Red Cross Club Delivers the Life Blood of K Drives

With hearts full of service, a student organization is pumping exceptional success into the blood drives at Kalamazoo College.

The Red Cross Club, led by Abby Barnum ’23, has earned a Premier Blood Partners Program award from the American Red Cross, designed to recognize community efforts in benefiting the local blood supply. The award honors the Red Cross’ highest contributing sponsors, starting at 50 donations collected per year, with a minimum blood-drive size of 30 units.

As many as 50 students, faculty, staff and community members have signed up for each of the blood drives at K, which are conducted once per term, amounting to three times a year. After a few cancellations and donation deferrals for low blood-iron levels, about 35 to 40 typically will donate.

“It’s a really big honor,” said Barnum, a biochemistry major and aspiring physician assistant. “The Red Cross person who arranges the blood drives told me, ‘you guys are doing so well, we’re going to give you this special recognition because you just keep knocking it out of the park.’ It was nice to hear that we’re making a difference even though we’re a smaller school.”

The COVID-19 pandemic prevented Barnum and Red Cross Club members from conducting blood drives at K until last spring. But now, a local Red Cross representative will collaborate with Health Care Center Coordinator Jennifer Combes to schedule each drive. That empowers about 10 active Red Cross Club members to volunteer both before and after the drives.

“The week before a drive we’ll have at least two people at tables at Hicks Student Center, and we encourage everybody as much as we can to donate,” Barnum said. “We let them know that donating saves up to three lives and we’ll give them free snacks afterward. On the day of, we have hour-long shifts. I usually take the day off from classes because it’s easier if at least one person is always there. One person does registration. Another works in the canteen, where we make sure everyone who donates gets a snack and is feeling OK afterward.”

Red Cross Club leader Abby Barnum with others from the Department of Chemistry registering students as majors in the department
Abby Barnum ’23 (left) joined Caelan Frazier ’24, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Daniela Arias-Rotondo and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Blake Tresca at Declaration of Major Day in February. Barnum is a member of the Kalamazoo College Red Cross Club, a student organization being recognized by the American Red Cross for the success of its blood drives.

How to help the Red Cross Club

  • Kalamazoo College will host its next Red Cross blood drive from noon to 5 p.m. Thursday, March 30, in the Hicks Banquet Room.
  • For an appointment, visit and enter sponsor code kzoocollege or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767).
  • Donors of all blood types are needed and blood can only come from volunteer blood donors.

Barnum has seen the importance of blood donations from a young age on through family members. Her grandfather has hemochromatosis, a condition in which one’s body accumulates too much iron, which forces him to donate blood regularly whenever he’s eligible. Her mom also began donating blood years ago, setting an example for Barnum.

As a result, Barnum became a blood drive officer at her high school and began donating herself. Later, her dad benefitted from blood donations when he suffered from two non-malignant brain tumors. And since, she has worked in Bronson-affiliated emergency rooms as a medical scribe in downtown Kalamazoo, Paw Paw and Battle Creek through Helix Scribe Solutions, which provides services to physician groups, healthcare systems and hospitals.

“I’ve seen the amount of help that just one blood donation can provide,” Barnum said. “Donating takes such a small portion of your day and you can really change someone’s life with it.”

If the thought of needles prevents you from donating, but you still want to help, remember that students can always join the Red Cross Club.

“We’re always looking for new people and the time commitment is once a term for maybe four hours,” Barnum said. “It’s an easy way to feel good about yourself and boost your resume with volunteer work. It’s also a good way to contribute to society and have a positive impact on the world around you.”

Search for Better, Safer Cycling Leads Class to Local Partners, Denmark

Students take a break from cycling to take a scenic group picture in Copenhagen
To top off the Wheels of Change class, Professor of English Amelia Katanski and her students traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Students from the Wheels of Change seminar visit Copenhagen, Denmark.
Copenhagen is said to have one of the world’s best cycling infrastructures.
Students take a break from cycling in Copenhagen
Although the seminar is finished, some of the students from Wheels of Change are keeping their projects in motion after visiting Copenhagen.

Cycling is more than recreation and enjoyable exercise when it’s viewed through the lenses of social and environmental justice in a new first-year seminar course at Kalamazoo College. 

Offered for the first time in fall through Professor of English Amelia Katanski, the class Wheels of Change worked closely with community partners, including the City of Kalamazoo, the Open Roads Bike Program and K’s own Outdoor Programs, to explore how communities can build cycling infrastructure to better support residents. 

In the classroom, students examined how bicycles empowered women and people of color during the late 19th century’s so-called cycling craze. It also looked at how bicycles today are sustainable tools in limiting climate change and supporting environmental health in ways that are capable of redressing racism, and gender- and ability-based discrimination. Katanski has taught community-based first-year seminar classes for more than 15 years. But the course in fall 2020 about food and farming justice in the time of COVID was unrepeatable with the pandemic winding down. She began to brainstorm ideas for new classes. 

“Cycling has always been a passion of mine, and I came across a book called Revolutions: How Women Changed the World on Wheels, Katanski said. “I started reading it and thinking about the origins of cycling and how it was this space for women and people of color to experience freedom, mobility, independence and physicality that wasn’t easily available to them. It began to sound like this great idea for a first-year seminar.” 

Street view of Copenhagen
When students traveled to Copenhagen, they found a city with cycling infrastructure that tops what most cities typically have.
Students traveling through Copenhagen's cycling infrastructure
Thanks to Copenhagen’s cycling infrastructure and history, residents often travel by bicycle even through cold winters.
Street view of Copenhagen
The book “Revolutions: How Women Changed the World on Wheels,” inspired Katanski to create the Wheels of Change seminar.

Outside the classroom, students met every Friday to participate in guided bike rides that gave them a feel for Kalamazoo’s current cycling infrastructure and how they might help or hinder the cycling community. They also split into groups to work on projects on and off campus. Students worked alongside City Planner and K alumna Christina Anderson ’98 on a project examining the city’s infrastructure, as well as with Open Roads Executive Director Isaac Green on a project developing and implementing safe-cycling routes for Kalamazoo-area children. On campus, they joined forces with K Outdoor Programs Director Jory Horner and Assistant Director Jess Port, investigating ways to make college-owned bikes more accessible to students, while promoting and supporting cycling among students and developing a cycling culture on campus. To top off the class, Katanski and her students traveled for a week to Copenhagen, Denmark, to see how the city, one of the world’s best for cycling infrastructure, can provide examples from which Kalamazoo can learn. 

