Jenna Holmes
Drew Hopper
Jane Huffman
Zari Haggenmiller
Nicole Higgins
Robert Hilliard
Jacob Holloway
Kyle Huismann


Sierra Imanse


Max Jensen
Evan Johnson
Katherine Johnston
Thomas Jackson
Morgan Jennings
Andrea Johnson
Tibin John
Samantha Jolly


Margaret Kane
Grace Kelley
Tristan Kiel
Daniel Kilburn
Chaise Kahlenbeck
Jessica Kehoe
Spencer Kennedy
Anthony Ketner
Siga Kisielius
Ruiqi Kou
Matthew Kuntzman
Mehmet Kologlu
Daniel Karn
Abigail Keizer
Jack Kemper
Faiz Khaja
Emily Kotz
McKenna Kring
Camden Krusec
Hannah Knoll
Catherine Kopecky


Bonnie Lathrop
Conrad Liu
Mara Livezey
Robyn Lane
Patrick Leaske
Bo Gyoung Lee
Elizabeth Lenning
Madeline LeVasseur
William Lewis
Jacob Lindquist
Yishi Li
Riley Lundquist
Colin Lauderdale
Rachael La Barbera
Tessa Lathrop
Jacob Lenning
Rebecca Lennington
Vageesha Liyana Gunawardana
Justin Leatherwood
Paul Lovaas
Colin Leffert
Christopher Lueck


Lydia Manger
Megan Martinez
Caitlin McCarthy
Alaina McConnell
Jessica McInchak
Megan McLeod
Ian Miller
Michael Minkus
Sashae Mitchell
Ellen Muniga
Lucy MacArthur Jr.
Megan Malish
Sarah Manski
Belinda McCauley
Mallory McClure
Ivy McKee
Molly Meddock
Jordan Meiller
Mallika Mitra
Aliera Morasch
Laura Moreno
Chloe Mpinga
Quinn McCormick
Jordan Meeth
Tendai Mudyiwa
Corinne MacInnes
Lucy Mailing
Grace Manger
Grace Mathieu
Adam McDowell
Aaron McGuire
Salome Mgaloblishvili
Gabrielle Montesanti
Alexandra Morris
Philip Mulder
Shane MacDonald
David Menoian
Brandon Merritt
Matthew Mills
Alexander Minch
Matthew Morrison


Alexandra Norman
Nicholas Nutile
Alissa Neff
Hang Nguyen
Hoang Nguyen
Maureen Newman
Taylor Netherton


Franco Ojimba
Hannah Olsen


Dana Page
Yunpeng Pang
Alicia Pettys
Alexandra Prepsky
Elizabeth Penix
Jung Eun Pyeon
Jane Packer
Fayang Pan
Thanh Thanh Phan
Laura Persons



Bianca Rasho
Trace Redmond
Darwin Rodriguez
Rebecca Rogstad
Brian Raetz
Rachel Rezko
Sophie Roberts
William Roberts
Braeden Rodriguez
Christopher Ralstrom
William Reichle
Anna Rayas
Lindsey Reppuhn
Maria Rich
Katherine Ring
Sophia Ritsema
Werner Roennecke II
Ryan Rohatynski
Samuel Rood
Alexander Rigney
Megan Rosenberg


Emily Salswedel
Andrew Schelberg-Miller
Brooke Selik
Jennifer Servis
Samantha Simmons
Imani Sims
Jyotika Singh
Alex Smith
Julia Smucker
Melissa Sparow
Jensen Sprowl
Nikki Stern
Shelby Stuart
Nicholas Sweda
Grady Schneider
Lauren Seroka
Nicholas Shabino
Brandon Siedlaczek
Alexsandra Siems
Alexandra Smith
Jordan Smith
Kyle Sunden
Mengxi Sun
Muyang Sun
Mira Swearer
Rami Sherman
Sajan Silwal
Wyatt Smith
Alexandra Stephens
Andrea Satchwell
Cameron Schneberger
Kaitlyn Schneider
Aaron Schoenfeldt
Colleen Schuldeis
Robert Schultz
Hannah Shaughnessy-Mogill
Dylan Shearer
Hayley Smith
Ernest Stech
Emily Stillman
Adrian Shier
Jacqueline Short
Audrey Slough
Renjie Song
Eeva Stout-Sharp
Keeney Swearer
Shelley Stevens


Amy Tam
Kinza Tareen
Yvonne Thoits
Jonathan Tavasti
Abigail Taylor
Nadia Torres
Minhkhang Truong
Elizabeth Tyburski
Thomas Tabor
Brett Thomas
Tyler Tabenske
Emerson Talanda-Fisher
Lauren Tartalone
Lilian Taylor


Elizabeth Uribe


Lydia Vadopalas
Kiran Vangipuram
Alexandra VanHeest
Daisy Villa
Elizabeth Vincensi
Zachary Voigt
Samantha Voss
Amritha Venkataraman
Rachael Vettese
Austin Voydanoff


