The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life encourages all students—religious, spiritual and atheist—to deepen their roots by exploring their beliefs, asking big questions and connecting with others across religious divides. Students are invited to intertwine spirituality with their academic, intellectual, and emotional growth throughout their four years at K.
Cozy up in the Cavern
Always stocked with cookies and tea—and weekly therapy dogs—the cavern is a welcoming space for students to relax, study and gather in community. For students looking for a place on campus to pray, the Cavern has fully equipped prayer spaces and wudu stations.

Grow and Explore your Faith
Faith Groups on Campus
Interfaith Student Leaders
A cohort of students from varied religious backgrounds who ask crucial life questions, reflect on their beliefs and learn about the world’s many faith traditions.
Hillel at K
The Kalamazoo College chapter of Hillel, a Jewish student organization that creates a place of belonging as students continue their spiritual growth.
Muslim Student Association
A space for Muslims on campus to join in community and share in faith.
Space for Grace
A Christian student organization for biblical formation and community building.
The Coven
A Wiccan student organization that focuses on exploring and practicing pagan beliefs.

Retreats and Activities
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life plans structured opportunities to reflect during pivotal moments of a student’s time at K—first-year orientation, major declaration, re-entry from study abroad, etc. Past events include bread baking, interfaith dinners, silent retreats, campus screams and guest lectures.

Local Places of Worship
The College maintains close ties with local spiritual and religious leaders and can help connect students with a place of worship that fits their beliefs.
Students of all faith backgrounds are also invited to join scheduled visits to places of worship in and around the Kalamazoo area. These trips are a moment for students to gain interfaith skills and gain a deeper understanding of other religions.

Community Reflection
Community Reflections are weekly gatherings where individuals, departments or student organizations share their experiences, work and ideas with the larger campus community. Topics for Community Reflection are dependent on the group hosting each week; past events have included reflections on masculinity, queerness on campus, black joy, religious identity, and being a student-athlete
Meet our Chaplain
In addition to managing the programming of the office, the Kalamazoo College Chaplain provides pastoral support and insight for all members of the College community.

Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Hakken Candido
Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Rev. Liz is a graduate of Kalamazoo College ’00, Harvard Divinity School and Chicago Theological Seminary. Before returning to K, Liz served as the Presbyterian Campus Minister at The Ohio State University and as an Associate Pastor at Worthington Presbyterian Church, OH.
Contact Information
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life website
For wedding reservations call 269.337.7138