Signing up for the class was a no-brainer for Elliot Russell, a Kalamazoo native, and Lillian Deer, a student from Washington state. Russell, for example, visited Amsterdam last spring, a city he considers to be a cycling capital. 

“That trip was eye opening to me, to see there are other possibilities of what urban space can look like other than what our interface looks like in America,” he said. “Since that trip, I’ve vowed, even though I have a car and a driver’s license, that I’m going to start biking for transport because I enjoy it. It’s also more ethically sound than using a car.” 

Deer said she was already interested in environmental sustainability and social justice before the class began, but didn’t know that bicycling could combine those themes. She wasn’t an active cyclist at the time, although group rides through the class made her feel more confident, provoking her excitement to work in the group that assisted K Outdoor Programs in figuring out what the College could do to be more bike friendly. 

“We researched several schools and we realized we need to have some sort of bike share program,” Deer said. “And to do that, we need a place to put bikes because the lack of one is preventing people from bringing their bikes to campus, according to the student survey we did,” Deer said. “We would like to continue those group rides, too, perhaps with a bike club, and match that with the new infrastructure.” 

Students take a break from cycling to hear from an instructor
“We’ve all realized we could be riding more and driving less, and I hope our students think about what it means for how we continue to live in this community,” Katanski said.
Lillian Deer ’26 said she was already interested in environmental sustainability and social justice before the class began, but didn’t know that bicycling could combine those themes.
Elliot Russell ’26 said the trip to Copenhagen with his classmates was eye opening for the contrast it provided between the bike infrastructure there versus in Kalamazoo. 

Russell worked with the Open Roads group, examining biking infrastructure at Kalamazoo Public Schools. Open Roads traditionally works with youths to put bikes in their hands through bike workshops, making the organization a good partner in creating a comprehensive guide to helping the schools be more bike friendly.  

“We went to Maple Street Middle School and Linden Grove Middle School to count how many bikes are on campus,” he said. “We counted the bike racks, surveyed the neighborhood in the constituent districts to also see what the infrastructure was like there. It all gave us a better idea of what the problems are and what the solutions could be. We wanted to advocate for students to have safer routes to school.” 

Russell said the trip to Copenhagen with his classmates was eye opening for the contrast it provided between the bike infrastructure there versus in Kalamazoo.  Copenhagen has a much stronger ingrained cycling culture despite its cold winters. The city, for example, plows its bike lanes at the same time or earlier than its roads. 

While the seminar wrapped up at the end of fall term, some of the students from Wheels of Change are keeping their projects in motion this winter, putting their heads together with their community partners to see whether the City of Kalamazoo, Open Roads and Kalamazoo College can work independently or in cooperation to build better bike infrastructure. 

“We’ve all realized we could be riding more and driving less, and I hope our students think about what it means for how we continue to live in this community,” Katanski said. “This term we drew on our experiences in Copenhagen to continue to develop relationships with our community partners, support bike culture on campus, and plan for future work. We’ve met on Zoom with an alum, Dan Goodman, who is the Mid-Atlantic Planning Director for Toole Design about his career path working on bike and pedestrian transportation; and spoke with community partner and co-op consultant Chris Dilley about cooperative organizational structures. Students also presented their projects at the Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference. We’re all looking forward to more riding and support of city bike infrastructure—and the launch of a K bike co-op—in the spring.” 

Fulbright Extends U.S. Student Program Top Producer Honors to K

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has named Kalamazoo College a Fulbright Top Producing Institution for U.S. Students. This recognition is given to the U.S. colleges and universities that received the highest number of applicants selected for the 2022-23 Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

K has four representatives in the U.S. Student Program, leading to the honor for the fifth time in the past six years. K is the only college in Michigan to earn the top producer distinction in the bachelor’s institution category.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers fellowships to graduating seniors, graduate students, young professionals and artists so they may teach English, perform research or study abroad for one academic year.

Many candidates apply for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program as graduating seniors, though alumni may apply as well. Graduating seniors apply through their institution. Alumni can apply as scholars through their institution or as at-large candidates.

K’s student representatives in 2022-23 and their host countries are Rebecca Chan, Taiwan; Libby Burton and Kiernan Dean-Hall, Germany; and Julia Bienstock, Spain. Associate Professor of Biology Santiago Salinas represents K as a Fulbright Scholar, and Matthew Flotemersch ’20 was accepted into Fulbright’s U.S. Teaching Assistant Program in Austria for 2022-23.

“This distinction reminds us of what intercultural experiences mean to our students and why Kalamazoo College is an exceptional model for learning on a global scale,” Center for International Programs Executive Director Margaret Wiedenhoeft said. “We’re extremely proud of all of this year’s Fulbright representatives and our status as international immersion leaders.”

About the Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program. It is also among the largest and most diverse exchange programs in the world.

Fulbright awards about 9,000 merit-based scholarships in the United States and more than 160 countries every year to accomplished students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals of all backgrounds and fields. Fulbrighters study, teach, conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to complex global challenges. Top-producing institutions are highlighted annually.

Rebecca Chan for Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Rebecca Chan ’22
Libby Burton '22
Libby Burton ’22

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, funded by an annual appropriation from Congress to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education.

“On behalf of President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken, congratulations to the colleges and universities recognized as 2022-2023 Fulbright Top Producing Institutions, and to all the applicants who were selected for the Fulbright Program this year,” said Lee Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. “Thanks to the visionary leadership of these institutions, administrators, and advisors, a new generation of Fulbrighters—changemakers, as I like to say—will catalyze lasting impact on their campus, in their communities and around the world.”

Kiernan Dean Hall
Kiernan Dean-Hall ’22
Fulbright Recipient Julia Bienstock 22
Julia Bienstock ’22

Matthew Flotemersch ’20

Top News Stories of Students in 2022 Reflect Outstanding Achievements

Kalamazoo College students exemplified academic excellence in the classroom along with outstanding achievements around campus and around the world in 2022. Based on your clicks, here are the top 10 news stories featuring K students from the past year. Watch for our top news stories of faculty and staff, alumni and the College coming soon.