Sarah Wallace
Emily Walsh
Weiwei Wang
Jiakan Wang
Charles Weber
Loren Weber
Yuanyuan Wen
Lauren Wierenga
Bradford Woelke
Abby Wood
Emily Wright
Natalie Weingartz
Sarah Werner
Connor Wheaton
Kieran Williams
Jenna Wood
Sarah Woods
Joseph Widmer
Jessica Wiese
Joseph Wyzgoski
Alyssa Walker
Jeffery Washington Jr.
Cameron Wasko
Alexander Werder
Joseph Westerfield
Scott Wharam
Courtney Wise
Richard Woods
Erika Worley
Riley Wetzel


Michael Yeomans
Roy Yewah
Skylar Young
Karl Young


Agron Ziberi
Marc Zughaib
Allan Zamierowski

K Student Activities Win Awards

For the second year in a row, Kalamazoo College has earned awards from the National Association of Campus Activities—Mid-America Region, during its annual conference in Grand Rapids. Awards were given to campus events at member institutions in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia during the 2011-12 academic year.

K earned the NACA Region’s coveted Program of the Year award for its annual Monte Carlo Night, the annual winter casino event at which students are the players (using funny money supplied by the College), and professors and administrative staff are dealers and croupiers. A DJ and dancing, food, and great prizes from the “Millionaire Shop” are also featured. The alcohol-free event is a formal affair with participants dressing to the nines. It’s K’s signature event for students each year, attracting nearly 1,000 participants.

K’s Homecoming Sock Hop Dance earned the NACA’s Outstanding Campus Collaboration. It’s the second year in a row for a K win in this category. Carried out in collaboration with K’s Student Commission and Student Activities Committee, the Sock Hop attracted more than 600 K students to the Anderson Athletic Center during Homecoming weekend.

Emily Lott holds a framed NACA award
Emily Lott

Emily Lott rounded out the 2012 NACA awards for K by earning the Outstanding Graduate Assistant award. A graduate student from Western Michigan University, Emily has served as an advisor, mentor, and resource for many K students since her arrival on campus in August 2011. She recently planned and implemented the “NextGen Workshop” for the Michigan College Personnel Association’s annual conference, designed to be a resource for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in the field of Student Affairs.

“The NACA awards represent the best achievements by student development professionals at small colleges and large universities throughout our six-state NACA region,” said Kalamazoo College Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students Sarah Westfall. “I’m very happy for our students and Student Involvement staff, and am pleased to know that K is out front in the effort to create educational and recreational opportunities for our students and professionals.”

Dean Westfall praised Assistant Dean of Students Brian Dietz and Assistant Director of Student Involvement Kate Yancho for providing the organizational leadership behind these and other activities for K students. Read more about K’s award winning Office of Student Involvement effort here.

Hornets Join Broncos in Hurricane Cleanup

K cross country runner Brock Crystal ’15 (l) and WMU football player Nick Norton (r) helped New Jersey homeowners Vicki Laudien and Joe Danski clean up after Hurricane Sandy
K cross country runner Brock Crystal ’15 (l) and WMU football player Nick Norton (r) helped New Jersey homeowners Vicki Laudien and Joe Danski clean up after Hurricane Sandy.

Brock Crystal’s ’15 decision to attend the weekly athlete bible study at Kalamazoo College led him on an adventure in giving and gratitude he says he’ll never forget. Crystal, a member of the K Men’s Cross Country team, heard about a planned mission trip during Thanksgiving weekend to the East Coast where Hornets would collaborate with Broncos—Western Michigan University’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes—to help people affected by Hurricane Sandy.
      Though he had never tried anything like this before, Crystal decided to tag along with fellow K students. Sophie Roberts ’16, Quinn McCormick ’14, Jacob Lenning ’15, Liz Lenning ’16, Guiherme (Will) Guedes ’15, and Crystal carpooled east where they met up with the WMU volunteers. The group of 14 student athletes worked for five days tearing out damage from flooded homes and helping residents take photographs for insurance claims.
      This trip marked Crystal’s first time volunteering at a disaster site. He said many homes still lacked power and water, and many people were stranded or living with friends. One day, Crystal and others travelled to the Jersey Shore where they met homeowners Vicki Laudien and Joe Danski whose house had been flooded with four feet of water.
      “They basically said, ‘everything in this house from four feet below has to leave,’” said Crystal. As the K crew worked clearing out the house, they discovered a board in the back of a first-floor closet. The board held pencil markings of Laudien’s and Danski’s grandchildren’s changing heights over the years. Crystal and his crewmates pried the board from the closet, and presented it as a gift to the family.
      “It was really powerful to connect so deeply to someone in the span of half a day,” said Crystal. Now that he’s back home, Crystal says he caught the volunteer bug. “I really now see it’s not about us and not about getting gratitude for what we’ve done; it’s about helping other people,” he said. “It was a very rewarding experience I’d go on 100 times over.”
Story by Elaine Ezekiel ’13

Celebrations of Light

“Diwali & Eid Celebrations” was the topic of the Week Nine (Nov. 9) Community Reflection in Stetson Chapel. Sponsored by K Desi and the Chapel Program, this Reflection sought to inform the campus community about the origins and customs of the holidays celebrated by Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs this time of year.

