A K education is challenging; we push our students to think critically about complex, real-world problems. While, ultimately, students are responsible for their own learning, they will have a whole team of people available to help them acclimate to K’s academic caliber and grow into their potential.
Professors and Teaching Assistants

Thanks to K’s small class sizes, our professors are able to give individual students the attention they need to thrive in the classroom. Each faculty member additionally holds weekly office hours where students are encouraged to stop in to ask questions or to just connect on a more personal level.
Additionally, many courses—especially those with larger class sizes or that require one-on-one instruction—have teaching assistants (TAs) who assist the professor and offer supplemental academic support. TAs are typically students who have already taken the class and excelled in the course material, making them an ideal resource for current students.
Academic Advisors

During orientation, students are assigned an academic advisor who will serve as their primary champion throughout their four years at K. Academic advisors are current faculty and staff who are knowledgeable about graduation requirements, resources on campus and ongoing student opportunities.
Each student meets with their academic advisor at least once per term to check in on their K-Plan: what classes they want to take, what they need to do to prepare for study abroad, how to find internships and other experiential education opportunities, and how to plan for their senior integrated project (SIP).
Peer Support at the Learning Commons
The Learning Commons is a network of peer-run academic support centers that help students strengthen their academic skills. Notably, the Learning Commons consists of:
The Writing Center
The Writing Center helps hone students’ natural writing and editing talents by providing them with constructive feedback on their assignments and strategies to improve their writing processes.
Library Research Center
The Library Research Center assists students with navigating our library databases and finding sources for their research questions.
Center for New Media Design
The Center for New Media Design is committed to supporting students during all stages of the design process, including creating and designing presentations, posters, flyers, illustrations, infographics, photographs and brochures.
Math and Physics Center
The Math and Physics Center guides students to find answers for themselves by asking leading questions and comparing the problem to material they have already mastered.
Biology and Chemistry Center
The Biology and Chemistry Center offers tutoring services for many introductory classes, including Evolution and Genetics, Form and Function, Composition and Structure, Chemical Reactivity, and Organic Chemistry.
Business and Economics Center
The Business and Economics Center offers supplemental instruction for entry-level courses, including Principles of Economics, Principles of Accounting, and Statistics for Business and Economics.
Learning Support
Learning Support gives neurodivergent students guidance in developing the skills they need to be successful at K: study habits, note-taking, time management, and other learning strategies.
English as a Second Language Center
The English as a Second Language Center offers support and consultation for non-native speakers to work on writing, presentations and public speaking.