10. Student’s Research Signals Trouble with Climate Change for Fish

Grace Hancock ’22 and her Senior Integrated Project (SIP) are proving that something fishy is going on with climate change. She is a great example of the women celebrated by the U.N. every February 11 on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Grace Hancock Analyzing Fish
Grace Hancock ’22

9. Chemistry Student Selected as National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

The National Science Foundation has selected Ola Bartolik ’22 as a Graduate Research Fellow to support her graduate career at the University of Michigan. The fellowship recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.

Ola Bartolik ’22

8. Phi Beta Kappa Chapter at K Welcomes Newest Inductees

The Delta of Michigan Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Kalamazoo College welcomed 42 inductees for 2022 at an induction ceremony on June 8.

The mission of the Phi Beta Kappa Society is to champion education in the liberal arts and sciences, foster freedom of thought and recognize academic excellence.

Phi Beta Kappa logo says, 'Dec 5, 1776'

7. Student Earns Alpha Lambda Delta Scholarship

For the first time in nearly 10 years, a Kalamazoo College student received a merit scholarship from Alpha Lambda Delta, the honor society for first-year academic success.

Shahriar Akhavan Tafti ’24 will receive one of 50 undergraduate scholarships worth $1,000 to $6,000 each, as the honor society issues a total of $105,000 nationally through the Jo Anne J. Trow Award.

Alpha Lambda Delta scholarship recipient Shahriar Akhavan Tafti ’24
Shahriar Akhavan Tafti ’24

6. Hundreds of Birds Plus Thousands of Miles Equals Student’s Big Year

Will Keller ’23 told the Audubon Society of Kalamazoo about his Big Year. For bird enthusiasts like Keller, a Big Year is a personal challenge or an informal competition to spot and identify as many bird species as possible within a calendar year in a specific geographic area.

Will Keller ’23

5. Bienstock Pushes K’s Fulbright Count to 5

Rebecca Chan ’22, Libby Burton ’22, Matthew Flotemersch ’20 and Kiernan Dean-Hall ’22 initially were chosen among about 1,900 students, artists and young professionals to represent the U.S. in about 140 countries for one academic year. Julia Bienstock ’22 later became the fifth K Fulbright recipient.

Fulbright Recipient Julia Bienstock_fb
Julia Bienstock ’22

4. Signing Day Spotlights Students Headed to Graduate School

Much like student-athletes would gather to sign letters of intent when formally selecting their collegiate destinations, six K chemistry students met to officially declare where they will attend graduate school.

Annie Tyler Signing Day_fb
Annie Tyler ’22

3. Kalamazoo Gardeners Beware: Student Unearths Jumping Worms

The Senior Integrated Project (SIP) of Katie Rock ’23, cataloging the earthworms inhabiting Lillian Anderson Arboretum, uncovered an invasive species never before officially documented within our city, the jumping worm.

Katie Rock smiling_fb
Katie Rock ’23

2. Eight Heyl Scholars Choose K

Eight Kalamazoo County high school students seeking to major in STEM-related fields have earned Heyl Scholarships to attend Kalamazoo College in the 2022-23 academic year. 

Annaliese Bol_fb
Annaliese Bol ’26

1. Woman’s Fall Tests LandSea Leaders’ Mettle, Training

Imagine being in a remote area of the Adirondack Mountains when you hear a scream. Darkness is falling and a storm is approaching. Would you know what to do? Ava Apolo ’25 and Julia Leet ’22 did.

LandSea Leaders Ava Apolo and Julia Leet_fb
Ava Apolo ’25 and Julia Leet ’22

First Album Spotlights K Student’s Music

Isabella Pellegrom Album Nomadic Tendencies
Isabella Pellegrom ’25 conducted a launch party
for her album, “Nomadic Tendencies,” at a sports bar
near her home in Minnesota and performed to rave
reviews in the nearby town of Pepin, Wisconsin.

It’s the time of year when Spotify and Apple Music users look forward to the apps revealing the artists, songs and genres they’ve listened to most and the statistics that surrounded them in 2022. But search for an artist less familiar, and you might find a new voice to appreciate: a Kalamazoo College student reaching new audiences and achievements with her first album.

Isabella Pellegrom ’25, from Eagan, Minnesota, has produced and released Nomadic Tendencies, a 10-track collection of her vocal talents. Spotify describes Pellegrom as a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter, who pulls inspiration from indie pop, soft rock and jazz, while embedding her own voice. As a storyteller, she hopes to find truth and unite others around her. The album reflects a journey of self-discovery and self-love to highlight the idea that everyone builds a wall and runs away only to return and appreciate the people who matter most in their lives.

That theme of running away followed by an inevitable return helped her realize the moment she finished writing the song Nomadic Tendencies that it would be the title track of her album.

“It was one of the first times I’d just written a song from front to end all in one go,” Pellegrom said. “It was cool to talk about this person who tends to go everywhere because they can’t really find their place. It worked because I realized it correlated to the story of this person throughout the album who is constantly going to new places, whether it’s for better or worse. She’s meeting new people or finding out more about herself, and so has these tendencies to always move around. I liked it because at the very end, it comes back to I’ll Come Home to You because she eventually finds out that her home is with the people who have always supported her.”

Pellegrom first discovered her love of music and singing when she was about 6 years old.

“I have an older sister and she had given me her old MP3 player,” Pellegrom said. “It had maybe 15 songs on it, and by the end of the first week I had it, I knew every lyric to every song that was on it. I sang along to them and pretended I was a little pop star. I loved it.”

Album Cover for Nomadic Tendencies
You can hear Isabella Pellegrom’s album, “Nomadic
Tendencies,” on all streaming platforms
including Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music.

Yet over the years, she became not only a vocalist, but an instrumentalist through guitar, saxophone and piano, and a songwriter whose talents and shared messages have grown with her.

“It’s funny to look back at the songs I first wrote because, when I was 10 years old, I would write and sing about things like fairy-tale princesses,” Pellegrom said. “It wasn’t anything that had to do with what was happening in my life. I would like to say I’ve improved since then. I’ve joined choirs, I’m in band (Academy Street Winds) at K now and I did jazz band in high school. I also just recently got into acapella (the student group Limelights) where I’ve learned to arrange music, which has helped me put together and break apart songs. Music is a huge part of my life and it’s nice that I’ve kept it separate from what I hope to do with my career. In that way, it’s allowed me to take off some pressure and just do it because I love it.”