Seven students celebrate Diwali and Eid
Kalamazoo College students helping the campus community celebrate Diwali and Eid were (top row, l-r) Swapna Gudipati ’13, Utsav Adhikari ’14, Faiza Fayyaz ’13, Karan Kapoor ’14 (bottom row), Kinza Tareen ’13, Jyotika Singh ’13, and Sukhvir Kaur ’13.

Utsav Adhikari ’14 and Karan Kapoor ’14 lit a candle and rang a ceremonial bell while Swapna Gudipati ’13 recited the Lakshmi Puja prayer, which, she said, is typical of Diwali celebrations in Hindu culture. “In India, we celebrate Diwali by lighting candles, or diyas, around the house,” she said. “It is thought that when the light comes from the diyas, that the evil and darkness goes away.”

Kapoor recalled some of his memories of the “festival of lights,” which occurred this year between Nov. 13 and 17. “It’s a lot like Christmas, but we don’t have Santa Claus,” he said. Adhikari recalled celebrations of a similar holiday, Tihar, in his native Nepal. Sukhvir Kaur ’13 and Jyotika Singh ’13 spoke about a religious time for Sikhs called Bandi Chhor Divas that occurs around the same time as Diwali. Kaur said it is less of a holiday, and more of a day of reflection. “Sikhs do not ’celebrate holidays,’” she said, “rather, they pay homage.” Singh translated a Sikh poem about enlightenment.

Faiza Fayyaz ’13 and Kinza Tareen ’13 described Eid al-Adha, the Muslim holiday that occurred on Oct. 26 this year. Tareen spoke about the customs associated with the holiday, like sharing meat from a sacrificial animal, in thirds, between family, friends and neighbors, and the needy “in the spirit of Eid.” After the reflection, students gathered on the chapel steps to light sparklers.

Community Reflection offers a unique forum for discussion, worship, performance, and community expression each Friday at 10:50 AM (refreshments at 10:30) in Stetson Chapel. The entire campus community and general public are invited. The Week 10 (Nov. 16) the last Reflection of the Fall 2012 Quarter will be a “Thanksgiving Sing-a-Long,” in which the Student Chaplains offer a musical reflection on Thanksgiving, and gratitude for our role in preserving and establishing community in our lives.

K Again Rates High for Study Abroad

Four Kalamazoo College students in Beijing
Kalamazoo College students in Beijing, China

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (Nov. 12, 2012) – Kalamazoo College has again been recognized as a leader in study abroad programs for U.S. college students. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), Kalamazoo ranks #10 among U.S. colleges that offer baccalaureate degrees based solely on the percentage of its graduates that studied abroad during the 2010-11 academic year.

IIE reports that 87.9 percent (261 out of 297) of Kalamazoo graduates in 2011 had studied abroad during their K experience. Last year’s IIE report ranked Kalamazoo #12.

“At Kalamazoo College, international/intercultural engagement is an integral part of the K-Plan for undergraduate liberal arts education, and study abroad plays a big role in helping students to achieve that engagement,” said Associate Provost for International Programs Joe Brockington. “The College is a recognized national leader in education abroad and continues to be a model for other colleges and universities.”

Kalamazoo operates 48 programs in 24 countries on six continents. During the past four years, an average of 51 percent of K students traveled to Europe, 22 percent to Austral-Asia, 16 percent to Latin America and the Caribbean, and 11 percent to Africa and the Middle East. Popular programs are in China, Ecuador, Scotland, and Thailand.

Kalamazoo’s program is distinctive, said Brockington, “because in addition to being integral (i.e. part of the K curriculum), it is intentional (i.e. supported by learning outcomes that are assessed regularly), and integrative (i.e. striving to connect our students with local communities abroad).”

He said Kalamazoo stands out from other institutions because K students engage in long-term study abroad programs that last from one 11-week term to a full academic year. Many schools that send a high percentage of students abroad (including schools on the IIE list) only do so for three to four weeks in the summer or during a January short-term break. Kalamazoo students in all majors participate in study abroad, including a majority of student athletes even if it means they miss all or part of a competitive season. Many K students continue their major course of study while abroad, including science and math majors.

Most students take advantage of the Fall-Winter program and reside with host families. An Integrative Cultural Research Project, or ICRP, is a required component of selected programs. Bearing an academic credit, ICRP projects place great emphasis on participation, informed by observation and more traditional research activities.

