Drama in Yugoslavia

John Petrakis ʼ74 chose one of those roads less traveled—study abroad (and acting) in Yugoslavia.

2 thoughts on “Drama in Yugoslavia

  1. Interesting, but John should consider an even more important cultural experience the time he visited the home of his first K roommate. Not many people have heard of the great underground metropolis of Sodus and even fewer have sojourned there. Likely the experience was too overwhelming and an enlightening venture was squandered. Alas!

  2. Fantastic experience John! I love traveling to the many countries that now comprise former Yugoslavia. Your experience in Belgrade and Dubrovnik must have been amazing, since Yugoslavia was behind the Iron Curtain and travel was restricted. I particularly enjoyed the theater district of Belgrade, and Dubrovnik is a must-see in travel to the area. I remember being impressed by your Foreign Study experience back in the day!

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