While boating on the Mississippi River one day a couple of summers ago, Pellegrom’s family voted on which town they would stop in to find dinner. The decision turned out to be fateful.

“My mom and her friend, who had this little café, were just eating, when all of a sudden, the café had this live artist,” Pellegrom said. “The artist was Tim Cheesebrow, and my mom knew I wanted to get back into playing guitar. She was wondering if Tim taught lessons and he gave us his card.”

Pellegrom spent those lessons working on songwriting and collaboration.

“He helped me with my songwriting by saying that a lot of times it’s good to keep a continuous theme or have a main message,” Pellegrom said. “It was helpful because I ended up finishing a lot of my songs for those lessons. It was the first time I got to collaborate with someone in terms of songwriting. Through these lessons, I eventually had about 13 songs that I thought were great together. Tim also has his own at-home studio and he’s been producing music for a long time.”

Pellegrom recruited some fellow musicians, pared her songs to the 10 that worked best together, and produced Nomadic Tendencies at Cheesebrow’s studio.

“That’s what I spent the majority of my summer doing the year I came to K,” said Pellegrom, whose parents, Jeffrey ’88 and Mary ’88, also attended K along with a grandfather and some of her aunts and uncles. “I got help from other local musicians for the baselines and the drumming. Tim helped me out with the guitar and walked me through the whole process of what it takes to release it. It all felt like a fever dream at the time and it still kind of does. It’s now out in the world and I’m really proud of it.”

Pellegrom conducted a launch party at a sports bar near her home in Minnesota and performed to rave reviews in the nearby town of Pepin, Wisconsin. She has plans to release a second album, although when is not yet decided as she tries to balance an intended biochemistry major and music minor. Medical school is a possibility for her, too, one day. Yet in the meantime, she will enjoy the success of releasing Nomadic Tendencies.

You can hear Pellegrom’s music on all streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music; she performs covers on YouTube; and you can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok. Her website is

“I love it when people listen to it,” Pellegrom said. “The best part is realizing that I released it for me. I don’t really have any expectations for it. I don’t need for something to come from it. I just felt it was time to release it. I was ready to put this project that I’m really proud of into the world and move on to other songs and other projects. In terms of my goals for it, the main goal was to release it and hope that people who listen to it can enjoy it.”

Woman’s Fall Tests LandSea Leaders’ Mettle, Training

LandSea Leaders Ava Apolo and Julia Leet
LandSea leaders Julia Leet ’22 (left) and Ava Apolo ’25
received accolades from emergency medical services
officials after they helped a woman who had fallen,
causing a seven- to eight-inch gash on her leg that revealed a bone.

Imagine being in a remote area of the Adirondack Mountains with a companion when you hear something that sounds like a scream. A storm is approaching and darkness is falling. Not many people would instinctively know what to do or call on themselves to respond.

Ava Apolo ’25 and Julia Leet ’22, however, encountered that scenario as leaders this fall on LandSea, Kalamazoo College’s outdoor pre-orientation program that occurs before first-year students arrive on campus. They said the scream had the innocuous intonation of a bird call that Boy Scouts are known to use in the area, but it could’ve also been indicative of an emergency.

“We had set up camp at a location called High Rock, which is close to a canoe waterway,” Apolo said. “At first, we thought, ‘Who’s making that noise?’”

They decided to investigate. That’s when they found a woman who had fallen, causing a seven- to eight-inch gash on her leg that revealed a bone. Her adult daughter had screamed when she found her mom lying on the ground. The women had precious few supplies, no cell service and no way of getting help other than the two LandSea representatives.

“We determined it was safe for us to help, so Julia was the first to go down to their location with a med kit and I followed right after,” Apolo said.

Apolo and Leet knew exactly what to do. Both received wilderness medical training they were grateful to have as a part of their preparations for LandSea.

“Our patient wasn’t panicking and she communicated with us very well, which was helpful,” Apolo said. “Julia was the first on the patient, putting pressure on the wound, and I had a Garmin that works as a device for us to stay in contact with our directors. We also have an option to press SOS, which gave us a countdown and allowed us to talk with our directors and emergency response. I’d never had an experience with a real medical response like that. At first, I was freaking out inside, but I had to quickly flip a switch to act.”

The accident victim’s husband arrived on scene as it started to rain. Apolo and Leet had to cover their patient and begin thinking about what they might need to treat while brainstorming an evacuation plan.

“I definitely felt our training kick in,” Leet said. “We were following a scenario, except it was real life. We were taking her vitals, making sure our patient was as comfortable as possible. It was getting dark and we were making a lot of judgment calls as to the best way to help her. The family had arrived by canoe and they couldn’t canoe in the dark to get out. Our adrenaline was pumping.”

Many of those judgment calls were determined through Leet’s conversation with the fall victim.

“We’ve been taught that when someone falls, you have to be really sure that they didn’t hit their head because that can cause the most serious of injuries and you don’t often notice the signs of a head injury until a lot later, when it can be too late,” Leet said. “I consistently was asking her, ‘Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?’ and I was checking her LOC, which is level of consciousness. If that starts to go down, it’s an indication that there could be some sort of internal trauma to the brain.”

Their other concerns were for the victim’s loss of blood and her loss of feeling in her feet.

“She had a pretty big wound and I didn’t know what might’ve been severed,” Leet said. “I was consistently checking movement, circulation in her feet and stopping the bleeding.”

More than two hours into the rescue work, emergency medical services arrived on all-terrain vehicles.

“We had two fire department chiefs that showed up, two EMTs (emergency medical technicians), a forest ranger and some volunteers,” Apolo said. “The volunteers did the heavy lifting of getting her on a backboard.”

Once off the hill, the fall victim was taken into a U.S. Army helicopter.

“No private companies were allowing helicopters out at the time and the Army donated their services,” Apolo said. “Because of that, the patient and her family didn’t have to pay the thousands in hospital fees that a helicopter ride to the hospital would require.”

At this point, Apolo and Leet had finished their job. The family and first responders alike congratulated the K duo and expressed their appreciation.

