Due Dates
Friday, February 21, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET: Student application with all materials is due
Monday, February 24th, 2025 by 5 p.m. Due date for references to submit their form.
Selection as a 2025-26 academic year President’s Student Ambassador (PSA) recognizes one as a Kalamazoo College student leader and provides them with networking and, social opportunities and experiences. PSAs are trained in hospitality and professional etiquette. President’s Student Ambassadors also possess characteristics that allow them to actively and confidently engage with alumni, parents and friends of K.
To apply and learn more, explore this website! For questions, contact Laurel Palmer, Coordinator, President’s Student Ambassador program at Laurel.Palmer@kzoo.edu, via Teams or by calling 269.337.7282.
Apply to be a PSA!
PSA applications have closed for the 2025-2026 year. You can review the PSA responsibilities and application requirements, and stay tuned for the application to open in January 2026!
In the meantime, please feel free to preview the application questions to get a head start in the process.
Responsibilities of PSAs
- Understand and abide by the College’s Honor System and the Kalamazoo College Student Code of Conduct.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Convey the positive energy and spirit of Kalamazoo College via strong communication skills.
- Demonstrate leadership ability through academic life, student life and/or community engagements.
- Write thank-you notes to alumni and event attendees.
- Prioritize orientation, meetings and events in your schedule and commitments.
- Attend the Spring Quarter Celebration and welcome dinner, typically held during 9th or 10th week.
- Connect current students and networks with opportunities to learn more about philanthropy, why giving back to K with time, talent, and treasure are part of a vibrant K community.
Application Information
- Application Due Date: President’s Student Ambassador applications are due by Friday, February 21, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
- References: You are required to provide two references from faculty, staff, internship mentor, campus employer or student leader. Only one student leader reference is permitted. References need to complete and submit their form by Monday, February 24th at 5 p.m. ET.
- Tip: Please begin your application early, the application allows you to save it and go back to complete it at a later time. It is recommended that you provide references with ample time to complete the reference form. Starting the application early will be helpful in completing your application by the due date, including getting references completed by the due date.
Application Requirements
- Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior during their first year of service
- Students applying to serve during their junior year should be on campus during fall and winter quarters. If you plan to study abroad or away during fall 2025 and winter 2026 quarters, please defer your application to Winter 2026.
- Students applying to serve during their Senior year must be able to serve the entire senior year. If you are a senior and think you may complete the College’s credit requirements prior to June 2026, please do not plan to apply for this role. It is important that senior ambassadors are actively on campus for all quarters their senior year.
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Provide a current resume
- Provide the name and email address to two references
- Commit to attend:
- Orientation early in Fall Quarter. Orientation is a requirement for participation. Orientation typically falls during second week.
- Attend bi-weekly meetings with the program coordinator held on Monday Common Time from 11-11:45 a.m. during each academic quarter. You may not sign up for PE classes that meet during Common Time, on Mondays, if you wish to serve as an ambassador.
- Participate in events both on- and off-campus with President Gonzalez and/or other campus community leaders (note that most, if not all events are held on campus). Refer to connect with PSAs for examples of some (not all) events.
- Commit to a one-year appointment, subject to renewal after an annual assessment.
- Applicants serving during their senior year will also be asked to commit to a K volunteer opportunity as young alumni.
- All new ambassadors will be invited to attend a meeting with current ambassadors during Ninth Week or Tenth Week.
Please note: Interviews will be held in person. For students studying abroad or away, interviews will be conducted via Microsoft Teams video chat.
Preview of Application Questions
Do you prefer to type your answers in a document and then copy and paste the answers at a later time? Copy the following list of questions to get started.
Demographic Information
- Name
- Optional: Preferred First Name or Nickname
- Preferred Pronouns
- K Student ID Number
- K Student Email (Required)
- Alternate Email
- Mobile Phone
- Hometown
Location for Fall 2025
- Are you planning on attending classes on campus during the Fall of 2024 quarter?
- Note: If you are not attending classes on campus during fall 2025, we ask that you defer your application to winter 2026. You will not be able to submit an application.
- Where will you be studying in Winter 2026?
- Where will you be studying in Spring 2026?
Kalamazoo College Student Experience
- Class Year
- Optional: Major(s)
- Optional: Minor(s)
- Optional: Concentration(s)
- Have you participated in LandSea?
- Please enter your study abroad and/or away location(s) (if applicable)
- Senior Integrated Project Topic (if applicable)
More About You
- Campus Involvements and Civic Engagements: Please list your campus involvements and civic engagement experiences. Briefly describe how they have contributed to your personal and leadership development.
- What Makes You an Ideal Candidate: Describe what makes you an ideal candidate for the role of President’s Student Ambassador.
- Transformational K Experience: What is your favorite or most transformational experience so far at Kalamazoo College? Why?
- Share Your K Story: You meet a high school student thinking about applying to K. Elaborate on both the positive aspect of your K experience as well as any challenges.
- Importance of Philanthropy: How does charitable giving by alumni and others enhance your Kalamazoo College experience?
- Do you have any family members who have attended or graduated from Kalamazoo College?
Required Documents
- Please upload a current resume.
Reference Information
- Two reference requirement: Please enter information for two references. References can come from a mentor, faculty, staff, student leader etc. who can best speak to our skills, abilities, and attitude. They should have relatively recent experience with you. Examples may include (but are not limited to) an instructor/professor who knows you, an internship or volunteer supervisor, or a campus employer.
- Student leaders: Only one student leader reference is permitted.
- Next steps: After submitting your full application, your references will receive an email to complete a reference request form by 5 p.m. ET, Monday, February 24, 2025.
- Plan accordingly: Although you can save this form and continue it at a later time, note that references will not receive the reference request form until you complete your submission.
- Reference #1 Name, Title, Email
- Reference #2 Name, Title, Email
- Consent and Agreement
- By checking the box, I give permission for my academic records and conduct records to be accessed and reviewed to ensure a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is maintained and that I remain in good disciplinary standing with the College and the Honor System.
If you would like to learn more about Kalamazoo College’s President’s Student Ambassadors program, please contact:
Laurel Palmer
Coordinator, President’s Student Ambassadors program