“Study abroad remains a signature element of the K-Plan, said Brockington. “And it will for years to come.”

Read more about Kalamazoo College’s study abroad program, including blogs by K students currently studying abroad, at www.kzoo.edu/cip.

IIE is the leading not-for-profit educational and cultural exchange organization in the United States. Its annual census is based on a survey of approximately 3,000 accredited U.S. institutions and draws support from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Calvin College (27) and Alma College (35) are the only other baccalaureate institutions in Michigan included on the 2012 IIE report.

Kalamazoo College (www.kzoo.edu), founded in Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1833, is a nationally recognized liberal arts college and the creator of the K-Plan that emphasizes rigorous scholarship, learning by practice, leadership development, and international and intercultural engagement. Kalamazoo College does more in four years, so students can do more in a lifetime.

Battle of the Brains

Congrats to the Black Hornets (Jiakan Wang ’13, Renjie Song ’13, Tibin John ’15) and the Orange Hornets (Chris Clerville ’13, Will Reichle 14’, Kyle Sunden ’14) on their success at the regional Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest, or “Battle of the Brains,” this past Saturday. Both Kalamazoo College teams finished in the top half of the teams in their region.

The  Black Hornets solved two out of nine problems, finished in 39th place in the region (out of 131 teams), and earned the Extreme Programmers award for solving problem B in 25 minutes! The Orange Hornets solved one out of nine problems and finished 53rd in the region.

“Our region is one of the most competitive in the country, including multiple teams from such schools as Carnegie Mellon, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of Michigan, and Notre Dame,” said Associate Professor of Computer Science Pam Cutter, Ph.D. “I’m proud of both teams for solving at least one problem. There were 54 teams in our region that did not solve any of the problems!”

According to Cutter, the “Battle of the Brains” consists of a five-hour, real-world, problem-solving challenge that is equivalent to an entire semester’s worth of computer programming. Teams of three from colleges and universities in 90 countries and six continents use skills based upon open technology and advanced computing methods to compete for a coveted spot on the World Finals held in summer 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Full standings and results from the recent regional, and problem sets with judges solutions can be found at http://acm.ashland.edu.

Black and Orange! Orange and Black!

Hop On K Art

Kalamazoo College has FOUR stops on tonight’s monthly Art Hop around downtown Kalamazoo.

William Morris and Kelmscott event advertisementWilliam Morris & Kelmscott
: Works by the 19thCentury British Artist, writer, textile designer, and founder of Kelmscott Press. In the A.M. Todd Rare Book Room, Upjohn Library – 3rd Floor, on the K campus, 5-8 pm.

Fear into Fire: Reclaiming Black Male Identity through the Art of Tattooing. Presented by the Black Arts & Cultural Center and Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership. Epic Center, 359 S. Kalamazoo Mall – 2nd> Floor Atrium, 5-8 pm.

Paths Revisited: Paintings by Bernard Palchick
, Professor of Art, Emeritus. Funded with support from the Kalamazoo Artistic Development Initiative and the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo. Epic Center, 359 S. Kalamazoo Mall – Suite 203, 5-8 pm.

Untold Stories
: Works by six K seniors from Professor Sarah Lindley’s Advanced Studio course (Annie Belle, Lizz Caputo, Hannah Knoll, Annie Swanson-Nystrom, Katherine Smith, and Elizabeth Yang). Park Trades Center, 326 W. Kalamazoo Ave., Studio 209-L, 6-9 pm.

Marquise Griffin ’15 Selected to Attend National Student Leadership Forum on Faith and Values

Marquise Griffin
Marquise Griffin ’15

Marquise Griffin ’15 has been selected to attend the 2012 National Student Leadership Forum on Faith and Values in Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-4. Convened by members of Congress, the Forum brings together college students from the United States and abroad to interact with fellow students, recent graduates, young professionals, and established adults from the political, business, and social service sectors.

Marquise was nominated by Kalamazoo College Chaplain Liz Candido ’00. He’s a student chaplain at K and co-leader of the Christian Student Organization. Marquise is active in the K Black Student Organization, K-Crew, Caribbean Society, and Poetry Collective, and he’s working with other K students to create a student fitness organization on campus.

The St. Louis, Missouri-native also engages in service-learning as a tutor in the Community Advocates for Parents and Students (CAPS) program in Kalamazoo. He intends to declare a major in English during winter quarter 2013. A lifelong martial arts enthusiast, Marquise is on his way to meeting his goal to earn a “black belt” in at least seven martial arts categories. Martial arts allow him “to meld my spirituality, mental/intellectual abilities, and physical fitness into a lifelong journey of self improvement and service to others,” he said. “As a Christian, I view service to be a top priority. Christ taught us to serve others with love, because love is the greatest force.”