“When they came down, they were prepared for the worst-case scenario,” Apolo said. “They realized her bleeding was stable, so they relaxed for a second, but were still quick about getting her evacuated. They said that we did a good job and there wasn’t anything different they had to do because Julia had also cleaned the wound once the bleeding stopped. They complimented us and the chiefs’ departments acknowledged on social media that we had responded, which was really cool.”

“Once the first responders came in, we were pretty much hands off,” Leet added. “We didn’t want to be in the way, which was kind of strange because we had spent a few hours talking to someone and we felt we got to know a good amount about her life. Then we knew that we would never see her again. The daughter expressed gratitude to us and so did the chiefs in the fire department, and then we tried to go on with our night.”

All that was left was the debriefing. LandSea and Outdoor Programs Director Jory Horner and Assistant Director of Outdoor Programs Jess Port had a bare minimum of information regarding the emergency after receiving the SOS, so it was necessary to update them and the LandSea logistics leaders.

“The only information Jess and Jory got when we pressed the SOS button on the Garmin was, ‘Patrol B1 pressed SOS,’” Apolo said. “They don’t get information of who was involved, so at first, they were concerned it was a participant. When it wasn’t, it took down their stress level. It was new for them to see how EMS brought in their response teams.”

Meanwhile, the first-year students were aware of what happened, but removed from the scene, which helped them keep each other calm. As soon as the fall victim was evacuated, Apolo and Leet had dinner with the first-year students and informed them of what transpired.

“When we had a group debrief, they didn’t express distress from the situation; this affirmed that they were not strongly affected by it and a good amount separated from what happened,” Apolo said.

Yet for the two wilderness emergency responders, the crisis was a life-changing experience within the already life-changing experience of LandSea.

“Having the experience helped me know how a similar experience might affect me emotionally, and also what I might want to consider more in an emergency in the future like the weather and keeping the patient warm,” said Apolo, a biochemistry major who is considering medical school and a career in emergency medicine or women’s health. “I would definitely feel more prepared should I need to do it again in the future.”

“I think it’s good evidence that I can do hard things,” Leet said. “I was a psychology and Spanish double major. I want to become a marriage and family therapist, and pursue psychology to a higher degree. Although it’s not always a medical crisis, a mental-health crisis isn’t all that different in how you respond to it, so I think this was great practice for me. This kind of scenario tests your ability to stay strong and communicative, while making the right choices as best as you can.”

Appreciation from the LandSea Director

“This accident had many conditions that made it very challenging: unstable weather and intermittent thunderstorms; a long rescue that lasted into the late evening, well after dark; and managing both their own group of students and a patient outside of their group, nearly 4 miles down a trail within a designated wilderness area, which does not allow motorized vehicles. Despite these challenges, Ava and Julia did a great job. They remained calm, cared for the patient and her family, communicated the important information to dispatch using their satellite messenger, and saw to it that their own group remained safe and comfortable amidst stormy conditions during the multi-hour ordeal. These are the kinds of situations that our leaders train for during the nine-day wilderness first responder training that they attend as part of their LandSea trip leader role, but handling a real patient and all of the variables of an extended evacuation in the outdoors still presents a lot of challenges. The crews from Star Lake and Cranberry Lake Fire and Rescue who responded to the scene and evacuated the patient to the trailhead made multiple comments about how impressed they were with Ava and Julia’s response and treatment on the scene. From our perspective, we were equally thankful that they and the DEC Forest Rangers could help with the challenging work of evacuating the patient to the trailhead. After the trip had concluded a few days later, we wanted to debrief their group to see if the students needed to process any of what happened that day. Apparently, Ava and Julia did such a great job of remaining calm and keeping their group comfortable during the rescue that the students on the trip seemed a little confused which day we were even talking about when we were referring to the ‘incident’ that they experienced. That, to me, was a real indication of how well they handled themselves—that they could juggle the various responsibilities of that day so well that for the students in their group it felt like ‘just another day.’”

— LandSea and Outdoor Programs Director Jory Horner

Political Internships Provide Experience, Connection for K Senior

Growing up in various countries overseas, Peter Fitzgerald ’23 considered northern Michigan to be home base. Now a series of political internships have helped the Kalamazoo College senior connect more with his adopted home and envision a possible future. 

With a dad who was a Foreign Services officer, Fitzgerald was born in Australia, and his parents now live in the Washington, D.C., area. In between, they lived in Denmark, Ukraine, Morocco and Belgium. 

Every summer, however, he would spend with his grandparents in northern Michigan. His mom and cousins would stay there, too. 

“We moved around so much,” Fitzgerald said. “That was a place to call home. In relation to other Foreign Service kids, it was unusual to have that kind of stability. I was always grateful to have that place that didn’t change.” 

Peter Fitzgerald playing tennis
Peter Fitzgerald ’23 has played tennis his four years at K in addition to being a member of College Democrats, playing classical guitar, singing in the choir and pursuing a double major in history and political science, minor in music, and concentration in American studies.
Political intern Peter Fitzgerald poses with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Peter Fitzgerald ’23 has completed three political internships in his time at K, including a summer 2022 internship with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office.

That sense of Michigan as home, combined with both a cousin and a Foreign Services acquaintance attending K and a K representative visiting Fitzgerald’s Belgium high school, made K the only school Fitzgerald even considered attending. After taking a gap year in Belgium, he started at K in fall 2019. 

Fitzgerald is a double major in history and political science. He is also working on a minor in music and a concentration in American studies. The K-Plan’s open curriculum has made it possible for him to explore a variety of interests and discover new ones. 

“I knew that I loved political science,” Fitzgerald said. “I didn’t really plan on doing another major besides that, and then I took a history course with Dr. Boyer Lewis and I just loved it.” 

He plays classical guitar and has sung in the choir, filled a leadership role in the College Democrats, and has played tennis all four years at K. 

“I feel that having those interests and having a lot of leeway in what courses you take connects you to a lot more of the school than you otherwise would have the opportunity to experience,” Fitzgerald said. 

At the beginning of winter term his first year, Fitzgerald was on Handshake looking for opportunities outside campus when he came across internships in Democrat Jon Hoadley’s 2020 U.S. House campaign for Michigan’s 6th congressional district, which includes Kalamazoo. 

“I was curious if there was something I could do, along with my academics, to get to know the Kalamazoo area better,” Fitzgerald said. 

He worked on Hoadley’s campaign, primarily making phone calls and canvassing, for about two months before the COVID-19 shutdown sent him to his parents in D.C. 

“It was rewarding getting a start in the political world,” Fitzgerald said.  

It was rewarding enough that when summer 2021 rolled around, Fitzgerald sought out another political internship, this time with Darrin Camilleri ’14, a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, representing District 23, south of Detroit. 

Come summer 2022, Fitzgerald applied via Handshake for an internship with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office. He took advantage of K connections, reaching out to Christopher Yates ’83, who also played tennis at K and was recently appointed a Court of Appeals judge by Whitmer, to ask if Yates had any connections within the campaign. Within a couple days, Fitzgerald was contacted for an interview, and soon after that, he was in Detroit working for the governor’s office for three months. 

This internship involved a lot of planning, coordinating and logistics for small business stops, community events and constituency groups, such as Native Americans for Whitmer.  

“I would reach out to the small business owner, or whoever, make a plan, promote it and get people to attend,” Fitzgerald said. “We would drive to these events, two and a half, three hours, for a 15-minute visit with the governor. It wasn’t glamorous a lot of the time, but it felt really important, meaningful and worthwhile. It felt like we were making a difference.” 

The internships have affirmed Fitzgerald’s interest in political work, perhaps with the State Department, and helped him envision some of the possibilities that lie along that path. 

“I learned a lot,” Fitzgerald said. “I met a lot of people who could probably make more money doing other jobs, but they’re working for something that they believe in fundamentally. I felt like I had a relationship with Michigan, from spending my summers here growing up, but this job opened my eyes to people’s lives that I wouldn’t normally have interacted with. I still think I’m on a path where I’d like to work for the federal government, but also, I can see that people’s issues are really localized. People care about what’s in front of them.” 

Working for the governor’s office was both humbling and uplifting for Fitzgerald. 

“People have come up to me and asked me about issues in Michigan thinking that I had power over policy issues,” he said. “Even though I couldn’t do anything, just to be able to listen to people and share with someone who had that power felt really meaningful.” 

The internships also helped Fitzgerald draw connections between coursework and real life. 

“It makes an experience a lot more meaningful when you are able to make connections,” Fitzgerald said. “Whether it was from my American history course or my political science course, there were pertinent things I could draw from in relation to the issues we were talking about this summer. I am also bringing things I’ve done on this campaign back to K.” 

Connections to people have also been key to Fitzgerald’s K experience. Networking and professional contact with alumni such as Camilleri and Yates, personal interest from President Jorge G. Gonzalez, academic inspiration from Professor of History and Director of the American Studies and the Women, Gender and Sexuality programs Charlene Boyer Lewis ’87, and guidance from men’s tennis Head Coach Mark Riley all combine to make K feel like a new home base for Fitzgerald. 

“I think initially, I had some dissonance between knowing that I’m from here but never having lived really in the U.S.,” Fitzgerald said. “I felt out of my element for a time, but the people, my mentors and the friends that I have now, made it possible for me to feel like even though I did come with a different background, even though I felt maybe a little discombobulated at first, that there were people that I could rely on and who would support me.” 

Kalamazoo College Unveils Spring 2022 Dean’s List

Two students sit on the Quad during the Spring 2022 term
Congratulations to the students who qualified for the Spring 2022 Dean’s List.

Congratulations to the following Kalamazoo College students, who achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or better for a full-time course load of at least three units, without failing or withdrawing from any course, during the Spring 2022 academic term. Students who elect to take a letter-graded course on a credit/no credit basis (CR/NC) are not eligible for Dean’s List consideration during that term. Nor are students who receive an F, NC or W grade for that particular term. Students with incomplete (I) or in-progress (IP) grades will be considered for the Dean’s List upon receipt of their final grades. Dean’s List recognition is posted on students’ transcripts. Kudos to the entire group for Spring 2022.

Spring 2022


Shannon Abbott
Morgan Acord
Khalil Adams
Isaac Agranoff
Kelley Akerley
Shahriar Akhavan Tafti
Rachel Alarcio
Adnan Alousi
Lana Alvey
Farida Amini
Darsalam Amir
Olivia Anderson
Paige Anderson
Mia Andrews
Ava Apolo
Alexandra Armin
Lora Armstrong


Tolkien Bagchi
Annalise Bailey
Lindsey Baker
Chloe Baker
McKenzi Baker
Elizabeth Ballinger
Madison Barch
Samuel Barczy
Abigail Barnum
Kristy Barrett
Aleksandra Bartolik
Hunter Bates
Mitchell Baty
Jenna Beach
Blake Bean
Cameron Beauregard
Annabel Bee
Curtis Bell
Carolyn Bennett
Maci Bennett
Thomas Bentley
Anthony Berkimer
Jonah Beurkens
Anna Binkley
Katherine Black
Nora Blanchard
Rose Bogard
Zachary Borden
Sam Boritzki
Daphne Bos
Mairin Boshoven
Holly Bowling
Haylee Bowsher
Emily Braunohler
Austin Bresnahan
Lauren Bretzius
Penelope Brewer
Eamon Bronson
Jonathan Brunette
Anna Buck
Anna Budnick
Marilu Bueno
Thomas Buffin
Elizabeth Burton
Lauren Bussell


Jacob Callaghan
Grace Cancro
Vanessa Cardenas
John Carlson
Chloe Carlson
Isabella Caza
Alexandra Chafetz
Jessica Chaidez
Iris Chalk
Connor Charamella
Josetta Checkett
Emily Cheng
Benjamin Chosid
Kennedy Christl
An-Ting Chu
Maile Church
Madeleine Coffman
Sedona Coleman
Quinn Collins
Rowan Cook
Kyle Cooper
Indigo Corvidae
Haley Crabbs
Violet Crampton
Abigail Crocker
Lilian Crowder Smith
Emma Curcuru


Nicholas Dailey
Shayla Dailey
Beatrix Damashek
Kylah Davis
Emma Davis-Rodak
Claire de Vries
Tali Deaner
Kiernan Dean-Hall
Sophie Decker
Julia Del Olmo Parrado
Ethan DeNeen
Catherine Dennis
Sarah Densham
Olivia Depauli
Vincent DeSanto
Laura DeVilbiss
Liam Diaz
Sofia Diaz
Melissa Diaz Cabrera
Brooke Dolhay
Marissa Dolorfino
Adam Dorstewitz
Rorie Dougherty
Sydney Dowdell
Ryan Drew
Imalia Drummond
Patrick Dunfee
Katia Duoibes
Hannah Durant
Gina Dvorin


Eli Edlefson
Jairo Eguia
Alden Ehrhardt
Carter Eisenbach
Sara Elfring
Rebecca Elias
Adaora Emenyonu
Sara English
Justin Essing
Gabrielle Evans
Sam Ewald


Olivia Fairbank
Ella Faris
Colton Farley
Madalyn Farrey
Andreas Fathalla
Emma Fergusson
Janet Fernandez
Anna Fetter
Samuel File
Morgan Fischer
Peter Fitzgerald
Julia Fitzgerald
Parker Foster
Caroline Francis
Grace Frazier
Caelan Frazier
Emma Frederiksen
Hana Frisch
Tristan Fuller
William Fulton


Ethan Galler
Kaitlin Gandy
Ana Garcia
Aliza Garcia
Brynna Garden
Grace Garver
Trish Gatsi
Johanna Ghazal
Farah Ghazal
Julia Ghazal
Griffin Gheen
Georgios Gkolois
Max Gordon
Lillian Grelak
Elizabeth Grooten
Natalie Gross
Matthew Gu
Zoe Gurney


Sophia Haas
Aiden Habboub
Yoichi Haga
Emma Hahn
Emily Haigh
Grace Hancock
Vien Hang
Garrett Hanson
Madeline Harding
Eleanor Harris
Lucy Hart
Isabelle Hawkes
Tanner Hawkins
Beatrice Hawkins
Wallis Hechler
Hannah Heeren
Megan Herbst
Maya Hester
Ella Heystek
Sierra Hieshetter
Sam Hoag
Garrick Hohm
Thomas Hole
Julia Holt
Benjamin Homminga
Cole Horman
Joseph Horsfield
Molly Horton
Charles Horvath
Tyler Houle
Gavin Houtkooper
Sharon Huang
Jakob Hubert
Samuel Hughes
Audrey Huizenga
Lukas Hultberg
Trevor Hunsanger
Madelaine Hurley
Benjamin Hyndman


Juan Ibarra
Jalen Iereneo


Angela Jacobo
Colton Jacobs
Ashani Jewell
Ryan Johnson
Ellie Jones
Maxwell Joos


Amalia Kaerezi
Kiana Kanegawa
Judah Karesh
Timothy Karubas
Maria Kasperek
Ava Keller
Meaghan Kelly
Ella Kelly
Blake Kelsey
Samuel Kendrick
David Kent
Roze Kerr
Mahum Khan
Hunter Kiesling
Jackson Kiino-Terburg
Meghan Killmaster
Vivian Kim
Joshua Kim
Si Yun Kimball
Lily Kindle
Mikayla Kindler
Isabella Kirchgessner
Alaina Kirschman
Alexander Kish
Joergen Klakulak
Sofia Klein
Lena Klemm
Allison Klinger
Steven Kloosterman
Ella Knight
Marie Kohrman
Anexy Koizumi
Cole Koryto
Daniel Koselka
Marissa Kovac
Katherine Kraemer
Christian Kraft
Brandon Kramer
Rachel Kramer
Nikolas Krupka
Kieya Kubert-Davis
Koshiro Kuroda


Onora Lancaster
Jordon Larco
Kathryn Larick
Annmarie Lawrence
Madeleine Lawson
Lam Phuong Le
Grace Leahey
Dillon Lee
Margaret Lekan
Alejandra Lemus
Sydney Lenzini
Ellie Lepley
Ginamarie Lester
Kelsey Letchworth
Milan Levy
Sage Lewis
Thomas Lichtenberg
Connor Lignell
Cassandra Linnertz
Sichun Liu
Luis Lizardo-Rodriguez
Ava Loncharte
Alvaro Lopez Gutierrez
Ellie Lotterman
Madeline Lovins
Teresa Lucas
Nicholas Lucking
Isabella Luke


Selina Ma
Deven Mahanti
Samantha Major
Natalie Maki
Andrew Mallon
Angela Mammel
Arjun Manyam
Lesly Mares-Castro
Victoria Marquez Gomez
Isabel Martin
Molly Martinez
Stephanie Martinez
Gracen Martini-Zeller
Harshpreet Matharu
Kanase Matsuzaki
Lillian Mattern
Nicholas Matuszak
Claire McCall
Lauren McColley
Dylan McGorisk
Leo McGreevy
Ashlynne McKee
Grace McKnight
Abbey McMillian
Amy McNutt
Zaydee Menchaca
Crystal Mendoza
Sophia Merchant
Eva Metro-Roland
Luke Middlebrook
Cooper Mills
Jade Milton
Jazmine Minchaca
Andrejs Minka
Ameera Mirza
Lauren Mitchell
Caleb Mitchell-Ward
Lina Moghrabi
Raven Montagna
Brooklyn Moore
Mackenzie Moore
Aiden Morgan
Ryan Morgan
Isabel Morillo
Martin Morison
Samantha Moss
Arein Motan
Phumuzile Moyo
Elliot Mrak
Matthew Mueller
Miles Muirhead
Jasmin Murillo
Anna Murphy
Madison Murphy
Ryan Muschler
Rishaan Muthanna


Alex Nam
Blagoja Naskovski
Matthew Nelson
Nicholas Nerhood
Alexis Nesbitt
Elizabeth Nestle
Nguyen Nguyen
Char Nieberding
Alexandra Noel
Malin Nordmoe
Caroline Norton
Rohan Nuthalapati


Ileana Oeschger
Alina Offerman
Larkin O’Gorman
Akinyi Okero
Emma Olson
Tyler Omness
Gabe Orosan-Weine
Eliana Orozco
Olivia Oswald
Fatima Ortega
Gunzi Otj


Ella Palacios
Joshua Pamintuan
Jenna Paterob
Isabella Pellegrom
Kaitlin Peot
Anthony Peraza
Ilene Perea-Sanchez
Alexander Perry
Addison Peter
Devon Peters
Scott Peters
Michael Peterson
Eve Petrie
Sydney Pickell
Benjamin Pickrel
Megan Ploucha
Elaine Pollard
Evan Pollens-Voigt
Noah Prentice
Lucas Priemer
Elena Pulliam
Mason Purdy
Noah Pyle


Luma Qashou
Aarzoo Qureshi


Elle Ragan
Savera Rajendra-Nicolucci
Julia Rambo
Jessie Ramirez
Ali Randel
Dominic Rascon-Powell
Clarice Ray
Sara Reathaford
Laura Reinaux Silva Oliveira
Kelli Rexroad
Zoe Reyes
Keegan Reynolds
Maxwell Rhames
Sheldon Riley
Ashley Rill
Katherine Rock
Jocelyn Rodriguez
Reyna Rodriguez
Lily Rogowski
Joshua Roman
Luke Rop
Alec Rosenbaum
Panayiotis Rotsios
Mia Roukema
Matia Rourke
Tabitha Rowland
Oliver Rubin
Marcus Rucker
Charlotte Ruiter
Angel Ruiz


Tyler Sakalys-Moore
Richard Sakurai-Kearns
Sydney Salgado
Ethan Sandusky
Leslie Santos
Isabel Schantz
Leo Schinker
Vivian Schmidt
Zoe Celeste Schneberger
D.J. Schneider
Eden Schnurstein
Lia Schroeder
Madeline Schroeder
Beth Schulman
Audrey Schulz
Hannah Schurman
Aleksander Scott
Nilah Seals
Ruby Seiwerath
Delores Shackelford
Usaid Bin Shafqat
Isabella Shapiro
William Shaw
Steven Shelton
Cassidy Short
Joseph Shumunov
Josie Shuster
Emma Sidor
Petra Sierra
Samantha Silverman
Kiersten Sjogren
Colby Skinner
Meganne Skoug
Pieter Slager
Austin Smith
Olivia Smith
Ping Smith
Owen Smith
Grace Snyder
Jack Soderberg
Asante Solomon
Allison Sokacz
Hanis Sommerville
Erin Somsel
Larissa Soto
Jonah Spates
Maxwell Spitler
Camran Stack
David Stechow
Joseph Stein
Eleanor Stevenson
Meredith Steward
Emma Stickley
Hayden Strobel
Eller Studinger
Hannah Summerfield
Matthew Swarthout
Kaleb Sydloski
Ella Szczublewski


Chau Ta
Samuel Tagget
Madison Talarico
Claire Tallio
Nicole Taylor
Claire Taylor
Suja Thakali
Kaia Thomas
Levi Thomas
Kaytlyn Tidey
Sophia Timm-Blow
Simon Topf
Danielle Treyger
Frances Trimble
Mary Trimble
Nghia Trinh
Maria Tripodis
May Tun
Aija Turner
Oliver Tye


Duurenbayar Ulziiduuren
Tristan Uphoff
Ifeoma Uwaje


Christopher Van Alstine
Megan Vandyke
Emma Van Houten
Samantha Vande Pol
Hannah Vander Lugt
Cameron VanGalder
Josseline Vazquez
America Vilchis
Nathan Vogel
Lucille Voss
Jessalyn Vrieland
Thanh Vu


Joseph Wade
Ava Wagle
Megan Walczak
Elle Waldron
Andre Walker
Lucinda Wallis
Madison Walther
Elizabeth Wang
McKenna Wasmer
Riley Weber
Margaret Wedge
Elias Wennen
Emerson Wesselhoff
Samantha White
Tanner White
Dylan Wickey
Katelyn Williams
Skai Williams
Carson Williams
Riley Wilson
Jordyn Wilson
Joshua Wilson
Laurel Wolfe
Zachary Worthing
Lydia Wright
Kevin Wu


Lingrui Xiang


Elyse Yost
Mikayla Youngman
Hillary Yousif


Maddie Zang
Camryn Zdziarski-West
Jacob Zeller
Margaret Zorn

Record Your History, Expand Your Research During National Library Week

National Library Week
The physical building is closed during distance learning, but National Library Week running through April 25, provides plenty reason for students to engage the Kalamazoo College library.

Current events are providing an additional reason to engage with Kalamazoo College’s library during National Library Week, April 19-25.

Thanks to College Archivist Lisa Murphy and her colleagues, members of the K community have an opportunity to document this unique time in our history by recording their COVID-19 pandemic-related stories and experiences in the College’s collections. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are eligible to participate.

“The COVID-19 pandemic will forever define the year 2020,” College Archivist Lisa Murphy said. “Fifty years from now Kalamazoo College students and other researchers will want to know what it was like to be a student during this time. How did they cope with the sudden switch to online learning? Was social distancing difficult? Were they scared? What did they do for fun if they were confined indoors? This pandemic has already changed lives and capturing these stories now will help to document how not just the college, but the world, has transformed.”

When their submissions are made, participants will have the option to remain anonymous or to make their work available for research or publication after a certain time period has elapsed. Read the Archives website for information about how to participate.

In regards to other services, students, faculty and staff are commending the library and its staffers for continuing to connect them with reference materials and resources through the term in distance learning.

“We curate online resources for our students, faculty and staff so they don’t have to rely on an overwhelming amount of information,” Library Director Stacy Nowicki said. “The easiest thing is to Google the information you need. But we can help you determine what the best resources are that aren’t going to show up in Google. “And sometimes the resources we pay for aren’t as intuitive, but they are more authoritative. We can teach people how to use the technology and add depth to their experience when they do research or prepare for class.”

For example:

  • If you’re not sure where to begin with your projects or assignments, the online Research Guides can help you get started. Check out the A to Z List of Databases if you know what specific resource you want to use.
  • Reference librarians can help students and faculty find the ideal resources they need for their daily assignments and research. They’re available for individual consultations through email, web calls and virtual chats in teams. Sign up for an appointment with them at​. If you have a specific question, submit through the ask a librarian online form.
  • If you’re looking for a specific book or journal, easy online resources are at your fingertips. Find journals online through the BrowZineYou can also access online journals and thousands of ebooks through Library OneSearch.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) supplements the library’s resources by providing materials not available on campus. Through ILL, students, faculty and staff may obtain materials such as books, chapters, and journal articles that are not available in the library collection.  To request materials through Interlibrary Loan, complete and submit a request form in the Interlibrary Loan system.

For further summaries of available library services, check out the guide for faculty and the guide for students online. The guides will be updated as more services and resources become available.